Does Trump Want to Dismantle the International System?

Trump doesn't know what Trump wants to do except expand the Trump brand.
While I agree that Trump is good at promoting his brand, I think underestimating Trump is not wise. He is much more shrewd and calculating than he is often given credit for. He is going to slowly roll out more of his platform going forward in this campaign, and as the general populace begins to hear more of his message, I think his support will only continue to grow.

Much of the media likes to portray Trump as divisive and racist, but the people who seem to play the race card the most are on the left. The Democrats play up the class issues, race issues, gender issues, sexuality issues, etc., etc. They have become masters of divide and conquer. I think the American people are sick and tired of the blame game in general. They hunger and thirst for someone to unite the country, someone to make America look and feel strong again. They are tired of corrupt politicians being bought and sold and subverting the will of he people. The country is decaying from within, and none of the big issues are being addressed. Gridlock reigns.

Is Trump the person to make America whole? Well, please name another candidate who even talks or thinks this way. Some people gravitate to his message because it's not like the others. He doesn't toe the party line. He isn't orthodox. He says what he means and isn't politically correct. He is being attacked by orthodox Republicans and orthodox Democrats. As such, maybe he's doing something right...

The British aristocracy setup a system for which the Queen of England owns currently 40% of the land surface on planet Earth. She and the Rothchilds get money from every transaction in the world practically. They have a majority ownership of the Federal Reserve Bank, a privately owned bank that arrogantly refuses to show its books to Congress. They have their British agents running the US government on her majesty's behalf right now via Council on Foreign Relations British Secret Society operatives. Mussolini and Hitler were British agents publicly. Actually British Intelligence declassified that Mussolini was an agent before people start laughing they may want to actually get informed first before they really look stupid by making a public school head comment. Trump is a restorationalist. Restore the United States immediately. Donald Trump is going to rip this Hitlerian New World Order down limb by limb and this International Socialist Party that took Hitler's national socialist party and made it international is going to go down and the biggest trial for treason in world history is going to take place.
well this article is just an OpEd. There are basically no facts in it. His main quotes are from a book written in 1999. "An international order guaranteed by American hegemony is both our reward and burden for winning two world wars and the Cold War. It’s a bell that can’t be un-rung." -- that is flat out wrong. We don't owe anyone anything. And since We in this case is specifically meaning our government, their only concern should be doing right by the American people. What an odd supposition that since we participated in a world war we are somehow responsible the entire world now. No? What Trump is talking about it not a "trade war with China". What he's pointing out is that the deal isn't good for the US. China taxes the shit out of everything coming in from the US, but we don't do that to their goods. On what planet is that free trade? Here's just a quick example: "The automobile industry in China is still heavily protected behind a “tariff wall” even though this wall has come down significantly since China’s entry into the WTO. Cars imported to China face a tariff duty of at least 25 percent. In comparison, American duties on cars imported into the US are only 5 percent. Taking into account the 17 percent of VAT and other levies, imported cars and foreign-brand cars produced in China are substantially more expensive than the same type of cars in the United States. A new Cadillac SLS made in China will set a Chinese household back between $71,000 and $110,000, without the anti-dumping duty. A better performing Cadillac STS, on the other hand, costs an American household between $47,000 and $56,000." Is it so wrong for our President to want a better arrangement? I'm not sure how any of this is isolationist. More like bad journalism.
I'm willing to bet Trump doesn't believe most of what he says, but I'm not sure the same could be said of his followers.

