Harbaugh being Harbaugh


Jul 1, 2008

Surprised this hasn't been posted yet. My thoughts:

1) I didn't think the hit on Speight was anywhere near egregious. Not even remotely dirty. Sometimes in football you just get crunched.

2) I haven't seen the visitor's locker rooms, but I am tempted to believe Harbaugh. Some Purdue people said similar things about Purdue's own locker room not that long ago.
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Purdue is a good school and you grads probably have nice jobs because of that education and could get together and donate to the school for some improvements.
We’ve been playing football at Ross Ade since the 20s. Why do we care that Harbaugh is mad about no AC? How many hundred coaches have used the same locker room and not thrown a hissy fit?
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We lose 2 guys to targeting calls, one of which was highly questionable, and he's whining about not getting a third one. Yep, sounds like Harbaugh. You watch, though, something is going to come out of this. The conference is going to bow to their prima donna. Wouldn't be surprised to see Wilson sitting out a half. Reminds me of the Dick Rod move when he whined and got our OL suspended.

Also, it was so hot in the Michigan locker room that Harbaugh nearly had to remove his sweatshirt. The seventh circle of hell indeed!
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Speight hit wasn't dirty but it was illegal. He was already down when the 2nd player hit him from behind on the ground. Not dirty because he's a big dude who couldn't stop his momentum but still illegal.

Both targeting calls against Purdue were legit. Stop crying about it.

A UM safety also should have been called for targeting and wasn't. Purdue has a legit gripe about that.
We’ve been playing football at Ross Ade since the 20s. Why do we care that Harbaugh is mad about no AC? How many hundred coaches have used the same locker room and not thrown a hissy fit?

The bigger question is, why does a D1 program in 2017... not have AC? Or an x-ray facility on site? Bush league.
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if everything he says about the visiting locker rooms is true, it is kind of embarrassing and we should make it a priority to fix it, sounds like he was also implying that this is an issue at some other venues too
Doesn't answer my question. Why? There's money available and it's not like an AC is a big investment.

Money wasn’t available until recently. Prior administrations didn’t reinvest in facilities
As for X-ray. Speight has to travel two blocks, by ambulance. What is the issue?
The bigger question is, why does a D1 program in 2017... not have AC? Or an x-ray facility on site? Bush league.
Why didn’t Michigan bring portable AC units? Really poor planning by Harbaugh.

And we don’t need an X Ray facility in the freaking stadium when we have a manned student health center walking distance from the locker room.
Next time Harblow brings Meatchicken to RA I suggest we run ice machines for a week ahead and fill the damn locker room for him. That ought to take care of the heat. If it's a late season game and the temp is low I'd suggest not heating the locker room so he can have it cooler like he wants it. If he'd stayed in the NFL instead of running back to his childhood sandbox he'd have all the amenities he could whine for.
Speight hit wasn't dirty but it was illegal. He was already down when the 2nd player hit him from behind on the ground. Not dirty because he's a big dude who couldn't stop his momentum but still illegal.

Both targeting calls against Purdue were legit. Stop crying about it.

A UM safety also should have been called for targeting and wasn't. Purdue has a legit gripe about that.

Speight was not already down when Wilson hit him. He may have been in the process of going down, but that's not "down".

I cry about the targeting calls because the rule is bullshit. Not because it went against Purdue.

As others have said, Harbaugh just likes to whine. How many other coaches have used that locker room? I would bet it's not great, but nobody else has whined about it to my knowledge. At least in such a public manner.
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Isn't he saying what we on this very board have been saying for years RE the lack of funding and focus towards our athletic programs?!? He's preaching to the choir here!

It is embarrassing to get called out by Harbaugh?? Yes. Is he wrong?? No, he isn't. We all know we are far behind most others in regards to this kind of stuff. He said what we've all said before, but maybe his statements might actually lead to some action.

And, I love the new lights. I think they look great, as do most of my fellow Boilers I associate with.
This has me curious. How many D1 programs do have an "onsite" X-ray facility? Is Purdue really that far behind?

I did a google search, but I got mostly NFL info.

I did see in the write-up of the new Baylor stadium that they had an X-ray room in the facility, but that was the only thing that jumped out at me about colleges.
This has me curious. How many D1 programs do have an "onsite" X-ray facility? Is Purdue really that far behind?

.....No, only a! But prima donnas like Harbough would complain if we did have onsite X-ray facility that there wasn't one in the visitor's locker room too. He needs to put his big boy panties on and get a grip.
Visiting locker room is kind of a joke to be honest...however until standards are put in place and enforced, you get what you guessing most other stadiums are pretty terrible.
Speight was not already down when Wilson hit him. He may have been in the process of going down, but that's not "down".

How can you say something as fact when it can easily be proven otherwise? lol




To say he wasn't down is ridiculous as you can clearly see his knee on the ground before the Purdue player even starts his hit. Even if he wasn't (which he was) it was obvious he was going to be, so why hit him? Why even risk a roughing call knowing how protected QB's are? Sure it happened fast in real-time but the hit wasn't needed and the player made the conscious decision to just give him a little extra. I really don't think that's debatable. The only reason Speight was even hit as bad as he was was because he was already in the process of sitting back up before the player even fell on him. Whether or not you think it's dirty is one thing but to try and defend it as incidental or not-late is pathetic.
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Speight was not already down when Wilson hit him. He may have been in the process of going down, but that's not "down".

