Did Harris win? Did Trump lose? Agree/Disagree?


Aug 8, 2009
North Central Indiana
If you listened carefully and if you're the slightest bit honest, Harris was soft balled with questions that a couple of our most liberal friends on here could have shined on. to her credit, she learned her rote well and was able to needle DJT a bit during the debate, especially about the economists at Wharton.

But if you go back and watch the chart lines of Dems, GOP, and Independents the Independents were with the Republicans on most issues.

It would appear to me that though it wasn't a huge victory, but Trump's points scored higher with the independent crowd who I think will go with Trump because of Harris' lack of answers to the few questions given her with any meat on the bone.

I never thought I'd say this, but the Biden/Trump debate by CNN was far more honest and trustworthy. ABC should hide in shame for their openly biased questions and lack of fact checking on Harris who answered nothing with any definition.

Sorry for BNI and BB whatever his name is now, I'm excited about what was shown about independents last night.
If you listened carefully and if you're the slightest bit honest, Harris was soft balled with questions that a couple of our most liberal friends on here could have shined on. to her credit, she learned her rote well and was able to needle DJT a bit during the debate, especially about the economists at Wharton.

But if you go back and watch the chart lines of Dems, GOP, and Independents the Independents were with the Republicans on most issues.

It would appear to me that though it wasn't a huge victory, but Trump's points scored higher with the independent crowd who I think will go with Trump because of Harris' lack of answers to the few questions given her with any meat on the bone.

I never thought I'd say this, but the Biden/Trump debate by CNN was far more honest and trustworthy. ABC should hide in shame for their openly biased questions and lack of fact checking on Harris who answered nothing with any definition.

Sorry for BNI and BB whatever his name is now, I'm excited about what was shown about independents last night.
I thought Trump was terrible, with a few exceptions.
But the polls show independents favored Trump 60%-30%, 10% undecided.
Quite surprised by that.
That debate Tuesday night was a jacked up performance by Chump. The so-called DEI hire wiped the floor with him that night. Chump's performance is one of the reasons why I kept saying the past few years that a Christie/Pence or Christie/Cheney ticket is the better republican choice. A ticket that I can even give some thought to. But no, I get ridiculed for bringing something like that up. For those that do not like Chump but are conservative and going to vote for the repub ticket, this man is ruining it for y'all. It's almost seems like he wants to lose on purpose. His disdain for black woman comes out every time. But once Harris brought up that people leave his rallies early and his rally numbers are down, that set off his narcistic brain and he was jacked up the rest of the night. That seem to set Chump off more than anything that Harris said all night. The man is clearly unfit for president, like he was the last time.
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I don't know where you people are getting your polls on the day after.........I guess from Newsmax like trump did........but it will take a few days to see what reputable polls say.

Trump answered even less than she did. 8 years in and his Obamacare alternative is "Concepts of a plan"?
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I don't know where you people are getting your polls on the day after.........I guess from Newsmax like trump did........but it will take a few days to see what reputable polls say.

Trump answered even less than she did. 8 years in and his Obamacare alternative is "Concepts of a plan"?
It hurt Harris.
It was a clear 3v1. Absolutely embarrassing. Trump did well considering. Harris didn't help herself at all.
You are aware that Trump had about six minutes more speaking time than Harris and Trump was the last to speak on literally every single question, right?

This topic is a litmus test on who is so far down the rabbit hole that they cannot admit the 1000% obvious; that Harris spoke well but did the typical politician question-avoidance thing. And that after the firstv20 minutes Trump was completely, irrevocably, unmistakably unhinged.
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You are aware that Trump had about six minutes more speaking time than Harris and Trump was the last to speak on literally every single question, right?

This topic is a litmus test on who is so far down the rabbit hole that they cannot admit the 1000% obvious; that Harris spoke well but did the typical politician question-avoidance thing. And that after the firstv20 minutes Trump was completely, irrevocably, unmistakably unhinged.
I have gotten some great laughs at the folks who said it was 3vs1 the other night. Being told 'immigrants in Ohio are not eating pets' is not 3vs1. That's just being told you're being a dumbass without being told you're being a dumbass. Apparently the bar is so far underground for Trump at the moment that this now counts as being ganged up on.

