Hillary Clinton: The Ticking Time Bomb

Oversimplifying things is not a good argument. Were you not concerned that Bush was reading a children's book to a bunch of elementary kids while Americans were jumping out of the World Trade Center so they didn't have to burn alive because they were trapped above a hijacked airliner that smashed into the building by terrorists? Oh right, he didn't want to scare the children by getting up and leaving unexpectedly.

You might want to take your own advice. You oversimplified and misrepresented the situation with Bush. I suppose if you were in that situation, you would have run screaming from the room and then done WHAT?? Bush was in Florida. Did you expect him to teleport to NY, put on his Superman costume and fly around catching people as they jumped from the buildings? You set a new high on the scale for ridiculous posts.

Hillary either ignored or denied the request for additional security in Benghazi, when diplomats from other countries were leaving due to the unsafe conditions. Little things like protecting your diplomats can be such a distraction, when you have the title, but are only using the job as a resume builder for furthering your political ambitions. If she was such a great leader, she would have raised Hell to get some assets into Benghazi to protect her people and ensure their safe removal. Unfortunately, Hillary is NOT a leader.
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lol I can't tell if illuminati wrote this one, but it's almost as good. Needs 10 percent more crazy. Just 10 percent though.

Typical. If you can't refute it, then belittle and dismiss it. Hillary is losing more ground every day, because people capable of thought are seeing through the façade. You have your head in the sand and don't want to deal with reality. Keep pretending, it suits you well....
Typical. If you can't refute it, then belittle and dismiss it. Hillary is losing more ground every day, because people capable of thought are seeing through the façade. You have your head in the sand and don't want to deal with reality. Keep pretending, it suits you well....

Why would I try to refute you anymore than I waste time trying to refute illuminati? Well, granted, I might spend ten percent more time doing so.
For guys in the military(Quaz, GR8), aren't emails to foreign leaders AUTOMATICALLY classified?

That is what we were always taught if at an embassy. By State Dept representatives nonetheless. The main time I had experience with it was when training Iraqis, or when operating inside of Baghdad or other large cities in Iraq. I think it is getting obvious that State right now is trying to deflect everyone away from that and talking about if it was actually marked, what server it was on, who classified it. None of that really matters.
Why would I try to refute you anymore than I waste time trying to refute illuminati? Well, granted, I might spend ten percent more time doing so.

So typical. If you can't make a cogent reply to a post, try to use misdirection by equating me to illuminati. Pretty feeble, but it's straight out of your playbook.

Even as slow as you are to acknowledge reality, eventually it will hit you between the eyes. You may be too arrogant and insecure to admit you're wrong, but everyone here knows it. Sanders is now leading Hillary in NH. Trump is now leading Hillary in a head to head comparison.

This is the same Hillary, that was blowing everyone away just a few weeks ago. What happened?
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That is what we were always taught if at an embassy. By State Dept representatives nonetheless. The main time I had experience with it was when training Iraqis, or when operating inside of Baghdad or other large cities in Iraq. I think it is getting obvious that State right now is trying to deflect everyone away from that and talking about if it was actually marked, what server it was on, who classified it. None of that really matters.

So you think, if Hillary Clinton sent a happy birthday email to the leader of Country X, that's classified??
So you think, if Hillary Clinton sent a happy birthday email to the leader of Country X, that's classified??

Irrelevant to conversation. And unfortunately, if we were only talking about birth day cards, no one, including the FBI, federal judges, or the IG would care. Nor would the State Dept being spinning its wheels and former Clinton and state employees being taking the fifth.
Irrelevant to conversation. And unfortunately, if we were only talking about birth day cards, no one, including the FBI, federal judges, or the IG would care. Nor would the State Dept being spinning its wheels and former Clinton and state employees being taking the fifth.

lol so you say ANY email is automatically classified, I bring up a type of email, ask if that would be classified, and you say, irrelevant to the conversation. Ok. If it's ANY email then the answer would be yes, right?
lol so you say ANY email is automatically classified, I bring up a type of email, ask if that would be classified, and you say, irrelevant to the conversation. Ok. If it's ANY email then the answer would be yes, right?

I may be wrong, but I don't believe that the word "ANY" appears in the posts you're referencing, but it appears in your post a couple times. So you're trying to create a false narrative to support your feeble argument. Don't you ever get tired of being a dick?
I may be wrong, but I don't believe that the word "ANY" appears in the posts you're referencing, but it appears in your post a couple times. So you're trying to create a false narrative to support your feeble argument. Don't you ever get tired of being a dick?