I cry about the targeting calls because the rule is bullshit. Not because it went against Purdue.

As others have said, Harbaugh just likes to whine. How many other coaches have used that locker room? I would bet it's not great, but nobody else has whined about it to my knowledge. At least in such a public manner.
to say he wasnt down is stupid. and why is it whining? he hasnt been to purdue in over 30 years since he was a player. and made the comment that it hadn`t changed. i think he has a right to stand up for his team and say something.
Next time Harblow brings Meatchicken to RA I suggest we run ice machines for a week ahead and fill the damn locker room for him. That ought to take care of the heat. If it's a late season game and the temp is low I'd suggest not heating the locker room so he can have it cooler like he wants it. If he'd stayed in the NFL instead of running back to his childhood sandbox he'd have all the amenities he could whine for.
harblow and meatchicken? where did you go read that at? do`s that make you feel like a big tough guy to call names?
How can you say something as fact when it can easily be proven otherwise? lol




To say he wasn't down is ridiculous as you can clearly see his knee on the ground before the Purdue player even starts his hit. Even if he wasn't it was obvious he was going to be, so why hit him? Sure it happened fast in real-time but the hit wasn't needed and the player made the conscious decision to just give him a little extra. I really don't think that's debatable. Whether or not you think it's dirty is one thing but to try and defend it as incidental is pathetic.
You got a frame by frame for the late hit on Anthrop in the end zone that wasn't called or only where it's convenient for the boys in blue?
How can you say something as fact when it can easily be proven otherwise? lol




To say he wasn't down is ridiculous as you can clearly see his knee on the ground before the Purdue player even starts his hit. Even if he wasn't (which he was) it was obvious he was going to be, so why hit him? Why even risk a roughing call knowing how protected QB's are? Sure it happened fast in real-time but the hit wasn't needed and the player made the conscious decision to just give him a little extra. I really don't think that's debatable. The only reason Speight was even hit as bad as he was was because he was already in the process of sitting back up before the player even fell on him. Whether or not you think it's dirty is one thing but to try and defend it as incidental or not-late is pathetic.
Neglected the fact he was pushed in the back as well
Speight hit wasn't dirty but it was illegal. He was already down when the 2nd player hit him from behind on the ground. Not dirty because he's a big dude who couldn't stop his momentum but still illegal.

Both targeting calls against Purdue were legit. Stop crying about it.

A UM safety also should have been called for targeting and wasn't. Purdue has a legit gripe about that.


It's not illegal. The only time that gets flagged is when it's malicious. It wasn't. Defender had momentum and was coming down at the same time Speight was taken down.
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It's not illegal. The only time that gets flagged is when it's malicious. It wasn't. Defender had momentum and was coming down at the same time Speight was taken down.
Yep. In real time from the defender's POV when he had to make the decision to move that 300 pound body, Speight wasn't any more down than O'Corn was later in the game when he did that ballet move to avoid going to the ground when Bentley had him lined up. You would think fans of a defensive minded team like Michigan would understand playing to the whistle.

Surprised this hasn't been posted yet. My thoughts:

1) I didn't think the hit on Speight was anywhere near egregious. Not even remotely dirty. Sometimes in football you just get crunched.

2) I haven't seen the visitor's locker rooms, but I am tempted to believe Harbaugh. Some Purdue people said similar things about Purdue's own locker room not that long ago.
If speight stays in we might have won. He was lost and panicked. I did think the hit was close to being late but
my god, why would he lie about it?

The ESPN article clearly points out that a member of Harbaugh's staff visited in July, was told there was no air - conditioning but other accomadations could be made available if requested. Even provided him with name and phone number to do so. Also that the Purdue Visitor's Manuel states the same thing in emboldened letters....Michigan evidently chose not to do that....
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Are we the only B1G school that doesn't have x-ray, MRI and air conditioning in the visitor's locker room, just trying to get some context for his complaint
Speight hit wasn't dirty but it was illegal. He was already down when the 2nd player hit him from behind on the ground. Not dirty because he's a big dude who couldn't stop his momentum but still illegal.

Both targeting calls against Purdue were legit. Stop crying about it.

A UM safety also should have been called for targeting and wasn't. Purdue has a legit gripe about that.
I'm not crying about the targeting calls on Purdue. Fair enough. The no calls on Michigan far, far outweighed any additional no call on us. The no call pass interferences on MI are unforgivable. Michigan wore us down, no doubt about it, but MI fans beware...enjoy this victory while you can. Purdue, under Brohm will be back to beat your butts soon enough.
You can thank our boys for knocking Speight out of contention, since Harmouth was too stupid to take him out on his own.

It's not illegal. The only time that gets flagged is when it's malicious. It wasn't. Defender had momentum and was coming down at the same time Speight was taken down.
you cant be serious. he was sitting on the ground when he was hit. and i agree that should have been a penalty on michigan in the endzone, but that didnt cost you the game.