If it looks like a terrorism, call it terrorism.


May 29, 2001
We'll have to wade thru too much point and counterpoints of workplace violence, gun control, and mental health.
Call it Terrorism and get better at countering it with pre-emptive raids. ISIS claims to have sleepers here in the U.S. already and has named 6 states in 6 months. I guess we should wait for the headlines to then try to find them.
His wife was a Saudi foreign national he met on line and brought over here so they could have an anchor baby. You know the same type of Saudi nut jobs who hi jacked the planes on 9/11. My bet is this wasn't even ISIS. Just another jihad nutter. Why we let these people into the country...i have no idea.
No doubt about what this is now.

Islamic terrorism.

Again. This one is a real sticky wicket for the regressive left.

$70k job. Allowed to leave to pray anytime he wanted. Just had a work baby shower. Awesome bennies. Nice house in Cali. Local mosque.

This guy was living the dream.

I wonder why he flipped?
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No doubt about what this is now.

Islamic terrorism.

Again. This one is a real sticky wicket for the regressive left.

$70k job. Allowed to leave to pray anytime he wanted. Just had a work baby shower. Awesome bennies. Nice house in Cali. Local mosque.

This guy was living the dream.

I wonder why he flipped?
I love the part where the neighbor lady wanted to report suspicious activity but didn't out of fear of being labeled a racist. That's political correctness coming home to roost.

"If you see something, say something. UNLESS IT'S RELATED TO A MUSLIM, YOU RACIST!!!!"
Here's an easier, more accurate standard. If it IS terrorism then call it terrorism, if it isn't then don't, and not worry about if it "looks" like anything.

In other words, wait five minutes for the basic facts of the investigation to come out, then opine on whether it is or isn't terrorism.
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We'll have to wade thru too much point and counterpoints of workplace violence, gun control, and mental health.
Call it Terrorism and get better at countering it with pre-emptive raids. ISIS claims to have sleepers here in the U.S. already and has named 6 states in 6 months. I guess we should wait for the headlines to then try to find them.

Well, there it is. Confirmation for those that need it.

Official Islamic terrorism per the FBI.

The feds have already said that ISIS (or ISIL if you are POTUS), is operating in all 50 states.

Obama looks like a clown. Remember when ISIS...err..ISIL were the JV Team? Remember when they weren't a threat on US soil?

Regressive liberals can't label this one "workplace violence" like they did with Fort Hood.
We'll have to wade thru too much point and counterpoints of workplace violence, gun control, and mental health.
Call it Terrorism and get better at countering it with pre-emptive raids. ISIS claims to have sleepers here in the U.S. already and has named 6 states in 6 months. I guess we should wait for the headlines to then try to find them.

But let's not worry about preventing possible terrorists from buying explosives and automatic weapons because that infringes their rights!
But let's not worry about preventing possible terrorists from buying explosives and automatic weapons because that infringes their rights!

Right. You can't buy explosives. I'd like someone to tell us all where that store is that sells explosives. Only the military can distribute such things. It just exposes the folly of these killer leaders running this country. They armed these terrorists and have the audacity to tell the American citizen that it is us that needs disarmed? Obama said ISIS will not have background checks and called them "pilgrims" like they are mayflower lovers. Obama has made it obvious who he represents. He represents the end of America and the NEW WORLD ORDER. Gun control is merely the targeting the US population. First disarmed then exterminated. This isn't something that has never happened before. This has happened almost 100 percent of the time for over 2000 years of recorded history. Only now they say you can trust us now. After all the lies they have told and destruction they've caused embarrassing this country around the world. Now you can trust us. Only in the world of being disarmed you don't just need to trust this government you are going to have to trust every government for the next thousand years because the population won't stand a chance. And don't worry because when America's future leader feels the need to march on the US population there isn't a damn thing anyone is going to be able to do then.