"For guys in the military(Quaz, GR8), aren't emails to foreign leaders AUTOMATICALLY classified?"
"That is what we were always taught if at an embassy."

So you think if emails are "automatically" classified because they are to foreign leaders that's not the same thing as ANY email to a foreign leader being classified?

I'm not surprised that your education level is confusing you but if something is automatically X, then "any" of that thing is going to be X. That's what automatic means.
"For guys in the military(Quaz, GR8), aren't emails to foreign leaders AUTOMATICALLY classified?"
"That is what we were always taught if at an embassy."

So you think if emails are "automatically" classified because they are to foreign leaders that's not the same thing as ANY email to a foreign leader being classified?

I'm not surprised that your education level is confusing you but if something is automatically X, then "any" of that thing is going to be X. That's what automatic means.

You enjoy parsing words. I suppose you think it makes you appear superior, but in reality, it makes you look like a nit.

I understood what they meant, while you were looking for a means to nitpick their comments. My impression was, that they were referring to OFFICIAL correspondence, not personal. I've dealt with enough Embassies in my 22 yr Naval career, that I know, that a vast majority, if not all, OFFICIAL correspondence is classified. The standard rule then, and I doubt that it's changed, was over-classifying correspondence was preferable to under-classifying it.

If you have any further questions about classifying documents, contact Hillary, since she's well versed in the requirements. Oh, wait.....
You enjoy parsing words. I suppose you think it makes you appear superior, but in reality, it makes you look like a nit.

I understood what they meant, while you were looking for a means to nitpick their comments. My impression was, that they were referring to OFFICIAL correspondence, not personal. I've dealt with enough Embassies in my 22 yr Naval career, that I know, that a vast majority, if not all, OFFICIAL correspondence is classified. The standard rule then, and I doubt that it's changed, was over-classifying correspondence was preferable to under-classifying it.

If you have any further questions about classifying documents, contact Hillary, since she's well versed in the requirements. Oh, wait.....

So to quote you above, I'm not seeing the word official in there anywhere. But I guess that only works when the word is any huh?

You're a joke, but that joke is getting boring.
So to quote you above, I'm not seeing the word official in there anywhere. But I guess that only works when the word is any huh?

You're a joke, but that joke is getting boring.

As I said, you enjoy parsing words. The previous posters were talking about Official correspondence with embassies, but you couldn't resist sticking your thumb in their eyes, with your BS Birthday Card crap. If you had half the intelligence you try to make us believe you have, you would have understood that. Unfortunately, your two little brain cells couldn't rub together fast enough to generate any reading comprehension or understanding of context. As Purdue97 said, your BS Birthday Card example was irrelevant, because it was PERSONAL correspondence, NOT OFFICIAL Correspondence. I guess he needed to explain it to you more completely, so you could process the information fully. I suppose, that in a week, you'll slap yourself in the forehead and say, "Oh, that's what he meant."

You try so hard to be arrogant and condescending, but you have so little to work with. Now climb back into your Clown car and be gone with you.....

BTW, how's your girl Hillary doing? She's had to reinvent herself so many times during this campaign, she must be up to Hillary 7.0 by now.
As I said, you enjoy parsing words. The previous posters were talking about Official correspondence with embassies, but you couldn't resist sticking your thumb in their eyes, with your BS Birthday Card crap. If you had half the intelligence you try to make us believe you have, you would have understood that. Unfortunately, your two little brain cells couldn't rub together fast enough to generate any reading comprehension or understanding of context. As Purdue97 said, your BS Birthday Card example was irrelevant, because it was PERSONAL correspondence, NOT OFFICIAL Correspondence. I guess he needed to explain it to you more completely, so you could process the information fully. I suppose, that in a week, you'll slap yourself in the forehead and say, "Oh, that's what he meant."

You try so hard to be arrogant and condescending, but you have so little to work with. Now climb back into your Clown car and be gone with you.....

