Issues not addressed during DNC


Redshirt Freshman
Nov 16, 2011
1. Control of immigration from Latin America

2. Control of immigration of moslems

3. Black Lives Matter

4. The Clinton Foundation. This is a charity? What is Chelsea's salary?

5. Liz Warren's heritage in the Cherokee Nation.
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10. The Illuminati

11. Area 51

12. Lizard People

13. The pros of Eugenics
General themes for the Democratic National Convention:

a) You, the American people, are too dumb to comprehend how great America is doing right now. The American economy is stronger than ever. The world is a safe place and don't let Donald Trump scare you with the threat of Islamic terrorism. The attacks in Orlando, Ft. Hood, San Bernadino, Munich, Paris, Nice, Brussels, etc., etc., are the new normal. Trust us, the government will protect you and save you.
b) We have plans to provide everything you could ever want or need for free. Bernie Sanders has woken us up and has dragged us farther left - where we should be. You win free healthcare! You win free college! You win free food! You win free housing!
c) We are inclusive in our party - for everyone who thinks just the way we do. White males and law enforcement are not really welcome, but if you feel guilty enough we might let you in.
d) The cultural elite - wonderful entertainers like Katy Perry, Demi Lovato, Paul Simon, Carole King, Bradley Cooper...are all smarter and better looking than you. If they love HRC, then you should too.
e) Hillary Clinton is just a loving, caring Grandma who enjoys playing cards. ("If's that's playing the woman card, then deal me in!") All the college age girls and soccer moms and grandmas have a patriotic duty to elect the first female president into office. Hillary's record as Secretary of State is one of the greatest in all of history. Libya, the Iran deal, the early withdrawl from Iraq, the Syrian situation were all incredible accomplishments. Hillary is a steady hand - don't let the email things worry you. It's just a vast "right wing conspiracy".
f) Donald Trump is an existential threat to all humanity. We are the party of sunshine, puppy dog tails, and rainbows and the Republicans are the party of darkness and foreboding.
General themes for the Democratic National Convention:

a) You, the American people, are too dumb to comprehend how great America is doing right now. The American economy is stronger than ever. The world is a safe place and don't let Donald Trump scare you with the threat of Islamic terrorism. The attacks in Orlando, Ft. Hood, San Bernadino, Munich, Paris, Nice, Brussels, etc., etc., are the new normal. Trust us, the government will protect you and save you.
b) We have plans to provide everything you could ever want or need for free. Bernie Sanders has woken us up and has dragged us farther left - where we should be. You win free healthcare! You win free college! You win free food! You win free housing!
c) We are inclusive in our party - for everyone who thinks just the way we do. White males and law enforcement are not really welcome, but if you feel guilty enough we might let you in.
d) The cultural elite - wonderful entertainers like Katy Perry, Demi Lovato, Paul Simon, Carole King, Bradley Cooper...are all smarter and better looking than you. If they love HRC, then you should too.
e) Hillary Clinton is just a loving, caring Grandma who enjoys playing cards. ("If's that's playing the woman card, then deal me in!") All the college age girls and soccer moms and grandmas have a patriotic duty to elect the first female president into office. Hillary's record as Secretary of State is one of the greatest in all of history. Libya, the Iran deal, the early withdrawl from Iraq, the Syrian situation were all incredible accomplishments. Hillary is a steady hand - don't let the email things worry you. It's just a vast "right wing conspiracy".
f) Donald Trump is an existential threat to all humanity. We are the party of sunshine, puppy dog tails, and rainbows and the Republicans are the party of darkness and foreboding.
The RNC: "They're out to get you and ruin America. Only one man can stop them!"
You mean he can't? LOL
Let me help you see the near-future.

1. She's going to be back in front by the end of next week if not before.
2. That will lock in as the Olympics and summer vacays mean not a whole lot of people are paying attention.
3. People will start paying attention after Labor Day, and at that point, Hillary will have more ads up in more places for longer because she has more money and more organization. She will be in the lead, and with an ad people are starting to pay real attention.
4. Donald will have at least 5 more gaffes of varying degree between now and then. There won't be really any intervening big things for Clinton because the email stuff will be ancient history at that point.

And then we have the debates lol

Conservatives, liberals, moderates...all have said this convention was better in every way, substance, style, organization, themes. But I am going to enjoy the folks on this board who are just sure Trump is going to win because everyone hates Hillary.
I feel a little sorry for him. Bernie gets shafted by the DNC. He tells his supporters to be good little soldiers and vote for Shillary. Then he bails on the Dems and his people. Hmmm, maybe I don't feel sorry for the Socialist at all...