He doesn't say much...mostly I'm going to do great things. With such little detail I believe his ego is large enough that he believes that if he is elected, much like the underwear gnomes, step 3 will be profit.
well this article is just an OpEd. There are basically no facts in it. His main quotes are from a book written in 1999. "An international order guaranteed by American hegemony is both our reward and burden for winning two world wars and the Cold War. It’s a bell that can’t be un-rung." -- that is flat out wrong. We don't owe anyone anything. And since We in this case is specifically meaning our government, their only concern should be doing right by the American people. What an odd supposition that since we participated in a world war we are somehow responsible the entire world now. No? What Trump is talking about it not a "trade war with China". What he's pointing out is that the deal isn't good for the US. China taxes the shit out of everything coming in from the US, but we don't do that to their goods. On what planet is that free trade? Here's just a quick example: "The automobile industry in China is still heavily protected behind a “tariff wall” even though this wall has come down significantly since China’s entry into the WTO. Cars imported to China face a tariff duty of at least 25 percent. In comparison, American duties on cars imported into the US are only 5 percent. Taking into account the 17 percent of VAT and other levies, imported cars and foreign-brand cars produced in China are substantially more expensive than the same type of cars in the United States. A new Cadillac SLS made in China will set a Chinese household back between $71,000 and $110,000, without the anti-dumping duty. A better performing Cadillac STS, on the other hand, costs an American household between $47,000 and $56,000." Is it so wrong for our President to want a better arrangement? I'm not sure how any of this is isolationist. More like bad journalism.
You make a good point. I don't believe it is wrong for our President to want a better arrangement, but do you ever hear Clinton, Rubio, Kasich, or Cruz saying anything about this? I can't remember them saying anything like this, especially not Clinton.
well this article is just an OpEd. There are basically no facts in it. His main quotes are from a book written in 1999. "An international order guaranteed by American hegemony is both our reward and burden for winning two world wars and the Cold War. It’s a bell that can’t be un-rung." -- that is flat out wrong. We don't owe anyone anything. And since We in this case is specifically meaning our government, their only concern should be doing right by the American people. What an odd supposition that since we participated in a world war we are somehow responsible the entire world now. No? What Trump is talking about it not a "trade war with China". What he's pointing out is that the deal isn't good for the US. China taxes the shit out of everything coming in from the US, but we don't do that to their goods. On what planet is that free trade? Here's just a quick example: "The automobile industry in China is still heavily protected behind a “tariff wall” even though this wall has come down significantly since China’s entry into the WTO. Cars imported to China face a tariff duty of at least 25 percent. In comparison, American duties on cars imported into the US are only 5 percent. Taking into account the 17 percent of VAT and other levies, imported cars and foreign-brand cars produced in China are substantially more expensive than the same type of cars in the United States. A new Cadillac SLS made in China will set a Chinese household back between $71,000 and $110,000, without the anti-dumping duty. A better performing Cadillac STS, on the other hand, costs an American household between $47,000 and $56,000." Is it so wrong for our President to want a better arrangement? I'm not sure how any of this is isolationist. More like bad journalism.

So what's his plan?
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Or maybe the Orthodox Republicans and Democrats are right.
Or maybe they are a big part of the problem. You must admit that most of the orthodox Republicans and the orthodox Democrats are bought and sold by the special interests funding their campaigns and providing them with perks. Do you think that "quid pro quo" politics is healthy for our nation, especially when so many of our politicians are on the take from interests outside of our country? How is that healthy? Hell, as an example, do you even know who is giving money to "The Clinton Foundation" or to the Bushes? Why is it ok for people like George Soros to buy American politicans? Why is it ok for Saudi Arabia and China to give money to our politicians? Who are the politicans really working for? Perhaps these people/organizations funding our politicians have an agenda that means to do harm to our nation. (Which they do.)
Who do you think Trump works for? It's not you and me! Trump cares about Trump. He's saying whatever he needs to say to get elected. Then what? Boom. America is great.

Talk about sheep.
Who do you think Trump works for? It's not you and me! Trump cares about Trump. He's saying whatever he needs to say to get elected. Then what? Boom. America is great.

Talk about sheep.
Who is the sheep? By voting for the establishment, YOU are the sheep. You will continue to do their bidding, even as they continue to erode your rights and well-being away right before your very eyes.

So you personally know Trump's personal motivations? Perhaps he sees America faltering, coming apart at the seams, and racking up yuuuuge amounts of debt, spending itself into seeming oblivion.

Instead of doing the same old tired things the Clintons and Bushes have done, maybe he thinks he can help to reverse the course America's taking. This country is being taken advantage of by almost every other nation in the world, in one way, shape or form. Maybe he wants America to be about America first - no apologies for being a superpower, no kowtowing to two bit dictators and nations with terroristic intentions and signing up to arms deals that make the world less safe, no signing up to horrendous trade deals that kill good jobs and the middle class, no carrying the water for the rest of the Western world all of the time.

