Jesus is Mocked By Harris & Supporters @ Rally

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
Jesus is Mocked by K2 & her K2ites @ Rally.....just days after being the first candidate since Montadale who skipped the Catholic Charity dinner.

So within a week K2 has.....
Insulted Christians.
Insulted all Catholics.

And apparently is pretty joyful about it.

Just a note to @BNIBoiler and all Dem Christians........ You are NOT welcome in your party.

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
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Jesus is Mocked by K2 & her K2ites @ Rally.....just days after being the first candidate since Montadale who skipped the Catholic Charity dinner.

So within a week K2 has.....
Insulted Christians.
Insulted all Catholics.

And apparently is pretty joyful about it.

Just a note to @BNIBoiler and all Dem Christians........ You are NOT welcome in your party.

lol she didn’t mock Jesus. She said nothing about Jesus or religion or anything. You are so terrible at gaslighting.

But hey, maybe she should have just talked about Arnold Palmers dick like your boy did yesterday.
lol she didn’t mock Jesus. She said nothing about Jesus or religion or anything. You are so terrible at gaslighting.

But hey, maybe she should have just talked about Arnold Palmers dick like your boy did yesterday.
Mutilating genitalia >>>>> talking about genitalia.
Mutilating genitalia >>>>> talking about genitalia.

Not sure what that's about as some NON Purdue Grads are blocked.

Harris has a strong history of Anti faith statements and actions. The article covers her Anti Christian, Anti Catholic history....
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Jesus is Mocked by K2 & her K2ites @ Rally.....just days after being the first candidate since Montadale who skipped the Catholic Charity dinner.

So within a week K2 has.....
Insulted Christians.
Insulted all Catholics.

And apparently is pretty joyful about it.

Just a note to @BNIBoiler and all Dem Christians........ You are NOT welcome in your party.

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
Harris said nothing against religion in that rally. While she was talking about pro choice the hecklers interrupted and she told them to go to the other rally.

The person that mocked religion was Chump when he and his govt Flavor Aiders walked across the street to the church where he held the Bible upside down. Then at the Catholic, Al Smith dinner during his time at the podium he’s cussin and making an ass of himself as usual.
Harris said nothing against religion in that rally. While she was talking about pro choice the hecklers interrupted and she told them to go to the other rally.

The person that mocked religion was Chump when he and his govt Flavor Aiders walked across the street to the church where he held the Bible upside down. Then at the Catholic, Al Smith dinner during his time at the podium he’s cussin and making an ass of himself as usual.

The HATE comes through in your posts. That's what happens when worldly concerns Trump everything.
Time to reflect🤔
Harris said nothing against religion in that rally. While she was talking about pro choice the hecklers interrupted and she told them to go to the other rally.

The person that mocked religion was Chump when he and his govt Flavor Aiders walked across the street to the church where he held the Bible upside down. Then at the Catholic, Al Smith dinner during his time at the podium he’s cussin and making an ass of himself as usual.
Does your mindless love of the dems exceed your religious opposition to abortion?
The HATE comes through in your posts. That's what happens when worldly concerns Trump everything.
Time to reflect🤔
I do hate the man. The man is an evil narcissist that should not be near the WH. Very unfit to be president. The entire MAGA cult BS is ridiculous. There are several non-MAGA republicans that could have been running. However, you are the one starting all these posts about Harris. Harris this. Harris that. Your hat shows in your posts. If someone kept score, I bet your Harris started posts bears my Chump started posts by 20:1.
Does your mindless love of the dems exceed your religious opposition to abortion?
Dude, that’s why I mentioned a couple of well meaning, non-MAGA republicans that I can possibly get behind. Unfortunately, Chump is the head of the ticket and can’t see myself supporting a fool like that. Other than abortion and that LGTQ/trans crap, I’m more in line with most of the progressive policies. Plus the republicans kicked blacks out of the party 60 years ago thanks to Barry Goldwater and still support white supremacy ever since.
Dude, that’s why I mentioned a couple of well meaning, non-MAGA republicans that I can possibly get behind. Unfortunately, Chump is the head of the ticket and can’t see myself supporting a fool like that. Other than abortion and that LGTQ/trans crap, I’m more in line with most of the progressive policies. Plus the republicans kicked blacks out of the party 60 years ago thanks to Barry Goldwater and still support white supremacy ever since.
So the answer is yes, loyalty to the dems is more important to you than your religious beliefs about abortion.

