Drew Brees: To Kneel or not to Kneel

Here is a thought. Many times we deal with averages and consider the variation about the average to draw conclusions. We truly can divide things be demographics that represent whatever is being studied. There is value in that as it does portray a view. However, the duck hunter example must be remembered. A duck takes off and the hunter shoots three feet in front of the duck and quickly shoots again three feet behind. Now on the average the duck was hit, but we all know that duck flew off. Averages in consideration with the variation are VERY important, but they don't always tell the story of an individual situation.
You lost me about four of your "word salad" posts ago. Are you saying that the law of averages will tell me that Jewish people will rip me off? Kay, still not buying a Nazi flag.
The kneeling is not about statistics, it is about justice. If someone murders another person, they should go to prison. With black on black crime that happens. With police on citizen crime, that almost never happens. That is why they are kneeling. So please stop with the black on black crime argument. It rings hollow.
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In my haste I know I didn’t do justice in explaining the need for more information. This is rather complex and explaining why more information is needed is not easy. I don’t know the situation as I have not reviewed any data to have an intelligent opinion. That said, let me try to shoot from the hip some thoughts. Let’s assume that in the USA there were 1000 people shot AND killed (shootings without killing are not counted...even though in real life they might be…and that distinction “may” be important, but I’m simplifying here for understanding). Someone looks at the data by race and concludes that the 750 whites killed was three times the number of blacks killed (250) and says this is not right. They must be targeting whites. Another person, not believing that data accurately portraying the intended message digs deeper into the data and concludes that only 17% of the population is black and since 25% of those killed are black a disproportionate number of the results shows that blacks are targeted. I mean we have almost 50% more deaths of blacks than whites per population percent…something is amiss!

Another guy not believing that blacks are targeted comes along and digs deeper yet into the data for the SAME 1000 deaths and concludes that 950 of the deaths were to people making less than $35,000. Can you see where this is going? WE now have another “break point” or category to evaluate…and this one is more significant than race…again just showing how this works. Yet another person doesn’t think it is solely race or income, but geography and looks at the same 1000 deaths and concludes that urban communities (any town with a population of greater than 200K perhaps) resulted in 975 deaths where the rural deaths by shooting were only 25 and is by far the greatest relationship with shooting deaths by the police. As people consider more variables in the model a more precise evaluation of the significance erupts. You would like a good model (the variables studied accounting for a very high percent of the variation in shooting deaths) although in “studies of society ” many times the models are pretty weak…meaning there are a lot of variables either (A) not accounted or (B) accounted but “irrelevant” in consideration of the model. IN other words the calculated F-score and associated chance due to probability may be great, but within the model in only accounts for 10% of the study as an example. My attempt was to leave the math out and just give an example of how things work. Far too many times people think data says one thing and it doesn’t. Again, I’m ignorant having not studied the shootings, but not totally ignorant in how data works… ;) Essentially, each category has a standard deviation and that variation squared and multiplied by its respective degrees of freedom give a sum of squares for that category and then the mean square of each category is divided by the error mean square of the error term (total sum of squares using all data) to calculate the F Score of probability of occurrence. In the above example each variable would have 1 df (2 choices-black or white resulting in 2-1) and 999 DFs in the error term if only race was considered and 997 if race (2-1), income (2-1) and city size (2-1) were considered (1000-1=997 for total DFs and 1 DF for each variable…race, income and city size. Understanding things like this allows for a different view than just reading something and many accomplished, knowledgeable people don't have the background into analysis of information needed all the time.
Loved your post!!! Totally agree that what we are essentially seeing is an over-simplification of a big problem and that is why we are where we are now. Many people simply can't understand or choose not to understand all the things you stated by doing a little bit of research. Many times that comes from the fact that people want their news in 1-2 minute bursts and dumbing down the material is forced. In that dumbing down of the material you inevitably get the polarizing sides of 'kneeling is disrespectful to the flag and our country' vs. 'kneeling is about police brutality and racism.' In all honesty, the true answer lies in a much deeper set of webs socially. The thing about society and the science of Sociology...there are no definite truths, only patterns that we can point to that we can then make generalities.
Heck, the Jets and Sharks danced to broadway show tunes and 4 or 5 people died.

