The affect of gambling on sports is well known. How about the Black Sox. How about point shaving in basketball to influence the final score and possibly not the win. With being given points to make the betting even, point shaving also now must occur in football. Do you really think things have gotten better with more widespread betting and more money being bet on games? When the calls by refs are poor against one team at the begining of the game and you see the same happening at the end of the game to cause a different outcome, you have to suspect betting is why. How come some glaring penalties right in front of a ref or two are ignored, and then other minor ones normally never penalized are suddenly called against a team. It's easy for the refs to determine the outcome of a game if the scores are close, and they do. There's so much money involved in football and other sports that anyone involved in the game should be suspect, from the league itself down to the players, and certainly the refs.
Well said and exactly what I have been thinking is happening. We just need to get organized crime to put their money on Purdue.