Otherwise, you would not support dems under any circumstance - even if that meant supporting nobody or else a third party that opposes abortion.
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I do hate the man. The man is an evil narcissist that should not be near the WH. Very unfit to be president. The entire MAGA cult BS is ridiculous. There are several non-MAGA republicans that could have been running. However, you are the one starting all these posts about Harris. Harris this. Harris that. Your hat shows in your posts. If someone kept score, I bet your Harris started posts bears my Chump started posts by 20:1.
Trump was nominated in an open primary that included 7-8 other candidates.

Harris was appointed by dem party elites after they deposed of Biden. Even dem-lib Gaffigan at the Al Smith dinner criticized their hypocrisy of that action while talking about the Trump's 'threat to democracy'.
I do hate the man. The man is an evil narcissist that should not be near the WH. Very unfit to be president. The entire MAGA cult BS is ridiculous. There are several non-MAGA republicans that could have been running. However, you are the one starting all these posts about Harris. Harris this. Harris that. Your hat shows in your posts. If someone kept score, I bet your Harris started posts bears my Chump started posts by 20:1.
Hate will send you straight to hell. Unless you don't believe in Heaven or Hell.
Dude, that’s why I mentioned a couple of well meaning, non-MAGA republicans that I can possibly get behind. Unfortunately, Chump is the head of the ticket and can’t see myself supporting a fool like that. Other than abortion and that LGTQ/trans crap, I’m more in line with most of the progressive policies. Plus the republicans kicked blacks out of the party 60 years ago thanks to Barry Goldwater and still support white supremacy ever since.
You are a tool B. I've been in the GOP since I pulled my first ticket. And we have never kicked Blacks out of the party, instead fighting a war to free the slaves. Those that chose to go Democrat got there by the promise of free stuff and they fell for it hook line and sinker.
Dude, that’s why I mentioned a couple of well meaning, non-MAGA republicans that I can possibly get behind. Unfortunately, Chump is the head of the ticket and can’t see myself supporting a fool like that. Other than abortion and that LGTQ/trans crap, I’m more in line with most of the progressive policies. Plus the republicans kicked blacks out of the party 60 years ago thanks to Barry Goldwater and still support white supremacy ever since.
Please stop with the lies. You have never voted for a Republican by your own admittance. You are not going to vote for one any time in your life. Now that’s the truth right?
So the answer is yes, loyalty to the dems is more important to you than your religious beliefs about abortion.

Otherwise, you would not support dems under any circumstance - even if that meant supporting nobody or else a third party that opposes abortion.
It’s not about being loyal. I’m just not a one issue voter. There are some conservative issues that I like. But there are a lot more progressive issues that I like. If the republicans would have put out a much, much better candidate I could have at least gave some serious thought. I always said, a Christie/Pence or Cheney ticket would have been intriguing. But the Flavor Aiders won’t go for it.
Please stop with the lies. You have never voted for a Republican by your own admittance. You are not going to vote for one any time in your life. Now that’s the truth right?
Naw I never voted Republican. I’ve been voting since 1984. Why would I vote for a party that are against affirmative action and currently DEI? That’s just a couple of issues.

But unlike Chump, I’ve always respected the Republican that was in office. In the 80s Reagan came to Purdue to speak. I got tickets and could not sleep the night before. I was exited to see the president of the US. I would think about going to see a speech by Chump.
You are a tool B. I've been in the GOP since I pulled my first ticket. And we have never kicked Blacks out of the party, instead fighting a war to free the slaves. Those that chose to go Democrat got there by the promise of free stuff and they fell for it hook line and sinker.
Now you call me names for expressing my honest opinions in this forum.

You are challenged in American history. Barry Goldwater indeed “evicted” blacks from the Republican Party. He voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Bill. Then later Goldwater courted the racist democrats to come over to the Republican Party. Later he developed the so-called Southern Strategy for Nixon. Then another racist Republican, Lee Atwater continued this southern strategy for Reagan.
Now you call me names for expressing my honest opinions in this forum.

You are challenged in American history. Barry Goldwater indeed “evicted” blacks from the Republican Party. He voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Bill. Then later Goldwater courted the racist democrats to come over to the Republican Party. Later he developed the so-called Southern Strategy for Nixon. Then another racist Republican, Lee Atwater continued this southern strategy for Reagan.
No intent to call you names. I've never attempted to kick anyone out of our party. As for doing that, your guys just booted Biden to hell.

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