In a nut shell describe Hoosier fan!

IU fan #1 supports the program, realizes IU is not gods gift to bball, blows crap to Purdue fans

IU fan #2 lives in trailer drinks Milwaukees Best, has pin striped sweatpants, delusional, blows crap to Purdue fans, supports ND football.
Flies in under the radar, wins big ten championship, big ten coach of the year, big ten player of the year. All while Purdue fans wonder what went wrong with our season.
Only a delusional IU fan would make such a statement. The rest of us know Crean is setting the IU fans up for a letdown of epic proportions!
I guess I am a average Hoosier fan. Make good money wrote five books on new technology within my industry. My daughter earned three degrees in four years. My son is a national merit scholar teaching assistant for freshman chemistry lab his junior year. Working this summer at Purdue to be a counselor for gifted students. Two nephews earned two degrees they both speak five languages. Brother in-law well known businessman net worth over fifty million dollars. That's the hoosiers in my family..
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I guess I am a average Hoosier fan. Make good money wrote five books on new technology within my industry. My daughter earned three degrees in four years. My son is a national merit scholar teaching assistant for freshman chemistry lab his junior year. Working this summer at Purdue to be a counselor for gifted students. Two nephews earned two degrees they both speak five languages. Brother in-law well known businessman net worth over fifty million dollars. That's the hoosiers in my family..
and after being a member for 15 years you was finally able to work that all in under the title, "In a nut shell describe Hoosier fan!". Bravo
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My nuts are bigger then yours I guess! That was my nutshell...
Spoken like a true author of no less than 5 books, father of a daughter who earned 3 degrees in four years, uncle of two nephews who earned two degrees and speak five languages, and brother-in-law worth over fifty million dollars. There you go, we worked it in twice in one day!
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They make terrible customer service people as they constantly burn my fries :D

Joking aside, outside of the peegstye most IU fans are fine. Its the ones that didn't go there that are most likely to act like jackwagons.

Now M$U fans are different. Grad or not a grad most of them act like their coach, meaning like a douchebag.
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most all of my experience with fans that have a degree on the wall is really good, some make a jab here and there especially on the golf course but that is good fun. The rest, well we all know the rest of them
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Just like most of us Purdue Alumni.......
The OP is talking "fans" not "Alumni". BIG difference. Alumni of most schools understand what it takes to become and alum and appreciate that no matter the allegiances. Most "fans" don't have a clue about what goes on in college and see it as just 4 or more years of parties ending in a pretty piece of paper to hang on the wall and the lazy grads all make more $$ than the fans and end up being the boss of the fans. The PeegStye fan base is about the worst I've seen in a long time although this one is starting to rival it.
I guess I am a average Hoosier fan. Make good money wrote five books on new technology within my industry. My daughter earned three degrees in four years. My son is a national merit scholar teaching assistant for freshman chemistry lab his junior year. Working this summer at Purdue to be a counselor for gifted students. Two nephews earned two degrees they both speak five languages. Brother in-law well known businessman net worth over fifty million dollars. That's the hoosiers in my family..

You go girl!!!
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I guess I am a average Hoosier fan. Make good money wrote five books on new technology within my industry. My daughter earned three degrees in four years. My son is a national merit scholar teaching assistant for freshman chemistry lab his junior year. Working this summer at Purdue to be a counselor for gifted students. Two nephews earned two degrees they both speak five languages. Brother in-law well known businessman net worth over fifty million dollars. That's the hoosiers in my family..
Where can I view one of your books?
I guess I am a average Hoosier fan. Make good money wrote five books on new technology within my industry. My daughter earned three degrees in four years. My son is a national merit scholar teaching assistant for freshman chemistry lab his junior year. Working this summer at Purdue to be a counselor for gifted students. Two nephews earned two degrees they both speak five languages. Brother in-law well known businessman net worth over fifty million dollars. That's the hoosiers in my family..
Isn't it fun to be on the internet? You get to be anyone you make up!! Good for you.
I am close friends with or related to a good number of IU fans and alums. They are passionate about their basketball, and are good fun to be around. Generally very competent in their professions and good people. Don't judge IU fans by CaptainMeatPants or Boiler-Douche. Those guys are probably pimply 12 years olds that have never seen the Bloomington Campus, and will never move out of their parents basement.