Also Italian immigrants especially the Sicilians were HUGE rap fans.
This is why correlation studies may not be causal. A high correlation does NOT mean it is a causal relationship, but you can't have a relationship without a significant correlation. Still, most would catch your example... ;)
You lost me about four of your "word salad" posts ago. Are you saying that the law of averages will tell me that Jewish people will rip me off? Kay, still not buying a Nazi flag.
The kneeling is not about statistics, it is about justice. If someone murders another person, they should go to prison. With black on black crime that happens. With police on citizen crime, that almost never happens. That is why they are kneeling. So please stop with the black on black crime argument. It rings hollow.
No, what I tried to tell you was how many don't understand data and think they do...drawing bad conclusions that are in error. I see it all the time. The average of something tells you something, but an average does NOT tell you about the individual unless that individual lies several standard deviations from the average and then the "outlier" needs review. My attempt with a duck was to show how "averages" may miss the mark on an individual data point.

There is no question that various demographics can be studied relative to various academic tests as a single example...and YES, there is a huge disparity between those demographics in many cases. However, an individual data point...or a few data points of any demographic can may fall within another demographic's population. Since I don't know what if any background you have in testing for "claims" I'm not sure how to word what I tried to say better. I admit I do not have an intelligent answer since I have not studied it, but nobody has provided meaningful data to know past emotion.
Loved your post!!! Totally agree that what we are essentially seeing is an over-simplification of a big problem and that is why we are where we are now. Many people simply can't understand or choose not to understand all the things you stated by doing a little bit of research. Many times that comes from the fact that people want their news in 1-2 minute bursts and dumbing down the material is forced. In that dumbing down of the material you inevitably get the polarizing sides of 'kneeling is disrespectful to the flag and our country' vs. 'kneeling is about police brutality and racism.' In all honesty, the true answer lies in a much deeper set of webs socially. The thing about society and the science of Sociology...there are no definite truths, only patterns that we can point to that we can then make generalities.

I just ordered this book. Her Bio and other's reviews of the book are interesting.

Amazon product ASIN 0062468162
I'm sure it will be interesting.. Additionally, and I've mentioned this before anyone interested in education should read this as well. Both sides are attacked and being an English teacher, you may find The Language Police VERY interesting

Amazon product ASIN 1400030641
sorry, but can't let this one by...couldn't disagree more. These two situations are completely UNCOMPARABLE. In one, people get their patriotic feelings hurt, in the other someone dies. I DO agree with you that kneeling is a personal decision - and not one anyone (including our President) should be pressuring individuals against.
True...but it is my right not to pad the wallet of the NFL or those who sponsor the NFL. Right or Dead Right.....Everyone has choices....
ok, here's another thought - not mine, but one that is not liberal or conservative. there is a study with suggested conclusions that our current video games and simulators and movies have become so realistic with all their virtual reality thrown in, that many people can no longer discern reality from the video game simulator training. That subconsciously, these simulators and games are affecting our minds.

Example; the more times a person plays fast and furious, and the more successful he/she becomes, the more likely they are to drive just the same way in reality. The y truly believe their real car will handle the same way their reality car did and they will escape injury. They are provided a sense of false confidence.

one of the pilots in the missing Flight 730 played a lot of simulated flight games. The speculation was he successful in his simulation, but the real plane did not react the same way his simulation did.

the study went on to say in a lot of shootings, the individual involved might be on drugs, and believe what they are doing is just another simulated game. And in the game, you dodge the bullets, or you get hit, but you still have 5-10 more lives left. and in reality, you don't dodge the bullets.

they did not mean their study or conclusions should be used as the reason for increased killings or crimes. But indicated, this is another reason to be considered. I will admit I know a lot of military members who play a lot of simulator games as part of their jobs. and I know a lot of very cocky fighter pilots who have a lot of confidence in their abilities who end up crashing. .