BTW, how's your girl Hillary doing? She's had to reinvent herself so many times during this campaign, she must be up to Hillary 7.0 by now.

you try oh so hard don't you? lol
lol so you say ANY email is automatically classified, I bring up a type of email, ask if that would be classified, and you say, irrelevant to the conversation. Ok. If it's ANY email then the answer would be yes, right?
There is a difference between sent and received. No one cares about birth day cards. That is not what has Hilary in hot water in anyway. Her issue is she received classified information via email, and went and told a friend, who is not even a govt employee.
you try oh so hard don't you? lol

How can you ignore what is clearly true? It is profound that anyone would make light of what Hillary has done. It is a deliberate attack on Americans. She attacked the country and then lied about it to your face and everyone else's. People get killed in this country for a lot less than stealing a dollar and she gets away with this publicly? Do you realize the consequences for America if she gets away with that crime? You might as well put up a sign for Hitler to rise, because that's exactly where this leads next. Snowden had to move to Russia for his freedom because he merely leaked an illegal operation against the US citizens with bulk surveillance so the government can keep communist and fascist style dossiers on the population. And it is so over the top brazen that Nixon got impeached for something a million times less criminal yet incredibly evil, but Hillary can tell Congress to go to hell? That is amazingly seditious and outright infinitely treacherous; ultimate betrayal. Yet she was actually having the US embassy attacked just so terrorists can be armed so the government (secret society members running it) can use that terrorism to create a world government under foreign control. Not only is that treason militarily speaking, but that is ideological sedition against the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. And it is those two documents that soldiers go to war for. So it isn't just a betrayal to just the non-military population, but it is treason against the military as well. So they can use those terrorist attacks and literally live through them vicariously and run them behind the scenes, and then demand the public become servile to an international government Hitlerian Welthauptstdadt Germania style New World Order. It is the ultimate crime. That is the ultimate espionage. That is the ultimate treason.


They even admit that Mussolini was a British Agent. All the New World Order represents is a plan by the secret societies that came from Germanic royalty and took over England, and carried that out on the United States; Cecile Rhodes put that in his will & testament. So did Carroll Quigley at Georgetown, who wrote a book about it. He even put the US flag upside down and wrapped inside a larger British flag to punk stomp laughingly all these stupid old ninny professors in lessor colleges who froth nonsense at students all day. He wrote a book about it to symbolize just how in the face treason it is, though he being one of their top war college operatives and think tank social engineers was for this simply because he thought they'd go forward with a world war III model before they'd even try and give up control for sanity to take back control.



totally admitted

Quigley even put it in his book Tragedy & Hope, a book that was meant strictly for the State Department, who later tried to have the book prevented from print and took the plates for the original print, of which now there is a missing chapter. A full fledged admission and yet this guy was Clinton's most revered and highly regarded professor and so much so he bragged about it during his inauguration ceremony. It is actually beyond treason. This is just frothing evil. This is so monstrous that the average American can only call it a conspiracy theory because they can't even wrap their mind around it so they literally would rather attack anyone who talks about it because it makes them look so pathetic and weak for not knowing about it for the danger we are all faced with now.

In 1891, Cecile Rhodes organized a secret society with members in a "Circle of Initiates" and an outer circle known as the "Association of Helpers" later organized as the Round Table organization. In 1909-1913, they organized semi-secret groups known as Round Table Groups in the chief British dependencies and the United States. In 1919, they founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Similar Institutes of International Affairs were established in the chief British dominions and the United States where it is known as the Council on Foreign Relations. After 1925, the Institute of Pacific Relations was set up in twelve Pacific area countries. They were constantly harping on the lessons to be learned from the failure of the American Revolution and the success of the Canadian federation of 1867 and hoped to federate the various parts of the empire and then confederate the whole with the United Kingdom. There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates to some extent in the way the Radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. CARROLL QUIGLEY (TRAGEDY & HOPE)


It is so embarrassing that anyone would support these people. It is like someone burning down your house and then that same person votes for the person who then throws them off a tall building in return. It is plain filthy to vote for these people. George Washington fought the Illuminati to the bitter end. This was the real American Revolution. It wasn't against just the British. It was about a Germanic death cult of demons who took over the British who then took over the US. And the petty little slob professor can froth ignorance all day. This is boldly defined in the Library of Congress. Just because they didn't put it in their punk text books isn't going to make this go away. It is there for anyone to go find out about.