Maybe Trump should be less emotional and smile more and watch less television.
All this whining is sickening. The whining that the 2020 election was stolen. Now the whining that the debate was one sided. Even though Chump got more minutes to speak.
All this whining is sickening. The whining that the 2020 election was stolen. Now the whining that the debate was one sided. Even though Chump got more minutes to speak.
saturday night live snowflakes GIF by HULU


I have gotten some great laughs at the folks who said it was 3vs1 the other night. Being told 'immigrants in Ohio are not eating pets' is not 3vs1. That's just being told you're being a dumbass without being told you're being a dumbass. Apparently the bar is so far underground for Trump at the moment that this now counts as being ganged up on.

Maybe Trump should be less emotional and smile more and watch less television.
Well... They are eating cats. Give it a couple months. If Democrats are saying something is false, it always ends up being true.
You are aware that Trump had about six minutes more speaking time than Harris and Trump was the last to speak on literally every single question, right?

This topic is a litmus test on who is so far down the rabbit hole that they cannot admit the 1000% obvious; that Harris spoke well but did the typical politician question-avoidance thing. And that after the firstv20 minutes Trump was completely, irrevocably, unmistakably unhinged.
I'd be mad too if I was debating 3 people instead of just one. If I were getting fact checked with lies while the other person was just lying through their teeth with no push back. ABC embarrassed themselves.
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I don't know where you people are getting your polls on the day after.........I guess from Newsmax like trump did........but it will take a few days to see what reputable polls say.

Trump answered even less than she did. 8 years in and his Obamacare alternative is "Concepts of a plan"?
Did you get all tingly and giggly when they mentioned Jan 6?
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Harris was extremely scripted, almost like reading a teleprompter without one there. I have little doubt the questions were leaked to her before hand and she just memorized answers.
Or..or...maybe the earrings that Harris wearing was actually a listening device and...and....and...somebody was feeding her what to say to the moderator's questions. You know because she is a black woman and...and...and...she is not capable of performing well in debates.
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Harris was extremely scripted, almost like reading a teleprompter without one there. I have little doubt the questions were leaked to her before hand and she just memorized answers.
It's called being prepared. Debate prep. Trump did little and the Three Stooges were in charge of it.

Harris gave him plenty of openings and he whiffed. All she did was say "crowd size" and it threw him for a loop.
It's called being prepared. Debate prep. Trump did little and the Three Stooges were in charge of it.

Harris gave him plenty of openings and he whiffed. All she did was say "crowd size" and it threw him for a loop.
I'm actually now reading that Trump did much more debate prep than usual, and that his advisers were stunned that he went nutty and couldn't stay on point. Instead of his advisers' talking points, he went with the bonkers stuff that Laura Loomer fed him on the plane on the way to the debate. Because the crazy stuff is what he wanted to believe.

I suppose since he's behind he has to do another debate, but if the next debate starts going badly for him? There is real risk that the full flaming train wreck will be on display like it never has before, even for crazy-a$$ Donald Trump.
It's called being prepared. Debate prep. Trump did little and the Three Stooges were in charge of it.

Harris gave him plenty of openings and he whiffed. All she did was say "crowd size" and it threw him for a loop.
Evil narcissists like Chump feed on being the best or having the biggest this or having the most of something. they always brag about things. Which feeds their egos. You hit it, once someone calls them out that whatever the biggest this is not what it really is, they can't handle it. Then now they are jacked up for a while. One of the first lies that Chump and Spicey told after the 2017 inauguration was that the inaugural crowd was the largest ever. Naturally it was debunked with the quickness.

Back in the Biden debate, out of all of the issues they talked about in the debate the one issue that got the most vigorous exchange was when Biden said that he was a scratch golfer or his handicap was better than Chump or something to that effect. The temperature in the room went up during that exchange.
It's called being prepared. Debate prep. Trump did little and the Three Stooges were in charge of it.

Harris gave him plenty of openings and he whiffed. All she did was say "crowd size" and it threw him for a loop.
I keep telling myself that one day, folks like bone will wake up and realize just how incredibly stupid this all is. And then on the flip side I say screw it; water always finds its level. But man oh man it’s gotta be exhausting to live in a world where you have to exert all your energy into being a victim.
I keep telling myself that one day, folks like bone will wake up and realize just how incredibly stupid this all is. And then on the flip side I say screw it; water always finds its level. But man oh man it’s gotta be exhausting to live in a world where you have to exert all your energy into being a victim.
I don't think it's gonna happen. They are too invested.........and attracted to faux tough guys because of something lacking in their psyche.
I keep telling myself that one day, folks like bone will wake up and realize just how incredibly stupid this all is. And then on the flip side I say screw it; water always finds its level. But man oh man it’s gotta be exhausting to live in a world where you have to exert all your energy into being a victim.