maybe as a society we promote violence from an early age too much. Look at our current children's most popular movies: Star Wars, anything Marvel, Pirates of the Caribbean and Guardians of the Galaxy. Lego batman. (and those are the tame movies) to be cool, accepted and a hero, you are expected to blow people away! Rather than Shane, , who would walk away from a fight. To today's youth, to be a hero, you have to kill somebody. Nobody negotiates peace treaties or imposes sanctions against a country to be a hero in the movies. Nobody wants to be a Senator unless they are secretly a powerful Sith lord. nobody dreams of growing up to be a pro tennis player, journalist, or curler. Blow stuff up - become a hero! For every terrorist, there is a Rambo!
Best response yet to this controversial issue. Proud to identify with this Purdue grad. You can find the link under "NFL Boilers."

He's riding the fence pretty well. I love Drew, but he's a corporate athlete. I stopped following him on Twitter because it was just promos and cheesy endorsement crap. Good for him for making the money, but he won't take a remotely controversial stand on anything.
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To kneel to the national anthem is merely the NFL players expressing how much they hate America. This isn't excuses anymore. They can all get up there and do their little skits they do about their social justice nonsense and fop around with their excuses about why they hate America. Kneel to the national anthem is one thing and one thing only. It is your showing hatred for the existence of your country. It has nothing to do with race, it has nothing to do with anything about what they are protesting against. It is merely an excuse to hate the country which they already hated prior to any of the social injustice they claim to before. Anybody who supports it has committed political suicide. The Baltimore Ravens are my favorite offenders. They stood to God Save the Queen and spit on America to a foreign audience. They spit and pissed on America with absolute pleasure. There are a million better ways to be for or against police, race, or any other cause. Kneeling to the anthem is an act of surrender. It is rebuking the existence of your country nothing more nothing less. Americans are never going to forget it, they will never forgive it. There is no act whatsoever that will ever save the NFL after this. The people they did this to will never forget it. The cards are out. My suggestion to any of the far less than stupid NFL players that want to simper to this and froth excuses of their America hating is to shut up because America is coming for the NFL. Their fate is sealed.

They are Communists. They were before ...long before this. They are seizing the chance to express their hatred. Nothing more nothing less. Do they have a right to hate America? Sure... go right on ahead. Just don't hide behind your excuses to do it. Just come out and say it. They could expressed this a million ways. The only way they chose was to attack the existence of America. IT IS EXACTLY WHAT IT IS.
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I became involved in a discussion about this subject tonight.

I live among a bunch of Cardinals fans who were upset wit h the Cubs for not standing. I believe there's a post I made where I said the act of kneeling would spread to other sports and activities much lie the ice bucket challenge did. .

Admittedly, it was a very conservative and military oriented crowd. their feeling was when a player goes out on that field, he's representing America. that problem is, he's not. he's representing the company he works for. he's representing the NFL, not our country. Olympians represent America, not paid football players. . and the more our government gets involved trying to make this a national issue and an American issue, the more athletes will resist. People who love Trump , love him because he tells it like it is. and he goes off script, and he grabs cats. Well, the NFL players are doing the same thing. they are expressing their opinion, which unfortunately is the opposite of many who watch the games.

Everybody is happy when we all share the same viewpoints. We say, no problem, express your opinion. but when it's different, heart attacks happen.

Something I also noticed. I was among a bunch of people who all had college degrees(admittedly, one was from U of Kentucky), and none of them knew the facts surrounding the Cowboys or that Steelers' lineman. they thought they knew, because of the news channel they watched or the facebook story they read. they didn't like being corrected. they don't go to snopes or bother to fact check anything. And these are the educated people of Southern Illinois. I have to assume they are representative of the rest of our country.
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Our nation is imperfect. We have racism, police errors, etc. We have idiots in responsible positions in our government (local/state/national...Republican/Democrat). That has always been the case. Humans are not infallible. Our flag and our National Anthem remind of who we aspire to be, and honor those who have sacrificed much to move us along that path. These are the wrong things to use in this unfocused protest. ...and NFL games are the wrong place. Think about the players who do not agree with the protest. Are they supposed to go along just for the sake of the team? How about the fans? Why do they have to deal with this?