It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter if they are susceptible of separation. That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned. George Washington (October 24, 1798, Mount Vernon, in The Writings of George Washington, vol. 20, p. 518)
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you try oh so hard don't you? lol

Cute, if you can't dispute a comment, you resort to your usual game plan of deflection, misdirection, distortion, posturing, spinning lies or belittling. Hillary could use you one her staff. Oh, wait, she probably won't need a staff much longer, will she? Bernie has overtaken Hillary in Iowa.
Cute, if you can't dispute a comment, you resort to your usual game plan of deflection, misdirection, distortion, posturing, spinning lies or belittling. Hillary could use you one her staff. Oh, wait, she probably won't need a staff much longer, will she? Bernie has overtaken Hillary in Iowa.

lol you've done nothing but attempt, lamely, to belittle since you've entered this thread. I don't try to dispute crazy, I just laugh at it.
There is a difference between sent and received. No one cares about birth day cards. That is not what has Hilary in hot water in anyway. Her issue is she received classified information via email, and went and told a friend, who is not even a govt employee.

Ah so, if she receives birthday wishes then, you think that's classifed then, yes?
So it isn't OFFICIAL correspondence as BigE claims, it's all/any. Yes?
Ah so, if she receives birthday wishes then, you think that's classifed then, yes?
So it isn't OFFICIAL correspondence as BigE claims, it's all/any. Yes?

If that is your argument, that you are going to try to tie it to birth day cards. Not sure what to say. Cute but pretty lame. That is not the issue.

What I know is what they taught and what some pretty senior officials in security have said. I also would say that the FBI, the Federal Judge her husband appointed, IGs, and ecurity Offices are pretty irate about this. They are not under Republican control.
If that is your argument, that you are going to try to tie it to birth day cards. Not sure what to say. Cute but pretty lame. That is not the issue.

What I know is what they taught and what some pretty senior officials in security have said. I also would say that the FBI, the Federal Judge her husband appointed, IGs, and ecurity Offices are pretty irate about this. They are not under Republican control.

It's a real simple question, not sure why you are having such trouble answering it.
Ah so, if she receives birthday wishes then, you think that's classifed then, yes?
So it isn't OFFICIAL correspondence as BigE claims, it's all/any. Yes?

So you think she received 33,000 birthday wishes? Why then would she not give Congress the computer? Why did the FBI not take the computer and allow her the time to wipe the drive? This is the same woman that said "if you have nothing to hide why are you worried about the NSA"? Americans have to be naked body scanned in a microwave to travel and have their private conversations kept so the government can profile people so they can have dossiers for when they put their Hitler in power to pull the extermination. They'll just blame their Hitler. We've see this throughout history many times before. We know how this plays out. So a woman who has nothing to hid wipes her hard drive and then says lowly slave Americans need violated and robbed of their personal information which is their personal intellectual property, but she can wipe her hard drive publicly while under investigation for treason. It is already admitted classified information was on the computer. Information ABOVE top secret. Actually, that was already in the news so that isn't debatable. If you want to debate this then at least be honest about it. The FBI has classified thousands of those emails, those are just the ones they've found after she wiped the drive. You can't debate this as if this is birthday wishes. That isn't even in the same universe of reality. She committed obstruction of justice on a matter of national security. And yet that same witch gets on TV and all she talks about is national security while they all conduct treason in secret unopposed and without punishment, or oversight.

On your quote above: Since 911 the figure heads in the government are frothing for you to surrender to their new world order ideology which runs 180 degrees opposite to the US constitution. All you heard on news for a decade was Al Queda this or that hand over your rights. Surrender your freedom. Surrender to globalism. Globalist this or that. A "New World Order" the same slogan the Illuminati wrote about in their protocols. And Hitler wrote a book saying that. HG Wells wrote a book saying the same thing. I can play a video right now of FDR saying this was a Nazi world government plan all along.


So that witch Hillary had the State Department change the name of Al Queda to ISIS and suddenly you haven't heard a whisper of Al Queda in the media. What did they just disappear? What kind of a comical game do you think this is? She armed those people. She was running logistics for it. She armed them and had the Ambassador slaughtered as a message to others in the government. And per your quote above how much do you think it matters whether or not someone is democrat or republican when they foist elections in this country with people like Bush and Kerry who are not only relatives, they are related to every single monarchy on and off the throne and in the same Illuminati secret society, which is indeed just that as scholar Anthony Sutton has shown the world. You think that matters? Hillary conducted treason and I don't need Hillary's bosses to tell me that or some stupefied idiot professor. This is clear. You either choose to ignore it or you admit it, but either way everyone here including you knows that is true. The only opposition these people give or have ever given this public is a controlled opposition. Either way every action they partake is globalism and the destruction of America. And the impoverishment of the American citizen. You lose everything as an America, foreign kings get their new world order and control over the development of the human species, they merge with machines, the rest of us die in an orderly extinction, Hillary gets 2 billion in her tax free payoff account. North Korea gets Nukes. Russia gets the Uranium. You pay for it. Why else would they need the whole world under their control? Hitler wanted the same thing. Hitler worked for them.