This is about disarming Western Civilization. The New World Order waited last to disarm America because it was the most difficult country to do this to. Notice all these terrorists have C4 and fully automatic weapons most of the time. There is ONLY one reason you disarm Western Civilization. To come and exterminate them. Round them up and exterminate. To get them off the land and to exterminate. This program is obvious on two fronts. These people have shoulder fired rockets. And Obama is telling Americans they need to hand over their pistols and semi-auto riffles. That is incredible. ISIS receives shoulder fired missiles from Obama and Hillary, and these two are working to turn America into a soft target by disarming the citizenry. All the while Obama is guarded by thousands of men armed with uzis and machine-guns. Obama is a traitor. He has levied war upon the United Sates and disarming the population is to provide aid and comfort to the enemy army he is sneaking into the country. Civilized society is about to end. I'll be surprised, damn surprised if we are still a country within the next 2 years. And when Obama's foreign mercenary army attacks, all these Obama supporters should think long and hard what they did to this country. I know one thing, they'll regret they day they ever heard Obama's name when it happens. Obama supporters are going to be more shamed than the Germans that supported Adolf Hitler. US military generals are now calling for Obama's arrest for high treason. I have always said, Obama makes this easy. Either he is arrested by the military, or the United States goes under. His administration is summed up quite nicely in three parts. Mainly disarming the US population, destroying healthcare, and to sneak foreign armies across the US border as disguised refugees. It is actually amazing how Obama has not been arrested by the military generals to date. He has committed clear treason. It is just like Hillary. She had a server wiring all the governments secrets and programs basically wired out to foreign countries. I mean imagine that. She is running for president. George Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush was Adolf Hitler's top Nazi spy operating a coup in the United States and this is actually public information and two of this punks kids became president. It shows how mindless the American voter is. Just pure mindlessness and carelessness.
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Well, there it is. Confirmation for those that need it.

Official Islamic terrorism per the FBI.

The feds have already said that ISIS (or ISIL if you are POTUS), is operating in all 50 states.

Obama looks like a clown. Remember when ISIS...err..ISIL were the JV Team? Remember when they weren't a threat on US soil?

Regressive liberals can't label this one "workplace violence" like they did with Fort Hood.

We've had more mass shootings in this country than days this year, and we are worried about ISIS, who didn't even directly do this but simply served as inspiration?

So you could WIPE OUT ISIS in the ME, and just like AQ, they will still exist in idea form, and there will still be a few folks who believe in their ideals or something like it, JUST like there are a few crazy folks out there who shoot up schools or movie theaters or planned parenthood clinics.

But do tell ecouch, your solution to preventing any possible future attacks is what?
We've had more mass shootings in this country than days this year, and we are worried about ISIS, who didn't even directly do this but simply served as inspiration?

So you could WIPE OUT ISIS in the ME, and just like AQ, they will still exist in idea form, and there will still be a few folks who believe in their ideals or something like it, JUST like there are a few crazy folks out there who shoot up schools or movie theaters or planned parenthood clinics.

But do tell ecouch, your solution to preventing any possible future attacks is what?
You're right. 472 murdered in chicago so far this year. We should just nuke the site from orbit...only way to be sure. o_O
You're right. 472 murdered in chicago so far this year. We should just nuke the site from orbit...only way to be sure. o_O

Thanks for making my point...a lot more pressing problems in this country than worrying about ISIS.

Of course, violent crime and murder are both historically at pretty low rates nationwide for the modern era.
Thanks for making my point...a lot more pressing problems in this country than worrying about ISIS.

Of course, violent crime and murder are both historically at pretty low rates nationwide for the modern era.
no, I didn't. The point is you handle domestic problems differently than international ones, not throw up your hands and say "well it's not like they killed THAT many people..." Wonder what ridiculous logic you will dream up when it's your family?
no, I didn't. The point is you handle domestic problems differently than international ones, not throw up your hands and say "well it's not like they killed THAT many people..." Wonder what ridiculous logic you will dream up when it's your family? problem X ends up in a handful of people killed and thus far has happened rarely. Problem Y ends up in several orders of magnitude more people killed (again, more mass shootings this year than days in this year thus far), and happens much more routinely.

However, because problem Y is "domestic" and problem X is "international" we should react more strongly to the latter because...

Wait, there's apparently logic there...please tell me what it is. My family is more likely to be killed by non-Muslims, but I shouldn't worry about that as I should the significantly smaller chance they might be killed by a Muslim, have I got that right?