The players can, as individuals, speak out against their perceived injustices anytime, as individuals. When they are at a game, their actions need to be more politically neutral. Nobody said the players can't have free speech. However, what you say freely may have consequences. Free speech without consequence is just babble.
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He's riding the fence pretty well. I love Drew, but he's a corporate athlete. I stopped following him on Twitter because it was just promos and cheesy endorsement crap. Good for him for making the money, but he won't take a remotely controversial stand on anything.
I beg to differ. Do not know how Drew stands on other issues, but I would not consider his statement as riding the fence. He spoke out clearly for respecting the flag. He considered the president's words as not befitting of the office. I agree with him on that statement. I voted for Trump...agree with most of his positions thus far, but his SOB words and his Twitter rants are truly not becoming of the office. Drew did not ride a fence here. He voiced his opinion clearly and candidly. Obviously, not everyone will agree with him. It's America. Consider the differences of opinion on this message board! Bottom line: leave politics off the playing field and out of the arena. Find other avenues to voice your opinion.
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I became involved in a discussion about this subject tonight.

I live among a bunch of Cardinals fans who were upset wit h the Cubs for not standing. I believe there's a post I made where I said the act of kneeling would spread to other sports and activities much lie the ice bucket challenge did. .

Admittedly, it was a very conservative and military oriented crowd. their feeling was when a player goes out on that field, he's representing America. that problem is, he's not. he's representing the company he works for. he's representing the NFL, not our country. Olympians represent America, not paid football players. . and the more our government gets involved trying to make this a national issue and an American issue, the more athletes will resist. People who love Trump , love him because he tells it like it is. and he goes off script, and he grabs cats. Well, the NFL players are doing the same thing. they are expressing their opinion, which unfortunately is the opposite of many who watch the games.

Everybody is happy when we all share the same viewpoints. We say, no problem, express your opinion. but when it's different, heart attacks happen.

Something I also noticed. I was among a bunch of people who all had college degrees(admittedly, one was from U of Kentucky), and none of them knew the facts surrounding the Cowboys or that Steelers' lineman. they thought they knew, because of the news channel they watched or the facebook story they read. they didn't like being corrected. they don't go to snopes or bother to fact check anything. And these are the educated people of Southern Illinois. I have to assume they are representative of the rest of our country.
don't assume that one that goes to college is educated and don't assume that Snopes is legit not in context of agreeing or disagreeing with "their" opinions. The world is full of educated idiots...we just have a lot less at Purdue
Agree -I think we've got a shot if we would try to see the other sides POV - we may not always agree, but we can at least appreciate ---if we actually listen.

walking a mile in someone's shoes hasn't been practiced in years
He's riding the fence pretty well. I love Drew, but he's a corporate athlete. I stopped following him on Twitter because it was just promos and cheesy endorsement crap. Good for him for making the money, but he won't take a remotely controversial stand on anything.

Question, you do know the Supreme Court ruled that "kids" don't have to stand for Pledge of Allegiance/National Anthem right? Where was the disgust, rage, unpatriotic chants, when the Supreme Court passed the ruling? Don't fall for the banana in the tail pipe. Its a distraction tactic to take the people's focus off of North Korea, Tax Reform, Obamacare Repeal/Reform, Russia and PR. Lastly, I find it hilarious for people to label Kap and others as communist, when our current Pres seems to love all things Russia. Just saying...
Best response yet to this controversial issue. Proud to identify with this Purdue grad. You can find the link under "NFL Boilers."
I only own one NFL jersey, and that's a Saint's Brees jersey. I sure hope he doesn't make me never wear it again by choosing to side with the kneelers... those that think this is a horrible country.
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I would agree with many posts above. There are many venues outside of Sporting events to voice one's opinion or protest.

