
Oct 17, 2010
Purdue is in the fight for its life here in the next few years. If I’m Bobo I cut everything I can that isn’t linked to football or basketball because the BIG money tree isn’t the gift that keeps giving into eternity. Purdue athletics future hinges on what happens in football ….. period …. End. We may be a founding member but that gets swept under the rug when $ start getting thrown around with 8 or 9 figures attached to them. Yes we have a phenomenal golf course and diving pool but that crumbles into oblivion without football and basketball paying the bills. We need to be a solid middle of the pack football team before we waste money on other sports. Bitch all you want but they exist at the charity of football and to a lesser extent basketball.
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I don't see that happening to actually get kicked out you could sue for loss revenue and what number do you put on that
What number do you put on replacing Purdue with Clemson? Not saying you’re wrong but this is gonna come down to $. Why even allow yourself to be on the chopping block? If you are you’re F^€£3d and you die. Never be the slowest gazelle.
Disagree completely. In this conference, the top teams are going to still want some conference games they can count on winning. We won't always be that team but it looks like we are now. The only danger I see of us every getting left out of college football if all the conferences consolidate, including the Big Ten and SEC, to create an NFL type of league where only 24 or 32 teams get in.
No team has ever been kicked out if there confrence yet. the heavy hitters move on. Where is Ohio state going to go? sec make same money with more competition. And ohio state also wants easy games in confrence. someone will always have a down year and get last place Florida state this year
Disagree completely. In this conference, the top teams are going to still want some conference games they can count on winning. We won't always be that team but it looks like we are now. The only danger I see of us every getting left out of college football if all the conferences consolidate, including the Big Ten and SEC, to create an NFL type of league where only 24 or 32 teams get in.
lol…. You don’t think they can find a few teams the upper echelon can beat with a bigger fan base than us? Seriously?!? Your defense for this is we suck so bad they want to keep us as a door mat? There are plenty of better looking door mats than us in college football.
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lol…. You don’t think they can find a few teams the upper echelon can beat with a bigger fan base than us? Seriously?!? Your defense for this is we suck so bad they want to keep us as a door mat? There are plenty of better looking door mats than us in college football.
lol....You do think they will? Let's bet on it.
lol…. You don’t think they can find a few teams the upper echelon can beat with a bigger fan base than us? Seriously?!? Your defense for this is we suck so bad they want to keep us as a door mat? There are plenty of better looking door mats than us in college football.
and whoever thought those PAC12 teams would ever join the BIG10
lol....You do think they will? Let's bet on it.
Eventually … yes I do. The only question is when. And if I could tell you when you wouldn’t be able to afford the bet. But the bet isn’t my point. My point is if your life is on the line why be so cavalier about it? Because right now Purdue is pretty cavalier about assuming BIG money will always be around for them to squander on fruitless endeavors.
Like I said, the only way we ever get left behind is if the top 24/32 teams from all the top conference align to form a new conference. I don't think we'd make that. But are we in danger of getting kicked out of the Big Ten? No. We have one of the top 10-15 enrollments in the country. When we aren't terrible, we fill a 60k seat stadium regularly. We played in the conference championship game less than 2 years ago. If you want to be scared about it, feel free. Not going to happen.
Eventually … yes I do. The only question is when. And if I could tell you when you wouldn’t be able to afford the bet. But the bet isn’t my point. My point is if your life is on the line why be so cavalier about it? Because right now Purdue is pretty cavalier about assuming BIG money will always be around for them to squander on fruitless endeavors.
The B1G had a minimum number of varsity sports, and I think we are at it.
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Like I said, the only way we ever get left behind is if the top 24/32 teams from all the top conference align to form a new conference. I don't think we'd make that. But are we in danger of getting kicked out of the Big Ten? No. We have one of the top 10-15 enrollments in the country. When we aren't terrible, we fill a 60k seat stadium regularly. We played in the conference championship game less than 2 years ago. If you want to be scared about it, feel free. Not going to happen.
Enrollments? Not sure how that is a defense here. The game is no longer about butts in seats but rather eyes on screens and we aren’t going to pull them. Not to mention with how the BIG is currently structured for butts in seats we are a welfare state. It’s all pooled and split in the BIG. Shocker we aren’t in the top half. So basically we are living on the other BIG teams having butts in their seats.
Enrollments? Not sure how that is a defense here. The game is no longer about butts in seats but rather eyes on screens and we aren’t going to pull them. Not to mention with how the BIG is currently structured for butts in seats we are a welfare state. It’s all pooled and split in the BIG. Shocker we aren’t in the top half. So basically we are living on the other BIG teams having butts in their seats.
You don't think large alumni bases increases eyes on screens? I don't know what to tell you other than you're just wrong here. I'm guessing you were drinking on Saturday.

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