Serious question: are you friends with the Haze? You literally show up every time someone criticizes the Haze with your recycled “jilted lover syndrome” spiel, just like the MSU dirtbags that show up on here like clockwork, every time someone criticizes Izzo.
And by the way: Hazell is the one who got jilted, not us.
Dude, really? You expect that question to be taken seriously? Because it really doesn't look like a seriously worded question (or post).
"You literally show up every time someone criticizes the Haze..."
Every time? Every single time? Do you monitor this forum for Hazell threads and comments, taking names of who comments and who doesn't? Because, if you're really serious, that's what we're to read into your statement and question.
No, genius, I don't comment every time. Earlier this week there were multiple comments in another thread about Hazell. I left them alone. But this thread was created solely to target the failures of Hazell. It's ridiculous, it's lacking in intelligence, and DOES smack of the jilted lover syndrome.
Hazell was jilted? No, people here are acting jilted, just like I (and others!) have pointed out.
Stop. Just, stop. He's gone. No matter your level of hatred. No matter how much you detest him. He's gone. I've never met him, nor am I defending him, nor is any of that required to recognize the inanity posted here.
If you don't see it or can't recognize it, that's on you, not me.
Again, he's gone. We have something special going on! It appears you can't recognize that. If you can, then just stop with the Hazell obsession. It's childish, it's irrelevant, and it's indicative of many other things, none of which are flattering.
Move on. Live in today, not in the bitterness of what could have been (but wasn't).
Or, not. Make your choice. I've made mine, even though I might call out the immaturity of threads like this, and will continue to reserve the right to do so, no matter how much you hate it.