however, I believe what you are seeing are athletes taking a cue from the actors and media community and using what they believe is their biggest viewing audience to make their message heard and known. For decades, actors have used their awards ceremonies to publicize their own social agendas for both good and bad. their award speeches became their free protest or their commercial. Billy Crystal used an awards ceremony as a free plug for his upcoming movie: City Slickers. Others have used the ceremony to bring attention to breast cancer and other relief actions. Meryll Street used it as a chance to bash Trump.

and now you are seeing athletes doing the same. What we need is not protests, what we need is dialog. What we also need is a President and Nation willing to acknowledge we have a problem and work together to solve it. his recent uninformed and tone deaf tweets have done nothing other than add fuel to the fire and create a greater divide. Somebody besides the NFL needs to inform the President his words speak for our country, not just his own personal opinion. His words matter! We now have racial slurs posted on doors at our Air Force Academy. Why? because of supposed Freedom of Speech. Our country's hatred and racism is a lot bigger than ever imagined. After helping out the people of Puerto Rico, and those affected by other recent hurricanes, THIS should be our Nation's #1 priority.
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When they are at a game, their actions need to be more politically neutral.

Bottom line: leave politics off the playing field and out of the arena. Find other avenues to voice your opinion.

what's interesting is that nfl players were not even required to take the field for the anthem until ~2009.... when the department of defense chose to start spending millions of dollars 'advertising' and requiring promotion of nationalism in pro sports and racing.

at the time, dale Earnhardt jr beacame the highest paid contractor of the national guard.
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Espn just released results of a survey of over 1,000 American adults showing 51% disapprove and only 39% approve of the NFL protests.

The headline:
ESPN survey shows Americans interested, divided on NFL protests during national anthem

You can imagine the headline "ESPN survey shows majority of Americans support NFL protests" if the results were reversed. To be fair, I'm surprised they even bothered to release the results.
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Oh there can be no doubt about what message the NFL is sending to the USA. This is a symbol, a message to America that the country is over and will surrender itself to the will of their oligarchs. That America will be bent, controlled. The NFL is conducting a warfare exercise of defiance towards in particular its fans. That message is if you are a fan of America you are rebuked and spit on by the NFL. The one NFL player was asked what about the NFL boycott what do you say to those who care about respecting the nation? That player said I got one word....."BYE" he rubbed it in America's face that the little people fans don't matter. That the little people fans of squaller and insignificance be spit on and put in their place of worship to their worshipful NFL superiors. He said get on down there and envy me. Get on down there and bow before me as they wiped their feet on Americans and before the Royal family of England they surrendered the United States and KNEELED before the throne. They stood with great pleasure thumbing their noses at the United States before the supreme deity of ancestral enemies of the United States (England) and bowed with grace before her as she glee pleasured at it. They are letting Americans know what ya gonna do about it little people. Our stadiums still gonna be packed you still gonna pay me all your money you still gonna bow at me now. Oh the NFL let America know your place as an American football fan oh they damn sure did.

The let everyone know their place. I am clergy, I am matter, I am big and bad, while you the low pathetic America will bow before your ruling class member NFL guy and you will take it and please me with yoeeeee money.....pleasure me with yoeeeeeee money and buy my new 5 series BMW ohhhhhhh so sweet while I get on up there and surrender kneel in a foreign land and god bask at ya now. That is what the NFL did. And they can all get up there now and fake apologize and fake joy around about it. Have their little fake America love. Like some of these QB's spew their America hate excuses. Oh well Mr. big bad cop did this or that it means rip that flag down and please me. Just like people who support this started ripping down US monuments, ripping down the history, ripping down George Washington even, in the name of race, in the name of any social injustice they could find.