IMO one of the more interesting side effects of having essentially a 2-party system is when someone like Bernie runs as a Democrat or Trump or Ron Paul runs as a Republican. The party label is basically borrowed just for the race and then discarded, just as a means to try and attach to millions of voters. I'm hoping for the day that the Dem/Rep gridlock is broken to where there could be 4-5 viable parties running in any given election. It'd make for a much more dynamic set of choices than what we have today and should be much less likely to result in a "lesser of two evils" race like we have this year.
Let me help you see the near-future.

1. She's going to be back in front by the end of next week if not before.
2. That will lock in as the Olympics and summer vacays mean not a whole lot of people are paying attention.
3. People will start paying attention after Labor Day, and at that point, Hillary will have more ads up in more places for longer because she has more money and more organization. She will be in the lead, and with an ad people are starting to pay real attention.
4. Donald will have at least 5 more gaffes of varying degree between now and then. There won't be really any intervening big things for Clinton because the email stuff will be ancient history at that point.

And then we have the debates lol

Conservatives, liberals, moderates...all have said this convention was better in every way, substance, style, organization, themes. But I am going to enjoy the folks on this board who are just sure Trump is going to win because everyone hates Hillary.
qaz, you may be right but there are a couple of other factors that may carry a lot of weight between now and November:
1. More killing of police.
2. More jihad killings by moslems to include Europe and the US.
3. More racist hate by Black Lives Matter.
4. Stock market "correction".
5. Grass roots campaign for an independent Bernie.
6. FBI investigation of the Clinton Foundation.

I don't think that "...everyone hates Hillary..." is much of an issue because most people seem to have loathing for both Hillary and Trump.
Let me help you see the near-future.

1. She's going to be back in front by the end of next week if not before.
2. That will lock in as the Olympics and summer vacays mean not a whole lot of people are paying attention.
3. People will start paying attention after Labor Day, and at that point, Hillary will have more ads up in more places for longer because she has more money and more organization. She will be in the lead, and with an ad people are starting to pay real attention.
4. Donald will have at least 5 more gaffes of varying degree between now and then. There won't be really any intervening big things for Clinton because the email stuff will be ancient history at that point.

And then we have the debates lol

Conservatives, liberals, moderates...all have said this convention was better in every way, substance, style, organization, themes. But I am going to enjoy the folks on this board who are just sure Trump is going to win because everyone hates Hillary.
HRC will get a small bump, but it will not last. HRC and Trump will essentially be tied throughout the summer.

I think you're hallucinating. Just this morning more news came out about another cop being shot to death in San Diego with a partner being in critical condition. The Dems did themselves no favors by seeming to favor criminals over cops during the convention.

Also, Julian Assange is going to keep releasing Clinton emails, some of which are purported to be very damning of her time as SoS and of her DNC campaign. Her issues with email will haunt her for the entire campaign up until the election. Mark it down. You've been saying for months that there was nothing to this and you've been wrong all along.

Do you think the Islamic terrorism is going to abate? I sure don't, at least not in Europe. Trump will continually remind the electorate about the role HRC had in helping the terrorists set up shop in Europe and about her horrendous record as SoS.

Trump is going to skewer HRC in the debates. I agree that HRC will have more ads than Trump, most likely. I think her ad showing kids watching TV is a joke. Personally, I like the NRA ads much better. :)
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HRC will get a small bump, but it will not last. HRC and Trump will essentially be tied throughout the summer.

I think you're hallucinating. Just this morning more news came out about another cop being shot to death in San Diego with a partner being in critical condition. The Dems did themselves no favors by seeming to favor criminals over cops during the convention.

Also, Julian Assange is going to keep releasing Clinton emails, some of which are purported to be very damning of her time as SoS and of her DNC campaign. Her issues with email will haunt her for the entire campaign up until the election. Mark it down. You've been saying for months that there was nothing to this and you've been wrong all along.

Do you think the Islamic terrorism is going to abate? I sure don't, at least not in Europe. Trump will continually remind the electorate about the role HRC had in helping the terrorists set up shop in Europe and about her horrendous record as SoS.

Trump is going to skewer HRC in the debates. I agree that HRC will have more ads than Trump, most likely. I think her ad showing kids watching TV is a joke. Personally, I like the NRA ads much better. :)

I agree with much of this (e.g. emails continuing to haunt Hillary). However, Trump does himself no favors, and is therefore diluting the benefit he should be getting from Hillary's persistent negatives.

For example, JUST THIS WEEK, Trump publicly threatened to not pay a hotel bill, said he hopes the Russians have Hillary's emails, threatened to "hit" several speakers at the Democratic convention "so hard his head would spin, he wouldn't know what the hell happened", AND deleted his wife's website which had stated that she had obtained a degree when in fact she had dropped out.