We are currently in a malaise similar to the one Jimmy Carter left. Americans are losing pride in their country. Our economy is a shell of what it could be. This so-called recovery is the weakest in American history, and even when people are finding jobs, they tend to be part-time, service-oriented, and low paying.

We have a current President that doesn't think America is exceptional in any way, except maybe in its ability to foment regime changes of despots and in giving money to enemies of our country. He makes the country and the world less safe. Do you honestly believe the travesty that has happened in Syria and Iraq and then foisted on Europe was just a matter of circumstance?

It's time for a change. The anger currently on display in this election cycle will quickly turn into action.
Again, you can derail all of Trump's positions by asking "How?" "Strength at the negotiating table" isn't a plan. Bolstering our presence? With what? We don't have the ships, Sailors, and soldiers to do much more than we do now.

It's a lot of words, but not much substance, which kind of summarizes Trump in general.
Donald Trump thinks you're too dumb to ask questions about his rhetoric, which is why he says whatever he thinks you want to hear, and apparently he's right. It's sad. He's using you and that voter base the exact same way that the politicians he claims to loathe have for years, yet the base is too stupid to recognize it.

That you think a billionaire who inherited $200M is the best representative of your ideals says a lot to me. He's using you. So yes, I think you're sheep.
This year just sucks! I hate to say it but Clinton before trump sorry I'll take the establishment before I take an unknown with known personal gains on the line.

How do you guys sit back and not consider this modern day Great Wall not laughable. That my friends is the republican well I take that back(insulting to real republicans ) racist equivalent of rainbows and unicorns. That walls never getting built... Period

I'm going to pour a few shots of bourbon tonight
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This year just sucks! I hate to say it but Clinton before trump sorry I'll take the establishment before I take an unknown with known personal gains on the line.

How do you guys sit back and not consider this modern day Great Wall not laughable. That my friends is the republican well I take that back(insulting to real republicans ) racist equivalent of rainbows and unicorns. That walls never getting built... Period

I'm going to pour a few shots of bourbon tonight
Truth is, much of the wall already exists. It needs some sections added.

Trump won Florida big time (over the homestate Senator), won NC (over Cruz), won IL (over Cruz), looks likely to win MO (over Cruz), and came within 6-7% in OH against a sitting governor who has an 80% approval rating.

Clinton is a joke. She is going to get this email debacle shoved so far up her keister before all is said and done that she won't be able to sit.
Who do you think Trump works for? It's not you and me! Trump cares about Trump. He's saying whatever he needs to say to get elected. Then what? Boom. America is great.

Talk about sheep.

Not disagreeing with you but how is this really any different from any other politician and current President?

Politicians care about getting elected/re elected. Nothing new.

The other posts in this thread state that Trump does not have any plans or go into details. His rhetoric is "Make America great again" and "we are going to win so much". Obama, did not go into details at all and got people to believe in "Hope and Change" and "Yes we can." Same person, same strategy, same tactics, different tact.

Just not sure why there is so much consternation about this now. He is just taking a page from other politicians playbook.

And really did not vote for him in primary, highly unlike in GE as well. Not a fan of Trump for same reasons I did not like Obama.
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This year just sucks! I hate to say it but Clinton before trump sorry I'll take the establishment before I take an unknown with known personal gains on the line.

How do you guys sit back and not consider this modern day Great Wall not laughable. That my friends is the republican well I take that back(insulting to real republicans ) racist equivalent of rainbows and unicorns. That walls never getting built... Period

I'm going to pour a few shots of bourbon tonight

"Take an unknown with known personal gains on the line."

Faulty argument. Clinton with their bs World Fund have a lot more on the line than Trump with financials. Trump is billionaire regardless. Not voting for either and vote for who one wants but that is a faulty premise to base your vote on.
Much of the media likes to portray Trump as divisive and racist...

