that was uncalled for.
I do a lot of speculation. And the majority of time, my speculation comes to fruition.
Some people have speculated that Sullivan may be the next to decommit. You don't harass that poster. but when I speculate, yo u harass and did me like no other.
I see patterns and trends.
When looking at the previous de-commits, it's not like they all wanted to leave. Essentially, if you look at Purdue's commitment list, the recruits that de-committed were the lowest ranked commits and at a position where we had other commitments.
I've made the point various times to the disagreement of many on this board, that since we are already 5 players over, in order to add any new recruits, we would have to lose current ones. I've also argued with people about the old one year scholarship rule. it changed. and I provided factual links. Purdue and brohm can no longer just kick people off the team.
To add somebody to this team, brohm has to subtract a recruit. You just saw Craft and kyle de-commit. Why? because you're about to see two new players commit.
and if you really want to know the next players who will decommit, you can just look at our commitment list and see who is at the bottom of that list.
in the last couple of weeks, Trice's ratings have moved up. So he's probably no longer in danger. but his ratings are not that much higher than Kyle or Craft. if Purdue signs Taylor and Moore, some WR is going to leave - Kyle is already reported to be reopening his recruitment and maybe Bonner.
without having any inside information, I would say the next three de-commitments will probably be Ball, Perkins and Rucker and maybe Lane..
I don't make things up or pull things out of my ass. I speculate on trends and facts. it's a fact to add a player, we must subtract a player. and currently, the trend has been the player to leave has been a recruit de-committing.
there have been other people " speculating" that Purdue will also lose a bunch of current players. What is their speculation based on? Basic hear say. yet, you believe their speculation, and call me making things up.
I'll offer some further speculation not previously provided to this board. Based on fact, brohm has added transfers and jucos. With the early and late signing periods, I'm going to speculate brohm will sign jucos, transfers and high school players in the late signing period based on how many current players are ruled ineligible. We're currently 5 over. if we have 10 players flunk out, Brohm will have 5 scholarships to be able to use for late signees or jucos or transfers. But his current early signing recruits have a limit. to add an early recruit, Brohm will subtract an early recruit.
I don't consider that pulling stuff out of my ass. You can disagree with me all you want. But there are facts that my speculation is built on. look at the tweets of Kyle, Craft and Parks. They didn't want to de-commit. they de-committed to make room for somebody else. And I'm going to speculate you will see several other players de-commit to make room for several future additions. If Israel had committed, you would see a Db recruit leave. My speculations are usually very obvious and logical.
But as I've said. the majority of my posts are purely speculation, and I don't have inside sources. I also speculated Purdue would go 6-6 in football this year in the preseason prediction thread. I speculated they would probably go to the pinstripe, or Foster farms bowl. I speculated the y would not be paired against Louisville. I speculated that the BIG 10 would decide what team would go to the holiday bowl and not the holiday bowl. the holiday bow l could request, and the BIG 10 had ultimate approval authority. And all that was also total speculation! and a lot of people have disagreed with my posts and opinions. . you can believe my speculative posts or not. but you can take the dissing and personal attacks elsewhere.