It sure is a good thing France imported Diversity

Re: define "enough do"

I figured you might respond with something like this. Feel better?

I'm sure you do now that everyone else knows who you think the real enemy is.
This is what I have been saying, but I fear it needs to come from a different source. I realize it was a guest column, but I would feel better if the message wasn't being posted by RD. If you follow Shermer, I would wager a guess that you also follow RD on twitter and are familiar with the flack he gets, again mostly from liberals, anytime he points out some of the problems with Islam. He usually becomes a punching bag for publications like The Guardian. I considered posting the Pew results but figured some would simply dismiss in a no true Scotsman fashion while others would use them as fuel for their racial purification goals. It is also important to note that researchers weren't allowed in SA or Iran. I don't think it takes a leap of logic to imagine how those results would have gone. The big draw this week in SA was the public beating of blasphemer.

Another point that I've read quite a bit about this week is when national figures, leaders, say things like "this has nothing to do with Islam" it actually fuels the cause of nationalistic, anti-immigrant groups like we are seeing in Germany. It is the old don't piss on me and tell me it is raining saying.
from your own link

All the quotes are below but the question becomes: What extreme views? Certainly views that would be at home to some extent
in conservative Christian homes (anti-abortion, woman's place is in the
home, subservient to men, no homosexuality, adultery and fornication as
crimes or at least shunned by society...) Certainly views that a
liberal would not agree with, but still views held by a substantial
minority in this country.

Can't make the above not in bold for some reason. Bottom line is nothing in your link does anything but support the idea that Islam has a small minority of bad actors and in this respect "bad thinkers."
"Extremism Widely Rejected"

"roughly three-quarters or more Muslims reject suicide bombing and other
forms of violence against civilians. And in most countries, the
prevailing view is that such acts are never justified as a means of defending Islam from its enemies."

"Similarly, the survey finds no consistent link between support for
enshrining sharia as official law and attitudes toward religiously
motivated violence"

"In a majority of countries surveyed, at least half of Muslims say they
are somewhat or very concerned about religious extremism. And on
balance, more Muslims are concerned about Islamic than Christian
extremist groups"

"Most Muslims around the world express support for democracy, and most
say it is a good thing when others are very free to practice their

On American Muslims:

"In general, American Muslims are more at ease in the contemporary
world. About six-in-ten Muslims living in the U.S. (63%) say there is no
tension between being religiously devout and living in a modern
society, compared with a median of 54% of Muslims worldwide. American
Muslims also are more likely than Muslims in other parts of the world to
say that many religions can lead to eternal salvation (56% vs. global
median of 18%). Additionally, U.S. Muslims are much less likely than
Muslims worldwide to say that all or most of their close friends are
Muslim (48% vs. global median of 95%)."
American Muslims are even more likely than Muslims in other countries to
firmly reject violence in the name of Islam. In the U.S., about
eight-in-ten Muslims (81%) say that suicide bombing and similar acts
targeting civilians are never justified.

I thought you hated bringing race into discussions?

Yeah, nope I don't think of Christians as any worse, or any better than Muslims. And I don't view things by entire races either...that's for racists like you to do.
so let's sum up

it's pretty clear that you believe the problem is internal to Islam, and if someone disagrees with you it's not because they have a logical disagreement with the idea that a religion of which over a billion people follow and which, taking the Pew results you seem to approve of, is mostly filled with folks who reject extremism and violence in the name of religion, is directly responsible for the minority of adherents who do violence...

It's because...liberals be tripping?

You also think that if officials said "Islam did this" then nationalistic, anti-immigrant folks would quietly melt away?
Re: lol

I thought you hated bringing race into discussions?

HA! Its your crowd that brings up charges of "racism" when discussing Islam. I'm just mocking you guys.

Yeah, nope I don't think of Christians as any worse, or any better than Muslims.

Please. The left despises Christians and runs interference for Muslims.

And I don't view things by entire races either...that's for racists like you to do.

Once again its the left that believes in racial guilt, racial blame, and racial entitlement. They wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they couldn't use race as a political weapon.
And another thing

And I don't view things by entire races either.....

First, I"m going to assume, like the left does, that Muslim is a race. Even though it isn't. But, hey, if its good for you guys then I can do it too.

Yes, you do view things by race (or group). Muslims are far more likely to commit violence in the name of their religion than other groups. They are far more likely to support their fellow Muslims who commit violence in the name of Islam. As shown by the Pew poll they are more likely to support "extreme" policies. However, you brush this off by........judging the whole "race" of Muslims. That is, as long as its in a positive, i.e. politically correct, light. You'll tell us a majority of Muslims aren't terrorists and so on and so on. Group judgements are just fine with you.
you alright?

Because that was such a collection of gobbledy gook worse than usual that I'm wondering if you had a stroke.

Do you smell toast? Do you hear purple?
Re: "perverted discussion"?

Which one of his descriptions is inaccurate? You can throw out deceiver, that is a job requirement.

For instance after fleeing Mecca and returning to Medina, wasn't one of the first things Mohammed did was execute writers, specifically poets, who were critical of his actions?
Re: "perverted discussion"?

The standards for his chosen descriptions in 2015AD and 600AD are quite a bit different. Societal norms have changed just a little bit over the past 1400 years.
Re: "perverted discussion"?

But yet, here we are.

Fatwa against Rushdie, actual bounty. Bookstores firebombed. Assassination attempts. Required bodyguards for a work of fiction. Translators of the work of fiction were killed. A total death count of 60. Countless property damage across the US and UK. Fast forward 40 years...continued murder and destruction this week in France and across Europe.

Now we have the Pope giving cover for such retaliation.

We have millions practicing 14th century ideology with 21st century technology and weapons. Isn't it time we recognized the link between ideas and actions?

On a better note, SA suspended the beating of a blasphemer yesterday. The reason given was that he needed time to heal.