Please tell me you're kidding. You're going to blame the media for Trump's insane rants against Mexicans (all of the ones who come to America are criminals and rapists), African Americans (thugs), and Muslims (all terrorists)? The media didn't say those things - Trump did. Don't forget his open misogyny as well. Perhaps most appalling is the interview on national TV where he publicly states that US policy should be to kill women and children, to intentionally and purposely attack the families of suspected terrorists.

None of that is stuff the media made up.

Trump is a sociopath who is only concerned with making himself great.

What mystifies me the most is that people seem to think electing a president with zero political experience is a good idea. We're just finishing 8 years of an inexperienced president - how did that turn out? And Trump has far less experience than Obama.
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Has Trump hired illegals and participated in outsourcing ? Heck yes he has but let me guess you can't blame the guy for using the system. He's going to quit all that he was just doing it to expose it. Lol oh the hypocrisy is hilarious
Again, you can derail all of Trump's positions by asking "How?" "Strength at the negotiating table" isn't a plan. Bolstering our presence? With what? We don't have the ships, Sailors, and soldiers to do much more than we do now.

It's a lot of words, but not much substance, which kind of summarizes Trump in general.
I'm just going to quit talking to you guys. You are obviously wingnuts who have no interest whatsoever in learning or debating anything about any candidate or issue. He CLEARLY states he will go so far as to FORCE them to the negotiating table by declaring them a currency manipulator, which they are. And the strength of the military is nothing but your uninformed opinion. But whatever. You guys want to live in delusional land. So be it.
I'm just going to quit talking to you guys. You are obviously wingnuts who have no interest whatsoever in learning or debating anything about any candidate or issue. He CLEARLY states he will go so far as to FORCE them to the negotiating table by declaring them a currency manipulator, which they are. And the strength of the military is nothing but your uninformed opinion. But whatever. You guys want to live in delusional land. So be it.

Oh for Petes sake it's just politics no reason in getting that worked up. We all have our beliefs and nobody will ever change them. Thankfully we have a tournament to start watching tomorrow boiler up
I'm just going to quit talking to you guys. You are obviously wingnuts who have no interest whatsoever in learning or debating anything about any candidate or issue. He CLEARLY states he will go so far as to FORCE them to the negotiating table by declaring them a currency manipulator, which they are. And the strength of the military is nothing but your uninformed opinion. But whatever. You guys want to live in delusional land. So be it.

We've already called China a currency manipulator. They're under no obligation to negotiate with anyone if they choose not to. Now, if he threatens to close the US to Chinese imports, that might work, but it would also drive inflation up to extremely high levels, which would kill many Americans in a time of stagnant wage growth. That's a hell of a plan.

As to your comment about the strength of the military, I guarantee my opinion is quite a bit more informed than yours.

Centrists look like "wingnuts" to wingnuts.
Please tell me you're kidding. You're going to blame the media for Trump's insane rants against Mexicans (all of the ones who come to America are criminals and rapists), African Americans (thugs), and Muslims (all terrorists)? The media didn't say those things - Trump did. Don't forget his open misogyny as well. Perhaps most appalling is the interview on national TV where he publicly states that US policy should be to kill women and children, to intentionally and purposely attack the families of suspected terrorists.

None of that is stuff the media made up.

Trump is a sociopath who is only concerned with making himself great.

What mystifies me the most is that people seem to think electing a president with zero political experience is a good idea. We're just finishing 8 years of an inexperienced president - how did that turn out? And Trump has far less experience than Obama.
Let me guess. You're all for open borders and for blanket amnesty for 12M+ illegal aliens in this country. Whatever happened to the rule of law? Why is it so hard to understand that immigration, done in a LEGAL way, is great for America? Why should people be rewarded for breaking the law, which is what you seem to be advocating.

I suspect that your ancestors immigrated to the USA legally, just like mine. Why did your ancestors have to follow the law but these people don't? Why is ok to give sanctuary to people like the animal (Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez) who killed Kate Steinle? He used a gun stolen from a Bureau of Land Management employee just a few days earlier. He had 7 felony convictions and was deported no less than 5 times before he killed Kate Steinle.

