J6 and the National Guard


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2004
Valparaiso, IN
Looks like new evidence has dropped that Trump did indeed ask for the National Guard to be deployed to ensure things remained peaceful and it was ignored by those at the Pentagon.

"Previously concealed by the Biden-Harris Administration’s Department of Defense, the Subcommittee has uncovered statements by key personnel involved in the deployment of the D.C. National Guard to the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. These new transcripts indicate that senior Pentagon officials unnecessarily delayed the DC National Guard response to the Capitol on January 6 due to “optics” concerns."

“[January 3, 2021] The President just says, ‘Hey, look at this. There’s going to be a large amount of protesters here on the 6th, make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a
safe event.’
“[POTUS said] ‘Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or Soldiers, active duty Soldiers, do whatever you have
to do. Just make sure it’s safe.’
Looks like new evidence has dropped that Trump did indeed ask for the National Guard to be deployed to ensure things remained peaceful and it was ignored by those at the Pentagon.

"Previously concealed by the Biden-Harris Administration’s Department of Defense, the Subcommittee has uncovered statements by key personnel involved in the deployment of the D.C. National Guard to the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. These new transcripts indicate that senior Pentagon officials unnecessarily delayed the DC National Guard response to the Capitol on January 6 due to “optics” concerns."

“[January 3, 2021] The President just says, ‘Hey, look at this. There’s going to be a large amount of protesters here on the 6th, make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a
safe event.’
“[POTUS said] ‘Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or Soldiers, active duty Soldiers, do whatever you have
to do. Just make sure it’s safe.’
This is going to give Bob heartburn.
  • Haha
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Looks like new evidence has dropped that Trump did indeed ask for the National Guard to be deployed to ensure things remained peaceful and it was ignored by those at the Pentagon.

"Previously concealed by the Biden-Harris Administration’s Department of Defense, the Subcommittee has uncovered statements by key personnel involved in the deployment of the D.C. National Guard to the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. These new transcripts indicate that senior Pentagon officials unnecessarily delayed the DC National Guard response to the Capitol on January 6 due to “optics” concerns."

“[January 3, 2021] The President just says, ‘Hey, look at this. There’s going to be a large amount of protesters here on the 6th, make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a
safe event.’
“[POTUS said] ‘Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or Soldiers, active duty Soldiers, do whatever you have
to do. Just make sure it’s safe.’
This will make headline news on MSNBS, ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN, Face the Nation, Meet the Press and 60 Minutes. NOT
  • Haha
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Looks like new evidence has dropped that Trump did indeed ask for the National Guard to be deployed to ensure things remained peaceful and it was ignored by those at the Pentagon.

"Previously concealed by the Biden-Harris Administration’s Department of Defense, the Subcommittee has uncovered statements by key personnel involved in the deployment of the D.C. National Guard to the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. These new transcripts indicate that senior Pentagon officials unnecessarily delayed the DC National Guard response to the Capitol on January 6 due to “optics” concerns."

“[January 3, 2021] The President just says, ‘Hey, look at this. There’s going to be a large amount of protesters here on the 6th, make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a
safe event.’
“[POTUS said] ‘Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or Soldiers, active duty Soldiers, do whatever you have
to do. Just make sure it’s safe.’

J6 is meaningless nugatory old news.

These tidbits of "proof" or information come up every now and again, not to exhonerate Trump, BUT so that the DEM media can gloss over it & use it to rehash J6 by showing emotional video, and recapitulate what a bad character Trump was, absent of the facts.
  • Angry
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Looks like new evidence has dropped that Trump did indeed ask for the National Guard to be deployed to ensure things remained peaceful and it was ignored by those at the Pentagon.

"Previously concealed by the Biden-Harris Administration’s Department of Defense, the Subcommittee has uncovered statements by key personnel involved in the deployment of the D.C. National Guard to the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. These new transcripts indicate that senior Pentagon officials unnecessarily delayed the DC National Guard response to the Capitol on January 6 due to “optics” concerns."

“[January 3, 2021] The President just says, ‘Hey, look at this. There’s going to be a large amount of protesters here on the 6th, make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a
safe event.’
“[POTUS said] ‘Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or Soldiers, active duty Soldiers, do whatever you have
to do. Just make sure it’s safe.’
Is there something new here?

The "optics" reasoning has been out there for some time. It's also been said over and over that trump asked for the NG.

The point that trump's own ACTING Secretary of Defense made under oath was there was no formal order given. Others have said the same thing. You want to argue one shouldn't be needed, if the president gives verbal order in this situation it's to be followed? Fine, take it up with HIS OWN SOD. An acting one at that. That he appointed after Esper.

These people were appointed by trump. Are you now going to stop blaming Biden when someone in his admin screws up? Is that the new rule?

It also clearly shows that without congressional approval, trump will appoint any half wit that shows loyalty to him. He did it with others in his admin too, purposefully circumventing the system.

You guys act like the mob wouldn't have still tried to attack the Capitol. If the NG were on hand there very well could have been more injuries or deaths. We don't know. But to try and deflect responsibility from trump when HE WAS THE REASON THEY WERE THERE, he invited them.........and if he had conceded there would have been NO ONE THERE.

I haven't even got to the main point. If trump was so worried about violence on that day he might have given the order for troops to be deployed while he watched the carnage unfolding on TV. He watched for hours, ignoring the pleas from his staff, advisors, and influential people of his party.

He then inflamed the situation when he tweeted, at 2:24 after the riot was underway, "Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

You think that was the best way to calm down the crowd and diffuse the situation?

Lastly..........after trump was so worried about keeping the event safe, he is going to pardon the people that rioted and made it unsafe. 'So I guess because there were no NG, that I requested, there to stop you from assaulting police and breaking into the Capitol, I'm going to blame my own appointees for the riot and not you. As a matter of fact, I'm going to pardon you. It's not your fault. Someone should have prevented you from rioting and beating cops. '

You people have your butts wedged in the rabbit hole.