Is the portal the way?


Jul 6, 2018
I don't think so. I think that's it's the problem. You pay lots of money as a coach for a supposed good player, and then they're not that great, or have poor play. Do you continue to play them so you don't admit that you made an expensive mistake, or replace them with someone else. thereby admitting your poor decision. And then how do your not paid players feel about someone doing somewhat similar to what they're doing, or possibly worse, getting paid to do it when you aren't. I think that those are reasons that Ryan Browne was successful today. He's talented, and his teammates are willing to put themselves out for another of the unpaid ranks, when they probably were resentful of Hudson Card. He personally got in their faces to have them perform.

I always remember the Oakland A's and their World Series teams living locally at that time. A bunch of nobody's that played well together as a team won. And then after they had made names for themselves, their egos destroyed the team, probably because they thought that someone less deserving was now making more money than them. I think that the team loved Mockabee getting a scholarship as he deserved one, and it was placing him on an equal footing with them. But then bringing in new players and paying them lots of money when the others got nothing certainly had to affect them, and never in a positive way for team play.
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