Industrial, Electrical, Mechanical, CIMT, Mfg Engineers, P.E. Developers from a variety of disciplines. I'd say 2-3 or more decades ago, it was mainly men. Much like any Engineering field now has women in it. I see that Cummins Sr. Mgt team consists of 6/15 women. The President and CEO is Jennifer Rumsey. As other posters put it, I cannot see Cummins moving to a blue state to give their "farm" away to taxes and regulations that will handcuff them while their competition are already in Red States to minimize tax or actively seeking Red States themselves.
Is this the sword that a Corporation wants to fall on? I don't think so.
On a side note: How many CEO's that are REP or DEM for that matter making 7 figures + stock options want to have the Govt come in to seize their documents and tie up their businesses? Last night was quite the eye opener seeing what one party will do with the aiding help of FBI, DOJ, and AG. Want to see what Socialism or Communism looks like, look at the headlines today of the raid last night. Additionally 87,000 IRS resources are going to go on the payroll of GOVT and it won't take long to tie up a lot of middle working class of America into audits, etc that will be nothing short of Authoritarian Leadership.