But oh privately they cheer just like Dennis Rodman get up and pal around with the mortal enemies of the US. Just like little Commie Kaepernick did as he Fidel Castro worships and grovels to the worst people who have ever lived just to SHAME AMERICA. That's what America got in return for the generosity. The NFL said you witch SHREW America let me slap you cross the face you serve me now shrew. And SADLY many will fall in line and grovel to these disrespectful enemies because they loath themselves and have no self respect. That's ok though, let the chips fall where they may. They do it just to humiliate you all. The enjoy it and they let you know they hate America with perhaps MORE hatred than the worst of historical enemies ever did. They weren't paid the millions, they didn't get worshipped as gods by Americans, but these pro sports people, they got the goodies and they spit in America's face with absolute enemy conduct. They spit, they rebuked, they willfully defied the conscience of America and they enjoyed it.

This is what you get for pro athlete get slapped they enemy bask at ya now and pleasure doormat America's face in the ground.
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To give you a real life stat, a black man is 2-4 times more likely to be shot by police than a white man. Not starting an argument but that is the truth reported by two different sources that have begun to track just that issue. Police may not be 'randomly' killing black men, but they sure are profiling and killing them with higher frequency.
I just saw this and based on your interest in some numbers thought you might find this guy informative.
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I just saw this and based on your interest in some numbers thought you might find this guy informative.
Thanks for the video. I have read in to the numbers he has mentioned since I teach Sociology and we learn about the UCR from the FBI. During the same course, we learn about strain theory and how people typically react to the social strain placed upon them. We focus on Cabrini-Green in Chicago and the gang violence there. The black on black violence is shown the be a result of a lack of access to a number of different resources and infrastructure where illegal and illicit means serve as a replacement.

However, it is troubling to see officers videotaped telling white individuals to not worry because they only 'shoot black people' or video where police are seen planting evidence against individuals who are black.
White men. who listen to country music. Beat the living crap out of women at a much higher rate. It has nothing to do with rap music. You are just a bitter old racist who wants to spread hate to the masses. The internet has been a Godsend for people like you.

You're coming off as either not very bright or just plain argumentative considering this topic is about violence with police. If you want to talk about social issues, black guys knock girls up and leave them to fend for their own at a much higher rate. That's why a good black man felt the need to start up an entire school specifically for fatherless black kids. That's why a good black man took in Caleb. If you call someone a name, be it racist or anything else, you go to Hell. So keep playing that card and see how good the rest of your life and afterlife go.

"I gotta stay strapped.
And I never get to lay back,
'Cause I always got to worry 'bout the pay backs.
Some buck that I roughed up way back
Comin' back after all these years.
Rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat that's the way it is uhh"

- 2Pac 'Changes'
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Oh there can be no doubt about what message the NFL is sending to the USA. This is a symbol, a message to America that the country is over and will surrender itself to the will of their oligarchs. That America will be bent, controlled. The NFL is conducting a warfare exercise of defiance towards in particular its fans. That message is if you are a fan of America you are rebuked and spit on by the NFL. The one NFL player was asked what about the NFL boycott what do you say to those who care about respecting the nation? That player said I got one word....."BYE" he rubbed it in America's face that the little people fans don't matter. That the little people fans of squaller and insignificance be spit on and put in their place of worship to their worshipful NFL superiors. He said get on down there and envy me. Get on down there and bow before me as they wiped their feet on Americans and before the Royal family of England they surrendered the United States and KNEELED before the throne. They stood with great pleasure thumbing their noses at the United States before the supreme deity of ancestral enemies of the United States (England) and bowed with grace before her as she glee pleasured at it. They are letting Americans know what ya gonna do about it little people. Our stadiums still gonna be packed you still gonna pay me all your money you still gonna bow at me now. Oh the NFL let America know your place as an American football fan oh they damn sure did.

The let everyone know their place. I am clergy, I am matter, I am big and bad, while you the low pathetic America will bow before your ruling class member NFL guy and you will take it and please me with yoeeeee money.....pleasure me with yoeeeeeee money and buy my new 5 series BMW ohhhhhhh so sweet while I get on up there and surrender kneel in a foreign land and god bask at ya now. That is what the NFL did. And they can all get up there now and fake apologize and fake joy around about it. Have their little fake America love. Like some of these QB's spew their America hate excuses. Oh well Mr. big bad cop did this or that it means rip that flag down and please me. Just like people who support this started ripping down US monuments, ripping down the history, ripping down George Washington even, in the name of race, in the name of any social injustice they could find.