Do you think you elect people? Hillary versus a 3rd Bush? Bush versus Kerry?
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So you think she received 33,000 birthday wishes? Why then would she not give Congress the computer? Why did the FBI not take the computer and allow her the time to wipe the drive? This is the same woman that said "if you have nothing to hide why are you worried about the NSA"? Americans have to be naked body scanned in a microwave to travel and have their private conversations kept so the government can profile people so they can have dossiers for when they put their Hitler in power to pull the extermination. They'll just blame their Hitler. We've see this throughout history many times before. We know how this plays out. So a woman who has nothing to hid wipes her hard drive and then says lowly slave Americans need violated and robbed of their personal information which is their personal intellectual property, but she can wipe her hard drive publicly while under investigation for treason. It is already admitted classified information was on the computer. Information ABOVE top secret. Actually, that was already in the news so that isn't debatable. If you want to debate this then at least be honest about it. The FBI has classified thousands of those emails, those are just the ones they've found after she wiped the drive. You can't debate this as if this is birthday wishes. That isn't even in the same universe of reality. She committed obstruction of justice on a matter of national security. And yet that same witch gets on TV and all she talks about is national security while they all conduct treason in secret unopposed and without punishment, or oversight.

On your quote above: Since 911 the figure heads in the government are frothing for you to surrender to their new world order ideology which runs 180 degrees opposite to the US constitution. All you heard on news for a decade was Al Queda this or that hand over your rights. Surrender your freedom. Surrender to globalism. Globalist this or that. A "New World Order" the same slogan the Illuminati wrote about in their protocols. And Hitler wrote a book saying that. HG Wells wrote a book saying the same thing. I can play a video right now of FDR saying this was a Nazi world government plan all along.


So that witch Hillary had the State Department change the name of Al Queda to ISIS and suddenly you haven't heard a whisper of Al Queda in the media. What did they just disappear? What kind of a comical game do you think this is? She armed those people. She was running logistics for it. She armed them and had the Ambassador slaughtered as a message to others in the government. And per your quote above how much do you think it matters whether or not someone is democrat or republican when they foist elections in this country with people like Bush and Kerry who are not only relatives, they are related to every single monarchy on and off the throne and in the same Illuminati secret society, which is indeed just that as scholar Anthony Sutton has shown the world. You think that matters? Hillary conducted treason and I don't need Hillary's bosses to tell me that or some stupefied idiot professor. This is clear. You either choose to ignore it or you admit it, but either way everyone here including you knows that is true. The only opposition these people give or have ever given this public is a controlled opposition. Either way every action they partake is globalism and the destruction of America. And the impoverishment of the American citizen. You lose everything as an America, foreign kings get their new world order and control over the development of the human species, they merge with machines, the rest of us die in an orderly extinction, Hillary gets 2 billion in her tax free payoff account. North Korea gets Nukes. Russia gets the Uranium. You pay for it. Why else would they need the whole world under their control? Hitler wanted the same thing. Hitler worked for them.

Do you think you elect people? Hillary versus a 3rd Bush? Bush versus Kerry?

Yes, not a whisper of Al Qaeda. I mean if I did a search I wouldn't find a single mention of it in the last three days on say, or, dailymail, Wall Street Journal, AFP, CNBC, Reuters...none of those media sites would have recent news or reports on Al Qaeda.
It's a real simple question, not sure why you are having such trouble answering it.

I am not. Anything sent to State from a foreign official is to be treated or born classified. That was their policy and that is what they taught. All of the other agencies agree that the material was/is classified. State Dept wants to argue if it should be classified(not their call-it is whoever classified its call) or when it was classified(irrelevant if sent to her per own rules). She then erased server and gave information/hard drive to contractors or people that did not have clearances. You start mumbling about Hilary sending birth day cards. Hard to believe I entertained this conversation for as long as I did.
lol you've done nothing but attempt, lamely, to belittle since you've entered this thread. I don't try to dispute crazy, I just laugh at it.

