Yah Hillary Clinton put the highest gamma level NSA information on the internet for the whole world to get our information in a grab bag as they dropped her millions in her tax free slush fund she nicknames a foundation. Then she gets them killed and the TOP SPY in Iran who was trying to defect top nuclear secrets of Iran to the United States was killed thanks to that witches email and then British agent Obama gives Iran 400 million (probably much more than we know) in liquid cash untraceable bills of hard cash in multiple currencies, giving them the necessary money to get the materials from western companies operating in Switzerland and France, among others. Why not elect Hillary. Her husband bites the skin off his rape victims like a serial killer and even Miss Arkansas wrote a book about it. The secret service leaked info on her directly in a book about the stupid witch and her evil, her husband signed NAFTA, and gave nuclear reactors to North Korea whom now detonates nukes every month and is with want and abandon flying a special satellite that flies over the united states every single day that has an electromagnetic detonator on it so that at any moment they could put the US back in the stone age literally. Why worry about the Clintons they also gave China under Bill special guidance chips to help them get their nukes and satellites space bound. With Obama's help now the US needs China to get into space. Before Clinton China couldn't do 1 thousandth of what they do now. We haven't developed anything, China closed the gap with their help to the point of being equals and now their economy is bigger than the United States. That is what is so great about trump haters. A win against Trump with Hillary is about the equivalent of winning a divorce the day before the ex wins the lottery. Libs.......it is national news if a baby cries at a Trump rally, but it ain't no thang if the wife of Bill puts national secrets on the internet for pay to play.