But oh privately they cheer just like Dennis Rodman get up and pal around with the mortal enemies of the US. Just like little Commie Kaepernick did as he Fidel Castro worships and grovels to the worst people who have ever lived just to SHAME AMERICA. That's what America got in return for the generosity. The NFL said you witch SHREW America let me slap you cross the face you serve me now shrew. And SADLY many will fall in line and grovel to these disrespectful enemies because they loath themselves and have no self respect. That's ok though, let the chips fall where they may. They do it just to humiliate you all. The enjoy it and they let you know they hate America with perhaps MORE hatred than the worst of historical enemies ever did. They weren't paid the millions, they didn't get worshipped as gods by Americans, but these pro sports people, they got the goodies and they spit in America's face with absolute enemy conduct. They spit, they rebuked, they willfully defied the conscience of America and they enjoyed it.

This is what you get for pro athlete get slapped they enemy bask at ya now and pleasure doormat America's face in the ground.

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We have had extremely corrupt DC Politicians for the past 30 years. The Globalists use their money and power to put up candidates. When Obama ran against McCain, we had to decide the lesser of two evils. When Obama ran, I was happy that race relations would finally improve.

Perhaps the most idiotic remark made in the past 30 years was when Geo Bush said that Americans will not work jobs that are beneath them. Are you kidding me? I took a job digging ditches in the winter on a farm on LI for $1.25 an hour. On weekends, I washed dishes at a restaurant for $1.60 an hour. Like every kid I wanted to play professional football and thought about coming to Purdue and going out for the team. I knew I had to practice a lot and be full time in the weight room, but it was fun so why not. I didn't, because All Pro Linebacker Ted Hendricks was making $30k a year, so I put all that time into hitting the books.

I don't blame kids these last 30 years to not work when you can get paid more for not working. To sleep around and not marry, because it means less benefits. I might as well have fun and constantly play sports and maybe some day I can get millions being an All Pro Linebacker.

However, I am so glad we have a President that out manipulated the establishment's money and power that designated us to elect Hillary or Jeb. I am glad he is restoring PRIDE back into our Country, Our Flag and Our Anthem. This is not a black or white issue like the MSM has us believe - it is an America pride issue.
Thanks for the video. I have read in to the numbers he has mentioned since I teach Sociology and we learn about the UCR from the FBI. During the same course, we learn about strain theory and how people typically react to the social strain placed upon them. We focus on Cabrini-Green in Chicago and the gang violence there. The black on black violence is shown the be a result of a lack of access to a number of different resources and infrastructure where illegal and illicit means serve as a replacement.

However, it is troubling to see officers videotaped telling white individuals to not worry because they only 'shoot black people' or video where police are seen planting evidence against individuals who are black.
...busy last couple of days. No question in any group there are those lacking integrity, but mostly I believe people are gullible and always ready to chose victim instead of victor. I would be very reluctant to believe "all" that is in a textbook today knowing the reviews it must go through...and certainly sociology would not be excluded. I remember 50 years ago a sociology/econ teacher telling me that the predictors were good in sociology (I have no idea if he had an idea.), but the explanations for the predictors were not. In 1967 LBJ started head start with the idea that "education" could solve the poverty issue. The money and study concluded in 1995 as the most comprehensive study on learning ever called Project Follow Through. The results are never, or if ever...rarely embraced in ed school. The problem with the soft sciences is that theory is embraced as fact and many times the predictors result in no greater odds than flipping a coin...if that good.

There an infinite number of ways a person can be good or bad to some relative measure and unfortunately you and I won't live long enough to tackle some basic problems of man, since the beginning. When man can define the "feelings" that he lives by, there will always be justification for anything, and this includes many things that might be considered rational and irrational. That knife can cut both ways...for better or worse.

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