Furthermore, we shouldn't change our fundamental values when it comes to Problem Y (like gun control or access to semi-auto weapons because that would violate who we are/Constitution), but we should change our fundamental values when it comes to how we deal with refugees (or surveillance of Americans) because of problem X (even though the refugees get vetted far more than tourists do--and since the Paris folks were mostly EU citizens, they could have come here on a tourist VISA if they weren't on a watchlist).

Yes, clearly when the terrorist come for my family, I'll be singing a different tune. The odds of that happening are really really small, but those details don't matter.
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wow you are really a nutter. here's your handful of people.

So as an American, I should be afraid of all Islamist terrorist attacks when of your entire list of approximately 500 terrorist attacks linked to Muslims, 10 of them occurred in the US over the last 33 years.

Ten...over 33 years. That's one every 40 months.

Meanwhile, we've had more mass shootings just this year, than days in this year so far...that means that by 10 December, we will have more non-Islamist mass shootings in this country in the month of December, than Islamist killings of any kind in the US over the last 33 years.

But yeah, totally nutty to suggest one is a wee bit less worrisome than the other.

We shouldn't worry about the daily thing, we should worry about the every 40 months thing.

Brilliant logic...Trump 16!
So as an American, I should be afraid of all Islamist terrorist attacks when of your entire list of approximately 500 terrorist attacks linked to Muslims, 10 of them occurred in the US over the last 33 years.

Ten...over 33 years. That's one every 40 months.

Meanwhile, we've had more mass shootings just this year, than days in this year so far...that means that by 10 December, we will have more non-Islamist mass shootings in this country in the month of December, than Islamist killings of any kind in the US over the last 33 years.

But yeah, totally nutty to suggest one is a wee bit less worrisome than the other.

We shouldn't worry about the daily thing, we should worry about the every 40 months thing.

Brilliant logic...Trump 16!
yes. If these sorts of people get a foothold here, it will be daily. And they aren't taking out their own like the gang bangers, they are trying to form a socialist caliphate.
yes. If these sorts of people get a foothold here, it will be daily. And they aren't taking out their own like the gang bangers, they are trying to form a socialist caliphate.

That's great, you managed to combine Islamic terrorist and socialism into one thing. Now tell us about how Obama is a secret African Muslim and you win right-wing bingo for the day.

So I take it you think Trump has a great idea to ban all Muslims coming in.
That's great, you managed to combine Islamic terrorist and socialism into one thing. Now tell us about how Obama is a secret African Muslim and you win right-wing bingo for the day.

So I take it you think Trump has a great idea to ban all Muslims coming in.
You suck man. You build strawman after strawman. you assume I like trump. you assume I hate obama. you assume I hate socialism. They ARE building a socialist caliphate. Every time I refute a statement you make, you act like a little bitch and deflect with snide remarks and change the argument to something else. For the record i'd abolish all religion, especially the new breed of preachers like yourself. You are an imbecile and not worth debating. You can have your forum back prick.
You suck man. You build strawman after strawman. you assume I like trump. you assume I hate obama. you assume I hate socialism. They ARE building a socialist caliphate. Every time I refute a statement you make, you act like a little bitch and deflect with snide remarks and change the argument to something else. For the record i'd abolish all religion, especially the new breed of preachers like yourself. You are an imbecile and not worth debating. You can have your forum back prick.


1. I didn't say "I take it you like Trump" I said "I take it you like his plan" See how that works?
2. I didn't say you "hate Obama" I said if you added Obama as a African Muslim you'd complete the right wing nutter trifecta.
3. You haven't refuted jack squat. So far in response to my query as to why we should be so worried about Islamist attacks in the US when they are a tiny proportion of the killings in this country, you provided a list to show that not only are they a tiny proportion of killings in this country, they are a tiny proportion of killings by Islamists in the whole world over three decades.

Oh, and you slapped the words domestic and international as if that meant something.

Maybe something in your head tells you that you are refuting something, but you should probably stop listening to it, it's not serving you well.

And no they are not building a "socialist caliphate." They are certainly attempting to build a caliphate, and they are paying for most of costs of living of the FOREIGN fighters they are bringing in. Everyone else is living in a horrible near slavery level situation that is not remotely "socialism."

But hey, the whole "wait til it's your family" was just a brilliant refutation.

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