So you're ok with African-Americans killing cops, and rioting, and looting towns like Ferguson, MO?

So you're ok with ISIS? With Al-Qaeda? With imams in the US that preach hate against the USA in their mosques and help to send recruits to Syria and Afghanistan and money to help them arm?

Give me a break, Trump is a misogynist? Really?

And Hillary Clinton isn't a sociopath? What rock have you been living under? Hillary Clinton believes she's above the law and can lie and do anything she wants and get away with it. That may soon be coming to an end when this email scandal really hits the fan...and it will.

You seem incapable of separating rhetoric from intent.
We've already called China a currency manipulator. They're under no obligation to negotiate with anyone if they choose not to. Now, if he threatens to close the US to Chinese imports, that might work, but it would also drive inflation up to extremely high levels, which would kill many Americans in a time of stagnant wage growth. That's a hell of a plan.

As to your comment about the strength of the military, I guarantee my opinion is quite a bit more informed than yours.

Centrists look like "wingnuts" to wingnuts.
So by your calculus, establishment = centrist?
Let me guess. You're all for open borders and for blanket amnesty for 12M+ illegal aliens in this country. Whatever happened to the rule of law? Why is it so hard to understand that immigration, done in a LEGAL way, is great for America? Why should people be rewarded for breaking the law, which is what you seem to be advocating.

I suspect that your ancestors immigrated to the USA legally, just like mine. Why did your ancestors have to follow the law but these people don't? Why is ok to give sanctuary to people like the animal (Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez) who killed Kate Steinle? He used a gun stolen from a Bureau of Land Management employee just a few days earlier. He had 7 felony convictions and was deported no less than 5 times before he killed Kate Steinle.

So you're ok with African-Americans killing cops, and rioting, and looting towns like Ferguson, MO?

So you're ok with ISIS? With Al-Qaeda? With imams in the US that preach hate against the USA in their mosques and help to send recruits to Syria and Afghanistan and money to help them arm?

Give me a break, Trump is a misogynist? Really?

And Hillary Clinton isn't a sociopath? What rock have you been living under? Hillary Clinton believes she's above the law and can lie and do anything she wants and get away with it. That may soon be coming to an end when this email scandal really hits the fan...and it will.

You seem incapable of separating rhetoric from intent.
You've managed to squeeze every hilarious wrong trope into one post. A team of scientists working round the clock couldn't have as efficiently packed that much crazy into one post.

I'm sincerely impressed.
We've already called China a currency manipulator. They're under no obligation to negotiate with anyone if they choose not to. Now, if he threatens to close the US to Chinese imports, that might work, but it would also drive inflation up to extremely high levels, which would kill many Americans in a time of stagnant wage growth. That's a hell of a plan.
Hilarious comment to me considering you and qazpsycho are the ones who can't be bothered to even read the official positions of all the candidates, yet feel compelled to unleash your knowledge on us lesser beings. but hey, at least now you can talk about his plan on at least one topic! I'm happy to talk about clinton or sanders plans but you guys are obsessed with the donald.
You've managed to squeeze every hilarious wrong trope into one post. A team of scientists working round the clock couldn't have as efficiently packed that much crazy into one post.

I'm sincerely impressed.
Coming from you, that's certainly a compliment.
You've managed to squeeze every hilarious wrong trope into one post. A team of scientists working round the clock couldn't have as efficiently packed that much crazy into one post.

I'm sincerely impressed.
pastorjoe's post is more hyperbolic than what I said, but you happen to agree with him (he's a lefty), so he gets a pass, and what I say doesn't because I'm on the right it.
Let me guess. You're all for open borders and for blanket amnesty for 12M+ illegal aliens in this country. Whatever happened to the rule of law? Why is it so hard to understand that immigration, done in a LEGAL way, is great for America? Why should people be rewarded for breaking the law, which is what you seem to be advocating.

I suspect that your ancestors immigrated to the USA legally, just like mine. Why did your ancestors have to follow the law but these people don't? Why is ok to give sanctuary to people like the animal (Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez) who killed Kate Steinle? He used a gun stolen from a Bureau of Land Management employee just a few days earlier. He had 7 felony convictions and was deported no less than 5 times before he killed Kate Steinle.