I don't have a dog in the race as I won't be voting for either Hillary or Trump. I just think Trump would be an incredibly frustrating person to support, because he can't get out of his own way. He keeps giving Hillary gift after gift after gift. Maybe he'll still find a way to win, but I think for every "surprise negative" that comes Hillary's way (e.g. the things you mentioned), there'll be 2-3 negative things Trump says or does to offset them. Just my opinion.
qaz, you may be right but there are a couple of other factors that may carry a lot of weight between now and November:
1. More killing of police.
2. More jihad killings by moslems to include Europe and the US.
3. More racist hate by Black Lives Matter.
4. Stock market "correction".
5. Grass roots campaign for an independent Bernie.
6. FBI investigation of the Clinton Foundation.

I don't think that "...everyone hates Hillary..." is much of an issue because most people seem to have loathing for both Hillary and Trump.
None of those are going to swing voters unless another 9/11 happens (god forbid). The vast majority of voters don't know what the stock market does and frankly, it only directly impacts about 50% of the country anyway. An associated recession might cause a problem, but I think the likelihood of that happening between now and November is remote.
HRC will get a small bump, but it will not last. HRC and Trump will essentially be tied throughout the summer.

I think you're hallucinating. Just this morning more news came out about another cop being shot to death in San Diego with a partner being in critical condition. The Dems did themselves no favors by seeming to favor criminals over cops during the convention.

Also, Julian Assange is going to keep releasing Clinton emails, some of which are purported to be very damning of her time as SoS and of her DNC campaign. Her issues with email will haunt her for the entire campaign up until the election. Mark it down. You've been saying for months that there was nothing to this and you've been wrong all along.

Do you think the Islamic terrorism is going to abate? I sure don't, at least not in Europe. Trump will continually remind the electorate about the role HRC had in helping the terrorists set up shop in Europe and about her horrendous record as SoS.

Trump is going to skewer HRC in the debates. I agree that HRC will have more ads than Trump, most likely. I think her ad showing kids watching TV is a joke. Personally, I like the NRA ads much better. :)

I'm sorry but a cop being shot is not a Republican vs. Democrat thing. The DNC featured two police chiefs, a 9/11 first responder/police officer, and the Dallas County sheriff all had FOUR SEPARATE speaking slots.

By the way, for someone who hails himself as Mr. National Security and LOVES the troops so much - Donald Trump didn't mention our troops ONCE in his 75 minute speech. And never mind he hasn't done one thing to support our troops in 60+ years. He even got caught lying about donating money when he pulled out of a debate.

I don't care if you are a Republican or Democrat, or if you like Hillary or not, but it's BAFFLING to me that people do not see Trump as being just a bunch of talk and no action. There's no action, there's no plans, nothing. Just talk. And even Republicans just complain about Democrats - they don't do anything to promote their own candidate. Trump said he knows more about ISIS than our military generals. That's literally a complete joke.

If Trump was running as a Democrat, Republicans would be losing their minds. And it's amazing how many people have noted that the DNC felt more like an old-school RNC.
I don't care if you are a Republican or Democrat, or if you like Hillary or not, but it's BAFFLING to me that people do not see Trump as being just a bunch of talk and no action. There's no action, there's no plans, nothing. Just talk.

I think most of the Republican voters recognized this in the primaries, and so they got behind one of the other Republicans that actually had more substance in his or her platform. But now that Trump is their nominee, those same Republican voters are either purposely or subconsciously ignoring his many deficiencies.

Similarly but I think to a lesser degree, I don't think Democrats put a lot of critical thinking behind the things Hillary says and does either. Is she for TPP or is she not? Is she against Wall Street as she says or is she in their back pocket as her actions imply? Is she against dirty energy (e.g. coal-miners) or for them? Is she a military hawk or a dove or somewhere in between? Is she for campaign finance reform and if so how to explain her massive campaign fundraising?

She is a politician through and through and knows exactly what to say and how to say it to get the blind masses excited, but there are a lot of important contradictions there for anyone who cares to spend even a trivial amount of effort examining her words and her record.
I think most of the Republican voters recognized this in the primaries, and so they got behind one of the other Republicans that actually had more substance in his or her platform. But now that Trump is their nominee, those same Republican voters are either purposely or subconsciously ignoring his many deficiencies.

Similarly but I think to a lesser degree, I don't think Democrats put a lot of critical thinking behind the things Hillary says and does either. Is she for TPP or is she not? Is she against Wall Street as she says or is she in their back pocket as her actions imply? Is she against dirty energy (e.g. coal-miners) or for them? Is she a military hawk or a dove or somewhere in between? Is she for campaign finance reform and if so how to explain her massive campaign fundraising?

She is a politician through and through and knows exactly what to say and how to say it to get the blind masses excited, but there are a lot of important contradictions there for anyone who cares to spend even a trivial amount of effort examining her words and her record.

I mean I am not rah rah Clinton. There's aspects of her I like, and things I wish she would do differently.

