Illinois vs Purdue Game Discussion

FG is GOOD! 31-21, Purdue.

I m pleasantly surprised that this was not the way I expected the game to go today.
So now what needs to happen, other than Purdue winning it’s last 2 games? Does both Wisky and Iowa need to lose one, or, just one of them?
Sometimes we think we are the only snake-bit team. Look at Illinois. They just lost their best running back (Leads nation in yards), and just had their "worlds best defense" get gashed for 31 points. Hum, been there done that. No thank you!
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Wisconsin/Iowa winner has a leg up, but there are still a lot of possibilities.

Crazy - Illinois beats Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota but loses to Purdue, Indiana, and Michigan State.
Any clue what the tie breaker situation would be if Illinois rebounds with a win against Michigan and it’s a 3-way Illinois/Purdue/Wisconsin or Illinois/Purdue/Iowa?