So you're ok with African-Americans killing cops, and rioting, and looting towns like Ferguson, MO?

So you're ok with ISIS? With Al-Qaeda? With imams in the US that preach hate against the USA in their mosques and help to send recruits to Syria and Afghanistan and money to help them arm?

Give me a break, Trump is a misogynist? Really?

And Hillary Clinton isn't a sociopath? What rock have you been living under? Hillary Clinton believes she's above the law and can lie and do anything she wants and get away with it. That may soon be coming to an end when this email scandal really hits the fan...and it will.

You seem incapable of separating rhetoric from intent.

Words have consequences. That is the single best thing that has been said by anyone in this campaign, and it is something that Trump doesn't get. More, rhetoric can be immoral regardless of intent or whether the words are carried out. It is immoral to suggest that the killing of women and children is acceptable strategy.

As to the rest of your post - well, it has nothing to do with what I posted. You're trying to move the goalposts and shift this into a conversation about my own political stances. I have "advocated" nothing. I have made no statements in favor of or against amnesty in this post. In previous conversations, I have acknowledged (as any rational person would) that it is completely unrealistic to think that the United States is going to deport millions of people. It is not going to happen, no matter what Mr. Drumpf says.

Further, at no point have I suggested that I support Hillary...or Bernie...or Kasich...or Cruz...or any particular candidate. I'm not sure who I would vote for, with the exception that there is no chance whatsoever that I would ever vote for Mr. Drumpf. He is dangerously inexperienced and completely oblivious to the impact that "mere" words can have. More significantly, I cannot reconcile a vote for Mr. Drumpf with my faith - the man stands for things that are in complete, diametric opposition to the Gospel.

In the interests of clarity, let me try to settle a couple of things:

You can be against amnesty and not insinuate that all (or most) of the Latino/a population in our country comprises rapists and other criminals.

You can be against the kind of rioting that took place in Ferguson without suggesting that the entire African American population is made up of thugs. Heck, you can even be against the rioting in Ferguson while acknowledging that there is a problem with the justice system in our country.

You can be against terrorism without becoming a terrorist, which is what would happen to us if we resorted to the kind of tactics Mr. Drumpf publicly advocates.

There are plenty of politicians who are against all of those things and who are able to speak cogently without being dismissive, aggressive, and argumentative.

Your feigned disbelief at the assertion that Mr. Drumpf is a misogynist demonstrates your true colors. The asinine and over the top things he has said to and about women are well documented, and to pretend that they don't exist is the refuge of someone who has been completely snowed.

You can, as I suspect you will, come back with another post making assumptions about my political views. That's really all you can do, because there is no evidence whatsoever that can refute the facts that Mr. Drumpf is a racist, misogynist bully.
pastorjoe's post is more hyperbolic than what I said, but you happen to agree with him (he's a lefty), so he gets a pass, and what I say doesn't because I'm on the right it.
I'm guessing that everyone that doesn't agree with your specific stance on the issues is someone you brand as a "lefty?" You do know that there's a whole lot of room between "lefty" and the kind of nutty right wing extremism that you seem to hold, right? I know lifelong Republicans who you would probably call "lefties." :rolleyes:
Hilarious comment to me considering you and qazpsycho are the ones who can't be bothered to even read the official positions of all the candidates, yet feel compelled to unleash your knowledge on us lesser beings. but hey, at least now you can talk about his plan on at least one topic! I'm happy to talk about clinton or sanders plans but you guys are obsessed with the donald.
I've read his official positions, in particular the one on trade with China. I believe his plans are every bit as feasible as Bernie Sanders' plans, in that I don't think they're feasible at all. Most of his plans boil down to negotiating better deals, and his entering assumption is that the US holds all the power and strength. What frightens me is that he fails to take into account the economic impacts of many of his "plans" on THIS country, and specifically how they would affect consumers and thus his voter base.