Yup, you were circling the wagons around Hillary and saying the whole e-mail scandal would go away, and that she would be the nominee. I said that she was on a death spiral, because of the accumulation of scandals. Since then, her numbers have dropped and Bernie is leading her in Iowa. So let me get this straight, You're not delusional and I'm crazy. Yeah, keep telling yourself that, if it makes you feel better about yourself.
I am not. Anything sent to State from a foreign official is to be treated or born classified. That was their policy and that is what they taught. All of the other agencies agree that the material was/is classified. State Dept wants to argue if it should be classified(not their call-it is whoever classified its call) or when it was classified(irrelevant if sent to her per own rules). She then erased server and gave information/hard drive to contractors or people that did not have clearances. You start mumbling about Hilary sending birth day cards. Hard to believe I entertained this conversation for as long as I did.

So "anything." I was told I was "parsing" when I said any thing...maybe E32 will chime in lol

No, you are wrong. "Anything" sent to state from a foreign official is not "born classified." The only things that are classified are communications that the foreign official either asks us to keep classified or information of a type that we ourselves would want to keep classified if the roles were reversed. So yes "birthday cards" which was an example of something that would not be classified or anything else that is not in one of those two bundles would not in fact be classified.

I'm sure it is hard to believe you've entertained the conversation since you are starting from a wrong and silly premise. That's why you keep trying to belittle the premise, because you realize the idea of a birthday card being classified would be freaking ridiculous...yet under your "rule" it would absolutely be "born classified."

One would think such a silly result would cause you to re-asses, but clearly it doesn't.
Yup, you were circling the wagons around Hillary and saying the whole e-mail scandal would go away, and that she would be the nominee. I said that she was on a death spiral, because of the accumulation of scandals. Since then, her numbers have dropped and Bernie is leading her in Iowa. So let me get this straight, You're not delusional and I'm crazy. Yeah, keep telling yourself that, if it makes you feel better about yourself.

I would imagine your posting would make anyone feel better about bring down the curve of life, and we are thankful to you for it.
I would imagine your posting would make anyone feel better about bring down the curve of life, and we are thankful to you for it.

As is the case with many of your posts, that doesn't make a bit of sense, but I'm sure you thought you were very clever, when you wrote it.
As is the case with many of your posts, that doesn't make a bit of sense, but I'm sure you thought you were very clever, when you wrote it.

Yes, I'm not surprised you don't understand the concept of bringing down a curve, the people who bring down a curve usually don't.
Yes, I'm not surprised you don't understand the concept of bringing down a curve, the people who bring down a curve usually don't.

Yeah, you rectally generate the nebulous term, "the curve of life", and then try to use it as a weapon to prove your mental superiority. You must really be an insecure individual to have to try so hard to drag everyone else down, in a sad effort to elevate yourself.

If you were half as intelligent as you keep trying to tell us you are, you would have honest discussions with people on this board, without resorting to all your pathetic tactics of misdirection, obfuscation, deflection, dancing around the edges of the truth, distortion, and diminishing those with which you disagree, when you can't factually support your position. Sadly, you've dragged me down to your level and for that I apologize. I won't take any more cheap shots at you or anyone else from this point forward. I'll just deal with the issues.
Yeah, you rectally generate the nebulous term, "the curve of life", and then try to use it as a weapon to prove your mental superiority. You must really be an insecure individual to have to try so hard to drag everyone else down, in a sad effort to elevate yourself.

If you were half as intelligent as you keep trying to tell us you are, you would have honest discussions with people on this board, without resorting to all your pathetic tactics of misdirection, obfuscation, deflection, dancing around the edges of the truth, distortion, and diminishing those with which you disagree, when you can't factually support your position. Sadly, you've dragged me down to your level and for that I apologize. I won't take any more cheap shots at you or anyone else from this point forward. I'll just deal with the issues.

lol We are all waiting with bated breath.
Yes, not a whisper of Al Qaeda. I mean if I did a search I wouldn't find a single mention of it in the last three days on say, or, dailymail, Wall Street Journal, AFP, CNBC, Reuters...none of those media sites would have recent news or reports on Al Qaeda.

No because ISIS is Al Queda. They government just changed the name because the US Army was starting to protest when it was discovered the Pentagon was arming Al Queda. So then they change the name and Hillary funds them, now they call it ISIS. But Hillary is so loyal....after all she just destroyed her hard drive for being investigated for treason.
I would imagine your posting would make anyone feel better about bring down the curve of life, and we are thankful to you for it.