However, that's NOT a comparison.

For example, Donald Trump and his wall that Mexico will pay for. That's not a matter of whether he will follow through - it's a matter of it NEVER happening. Yeah we will totally force Mexico to pay billions for a wall, makes total sense. And I'm sure people will love the thought of spending $500 billion to deport everyone.

Same thing with trade - he talks about how we're going to magically get all of our jobs back in the US and no more outsourcing (while HE has been outsourcing his products for years). Again, not only has he not followed his own standards for years - it's NOT going to happen nor does he logically state how. He said on his inauguration day, our crime will magically stop! No plans for doing it, but just TRUST him. And again with the military - he bashes our generals, he's done nothing to support veterans/active servicemen throughout his entire life - while trumpeting how great he will be for the military and our troops.

He's promising stuff that is NOT going to happen. These are all significant parts of his campaign. And who's he baiting? Non-college graduates who have false hope.
I'm sorry but a cop being shot is not a Republican vs. Democrat thing. The DNC featured two police chiefs, a 9/11 first responder/police officer, and the Dallas County sheriff all had FOUR SEPARATE speaking slots.

By the way, for someone who hails himself as Mr. National Security and LOVES the troops so much - Donald Trump didn't mention our troops ONCE in his 75 minute speech. And never mind he hasn't done one thing to support our troops in 60+ years. He even got caught lying about donating money when he pulled out of a debate.

I don't care if you are a Republican or Democrat, or if you like Hillary or not, but it's BAFFLING to me that people do not see Trump as being just a bunch of talk and no action. There's no action, there's no plans, nothing. Just talk. And even Republicans just complain about Democrats - they don't do anything to promote their own candidate. Trump said he knows more about ISIS than our military generals. That's literally a complete joke.

If Trump was running as a Democrat, Republicans would be losing their minds. And it's amazing how many people have noted that the DNC felt more like an old-school RNC.
Patently untrue. He talked about Veterans and the Military multiple times.
Lol and what has he said... exactly?
DT did say this
"We will completely rebuild our depleted military, and the countries that we protect, at a massive cost to us, will be asked to pay their fair share.

We will take care of our great Veterans like they have never been taken care of before.

My just released 10 point plan has received tremendous veteran support. We will guarantee those who serve this country will be able to visit the doctor or hospital of their choice without waiting five days on a line and dying.

My opponent dismissed the VA scandal. One more sign of how out of touch she really is. We are going to ask every Department Head in government to provide a list of wasteful spending projects that we can eliminate in my first 100 days.

The politicians have talked about this for years, but I'm going to do it."
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I mean I am not rah rah Clinton. There's aspects of her I like, and things I wish she would do differently.

However, that's NOT a comparison.

For example, Donald Trump and his wall that Mexico will pay for. That's not a matter of whether he will follow through - it's a matter of it NEVER happening. Yeah we will totally force Mexico to pay billions for a wall, makes total sense. And I'm sure people will love the thought of spending $500 billion to deport everyone.

Same thing with trade - he talks about how we're going to magically get all of our jobs back in the US and no more outsourcing (while HE has been outsourcing his products for years). Again, not only has he not followed his own standards for years - it's NOT going to happen nor does he logically state how. He said on his inauguration day, our crime will magically stop! No plans for doing it, but just TRUST him. And again with the military - he bashes our generals, he's done nothing to support veterans/active servicemen throughout his entire life - while trumpeting how great he will be for the military and our troops.

He's promising stuff that is NOT going to happen. These are all significant parts of his campaign. And who's he baiting? Non-college graduates who have false hope.

With 68% of polled people stating that they do not believe Hillary to be honest and trustworthy, those people likely also believe that she's going to over-promise and under-deliver just like Trump. I agree that Trump is talking about changes that he's not offering any details about and that will likely never happen, but Hillary is too. And I do think Trump is moreso, but that doesn't absolve Hillary.

Just one example is inequality, something she talks a lot about. Why would any Democrat believe that Hillary is going to improve inequality? Depending on the way you measure it, inequality has gotten worse during every president's term since the late 60's. I'd bet money inequality will get more steep for whichever president gets elected in November, and that's because neither one is likely to fix the root causes. Globalization isn't going away. And I haven't heard either candidate mention the Fed, which through its zero interest rate policy and trillions of dollars of QE has had the biggest role in creating yet another overinflated asset price and corporate profit environment. Stocks, bonds and real estate are all at record high prices...and by definition that helps those who own assets and hurts those who don't, which increases inequality. It also substantially hurts the young--it's essentially intergenerational theft, and I think once the younger generations start to really understand the magnitude of all of this, they'll be furious--and rightfully so.

Bottom line despite what she says, IMO the odds are very very low of Hillary going up against the established financial interests in this country, Wall Street, big pharma, et al.

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