What I think Trump wants to do is create a more fairly competitive environment for US corporations against China and others, which sounds great... Except that it'll have consequences for those of us who aren't CEOs of multi-national corporations. As much as we complain about unfair trade practices by China, Mexico, etc., we benefit from them in the form of less expensive groceries, iPhones, cars, clothing, etc. With stagnant wage growth, most Americans, including most of Trump's voter base, can't afford massive inflation that would be tied to playing hardball with China or jacking up import tariffs willy-nilly.

It's that type of nuance that low-information, unsophisticated voters who are supporting Trump because they're "angry" don't understand. You and they don't like nuanced arguments because you're maaaaaaaaaaaad.

Now, you wanna discuss the strength of the military and the Navy Trump wants to use to patrol the SCS? Please, educate me.
I've read his official positions, in particular the one on trade with China. I believe his plans are every bit as feasible as Bernie Sanders' plans, in that I don't think they're feasible at all. Most of his plans boil down to negotiating better deals, and his entering assumption is that the US holds all the power and strength. What frightens me is that he fails to take into account the economic impacts of many of his "plans" on THIS country, and specifically how they would affect consumers and thus his voter base.

What I think Trump wants to do is create a more fairly competitive environment for US corporations against China and others, which sounds great... Except that it'll have consequences for those of us who aren't CEOs of multi-national corporations. As much as we complain about unfair trade practices by China, Mexico, etc., we benefit from them in the form of less expensive groceries, iPhones, cars, clothing, etc. With stagnant wage growth, most Americans, including most of Trump's voter base, can't afford massive inflation that would be tied to playing hardball with China or jacking up import tariffs willy-nilly.

It's that type of nuance that low-information, unsophisticated voters who are supporting Trump because they're "angry" don't understand. You and they don't like nuanced arguments because you're maaaaaaaaaaaad.

Now, you wanna discuss the strength of the military and the Navy Trump wants to use to patrol the SCS? Please, educate me.
LOL you were calling for a "plan" and "details". I tell you to go read it and I'm mad? You're delusional. If you ever took an econ course you would understand this. The stagnant wage and cheap shit is RELATED. By letting an outside competitor compete with your labor market with a different set of rules, you have destroyed your own wage base! Of course China can make it cheaper. They run slave camps that would be illegal here. Their pollution is on a scale never seen. Then on top of that, they manipulate their currency and tariff US goods coming in. But that's fair trade to you?! Sorry bub. Couple that with 9T added to the debt, free money for big banks, and artificially low interest rates, you can guarantee the working class will never, ever succeed. And yes, most Americans COULD afford the goods. If they were paid to produce it here. And here's a newsflash, IT USED TO BE THAT WAY!!! Imagine that, goods produced here, under the eye of the EPA, with American labor laws. A poor person doesn't benefit from cheap goods. They are still poor because they have no income! Only the elite benefit, which is what has been the overwhelming trend under Obama. I have a business degree. I understand the time value of money. Don't throw your sad little tripe "low information, unsophisticated" at me. You can't even find a website.
LOL you were calling for a "plan" and "details". I tell you to go read it and I'm mad? You're delusional. If you ever took an econ course you would understand this. The stagnant wage and cheap shit is RELATED. By letting an outside competitor compete with your labor market with a different set of rules, you have destroyed your own wage base! Of course China can make it cheaper. They run slave camps that would be illegal here. Their pollution is on a scale never seen. Then on top of that, they manipulate their currency and tariff US goods coming in. But that's fair trade to you?! Sorry bub. Couple that with 9T added to the debt, free money for big banks, and artificially low interest rates, you can guarantee the working class will never, ever succeed. And yes, most Americans COULD afford the goods. If they were paid to produce it here. And here's a newsflash, IT USED TO BE THAT WAY!!! Imagine that, goods produced here, under the eye of the EPA, with American labor laws. A poor person doesn't benefit from cheap goods. They are still poor because they have no income! Only the elite benefit, which is what has been the overwhelming trend under Obama. I have a business degree. I understand the time value of money. Don't throw your sad little tripe "low information, unsophisticated" at me. You can't even find a website.
I'm going to assume you only read every other word Gr8 typed. It's the only explanation for that word salad. Well, there are other explanations, but I'm trying to be generous.