Hillary Clinton is a very serious traitor. She was running a foreign intelligence operation against the United States. It is high treason to levy war against your home country, and I am not referring to classic internal uprisings against tyrants here. I am talking about her arming external militaries against the United States. Her husband armed North Korea with plutonium making nuclear reactors, one of which was built without even being connected to a grid. Hillary Clinton is not just guilty of treason, sedition, or espionage. She is guilty of HIGH TREASON. She armed rebels that are in fact Al Qaeda. The government named Al Qaeda as responsible for 911. Then it came out that Saudi Arabia was behind it, and worked with CIA and other globalist intelligence agencies posing as national, so the US military started to publicly rebel. Hence exhibit the way I can post THOUSANDS of these. This is not some fringe issue.


In continuance... the State Department changed the name from Al Qaeda to ISIS. Hillary and the State Department, a larcenist organization taken over by CRF (Council on Foreign Relations), a British secret society designed to implement world takeover through Federation, with the eventual one world centralized government under a population control model. She armed ISIS and then orchestrated war against the US Embassy in Benghazi. It is so brazen an attack that the entire Republican field of candidates last night actually debated it before the entire country calling for her prosecution and arrest. And believe me, they would never do that. The only reason they are even saying it, being controlled opposition that they are, is that the public is keenly aware of this, and to remain in a position of control they must froth rhetoric to camouflage themselves as legitimate operators. So lets just get that clear. Hillary Clinton has levied war against the United States. She is guilty of espionage, sedition, treason, war crimes, and high treason as well, in addition to obstruction of justice. Her crimes are so huge that it actually contradicted the entire Iraq war effort in addition to arming Al Qaeda. Think about that for a second. America spent TRILLIONS going to war in Iraq, a country not even partially responsible for 911 and indeed enemies of the same people the US government blamed (Al Qaeda), who now under the name ISIS took over Iraq mainly because of those weapons Hillary gave them.

You want to know why they call them ISIS now? You think it is still a conspiracy "theory" ? Is the entire US armed forces a conspiracy theorist now? Guess what they aren't the idiots. These troops know reality, they've been there. Have you? The idiots are these sniveling public school head snouts that can't even recognize left from right and just want to laugh all day with their public school heads.
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Yes, ISIS IS Al Queda. They fly the same flag. But that isn't even the point that is just the pain staking reality. The point is Hillary armed ISIS and look at what that move has caused. They took over Iraq, a country America spent TRILLIONS to take down for no reason whatsoever. What kind of country invests a TRILLION DOLLARS and hands over the country to a terrorist organization? Does that sound like competent leaders? That is if one is foolish to think that wasn't by design.

Now the all of Western Civilization is being invaded by those same radicals. They are fortifying their positions in Western Civilization. An army is coming across the borders as ISIS pretends themselves as immigrants coming from Syria. Another example no matter how one views it as the citizens of Western Civilization paying the price by HORRIBLE decisions made by their treacherous leaders.


Why is John Kerry concerned that Russia is going to attack ISIS? Remember, Syria is Russia's ally, so they obviously aren't there to take Syria out. That really exposes how the US really did fund ISIS through Hillary Clinton. And how they are a proxy army to attack Western Civilization. Remember, by destabilizing that region to payoff Saudi Arabia and then use those people to invade Western Civilization and the result that will have on your life, profound. All by design, while Hillary conducted this operation off the books outside of FOIA running treason and espionage against the United States. And think of how that makes us look in the eyes of the world that Russia of all countries comes to the aid of Syrians, while the US arms ISIS. That is our government's deeds. A government we all pay taxes to. Filled with lying filthy traitors as they betray us and destroy our reputation around the world. That is how they repay us for our generosity.

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Russia exposes that Hillary Clinton and the state department's proxy terror force ISIS was easily defeated with the Russian air strikes. What a huge exposure to the whole world who the bad guys are right now. Think of what that makes the US look like to the world. Think of the disparage our government has brought down on us with this. Our government that we pay taxes to is so evil that they create and fund terrorist attacks and now the Russians called them out and exposed it to the whole world. There is no denying this anymore even for the most cynical skeptics out there. Only a willfully brainwashed ignorance head can deny this now.


Russian Air Force Destroys Terrorist Command Center In Raqqa – Defense Ministry
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