The only bad experience I've had with an IU grad was one dentist that did terrible work. You know what they call the guy who graduates at the bottom of his medical school class? "Doctor", or this case "Dentist".

On a side note, the only 3 UK fans I have met were people I would never associate with. I am a big basketball fan, so I bring up the UK program. Mind you, this is three separate situations with 3 different UK grads. They were more concerned about having an African-American coach (Tubby at the time) than any other aspect of their basketball program. They used the N-word frequently. I was just disgusted by the time I got out of the social situations. Ugh!

I guess I am a average Hoosier fan. Make good money wrote five books on new technology within my industry. My daughter earned three degrees in four years. My son is a national merit scholar teaching assistant for freshman chemistry lab his junior year. Working this summer at Purdue to be a counselor for gifted students. Two nephews earned two degrees they both speak five languages. Brother in-law well known businessman net worth over fifty million dollars. That's the hoosiers in my family..
"I guess I am a average Hoosier fan" - I live in a trailer

"Make good money wrote five books on new technology within my industry" - I change the menu board at McDonalds Monday thru Friday

"My daughter earned three degrees in four years" - I sent her to Purdue

"My son is a national merit scholar teaching assistant for freshman chemistry lab his junior year" - He went to Purdue also.

"Two nephews earned two degrees they both speak five languages" - Pig latin, ebonics & red neck, are 3 of them.

"Brother in-law well known businessman net worth over fifty million dollars" - My sister married Donald Trump
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I guess I am a average Hoosier fan. Make good money wrote five books on new technology within my industry. My daughter earned three degrees in four years. My son is a national merit scholar teaching assistant for freshman chemistry lab his junior year. Working this summer at Purdue to be a counselor for gifted students. Two nephews earned two degrees they both speak five languages. Brother in-law well known businessman net worth over fifty million dollars. That's the hoosiers in my family..

You are fully of yourself.
Typical IU fan....has never been to Purdue's campus or stepped foot into a classroom at IU, but will talk about both schools like they have a clue.
I guess I am a average Hoosier fan. Make good money wrote five books on new technology within my industry. My daughter earned three degrees in four years. My son is a national merit scholar teaching assistant for freshman chemistry lab his junior year. Working this summer at Purdue to be a counselor for gifted students. Two nephews earned two degrees they both speak five languages. Brother in-law well known businessman net worth over fifty million dollars. That's , hoosiers in my family..
Well, I tested out of IU as it was too easy and wanted Purdue's challenge. Now I am successfully retired letting you and your family augment the retirement.o_O
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I guess I am a average Hoosier fan. Make good money wrote five books on new technology within my industry. My daughter earned three degrees in four years. My son is a national merit scholar teaching assistant for freshman chemistry lab his junior year. Working this summer at Purdue to be a counselor for gifted students. Two nephews earned two degrees they both speak five languages. Brother in-law well known businessman net worth over fifty million dollars. That's the hoosiers in my family..
This is the absolute bestest thing I have ever read on a sports message board and should pretty much be preserved FOREVER! (unless of course it was done tic, in that case it would be kind of humorous)
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Dumb and arrogant is not a good combination. However, it is often a fitting one when describing an IU fan.
They are the high school friend of yours that can't get out of the past. Always talking about the good old days.
I guess I am a average Hoosier fan. Make good money wrote five books on new technology within my industry. My daughter earned three degrees in four years. My son is a national merit scholar teaching assistant for freshman chemistry lab his junior year. Working this summer at Purdue to be a counselor for gifted students. Two nephews earned two degrees they both speak five languages. Brother in-law well known businessman net worth over fifty million dollars. That's the hoosiers in my family..
You're not average. For every fan like you, there are 5,000 in the trailer park. :D