@bonefish1 may be the MAGA poster that least deals in conspiracies, super-sketchy links, and ad hominem insults. @Boiler Buck too. They often harshly disagree but also often answer directly. That's a positive quality without a doubt.

Now @Boilermaker03 and @Riveting (also apparently now posting as "@Riveting- ")? They will go to any extent or deflection (Riveting) or crazy source (03) to justify lunacy.
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@bonefish1 may be the MAGA poster that least deals in conspiracies, super-sketchy links, and ad hominem insults. @Boiler Buck too. They often harshly disagree but also often answer directly. That's a positive quality without a doubt.

Now @Boilermaker03 and @Riveting (also apparently now posting as "@Riveting- ")? They will go to any extent or deflection (Riveting) or crazy source (03) to justify lunacy.
They’re all variants of the same person in my opinion. Scared, angry, bitter. And why? Because they were told to be. They abandoned common sense long ago and stopped questioning things. Instead, they’ve been told it’s okay to be a victim and that people who aren’t exactly like them are coming after them.

Sure, there might be a moment or two of clarity (although poor tj, looks like his sundowning has hit early today), but even that’s quickly wiped out when the next story is concocted and they run with it.

Some of them will tell you they don’t like Trump but then in the next sentence will tell you they’re still voting for him because the alternative is somehow worse. But the reality is they love him. They don’t care that he demeans women, because they feel the same way. They don’t care that he demeans immigrants, because they feel the same way. They don’t care that he takes no responsibility, because it’s easier to be a victim. It doesn’t matter that nearly every person he’s ever worked with confirms that he’s terrible; it’s their fault, not his.

You’re nicer than I am in this regard, and you get big time credit for that.

I just think the absolute best thing for this country is for him to lose and go away forever. But these folks vote, and I have zero doubt this country will not survive another Trump presidency.
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Or..or...maybe the earrings that Harris wearing was actually a listening device and...and....and...somebody was feeding her what to say to the moderator's questions. You know because she is a black woman and...and...and...she is not capable of performing well in debates.
Is she black? I thought she was Asian? When did that change?
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I don't think it's gonna happen. They are too invested.........and attracted to faux tough guys because of something lacking in their psyche.
Don't forget, I'm on on the record saying that I wanted DeSantis, Haley or Scott as POTUS, not Trump. But, we have Trump and Trump is a helluva lot better choice for the country than Giggles.
They’re all variants of the same person in my opinion. Scared, angry, bitter. And why? Because they were told to be. They abandoned common sense long ago and stopped questioning things. Instead, they’ve been told it’s okay to be a victim and that people who aren’t exactly like them are coming after them.

Sure, there might be a moment or two of clarity (although poor tj, looks like his sundowning has hit early today), but even that’s quickly wiped out when the next story is concocted and they run with it.

Some of them will tell you they don’t like Trump but then in the next sentence will tell you they’re still voting for him because the alternative is somehow worse. But the reality is they love him. They don’t care that he demeans women, because they feel the same way. They don’t care that he demeans immigrants, because they feel the same way. They don’t care that he takes no responsibility, because it’s easier to be a victim. It doesn’t matter that nearly every person he’s ever worked with confirms that he’s terrible; it’s their fault, not his.

You’re nicer than I am in this regard, and you get big time credit for that.

I just think the absolute best thing for this country is for him to lose and go away forever. But these folks vote, and I have zero doubt this country will not survive another Trump presidency.
I'm not scared, angry or bitter, more like....perplexed.
As in, I don't understand why we allow people to break our laws without consequences.
I don't understand why people put someone like George Floyd on a mural.
I don't understand why someone like Hilary Clinton gets a pass from the MSM for destroying a laptop that had evidence.
I don't understand why the MSM and members of the govt went all in on the Russian collusion, were proven wrong and there's no punishment.
Don't forget, I'm on on the record saying that I wanted DeSantis, Haley or Scott as POTUS, not Trump. But, we have Trump and Trump is a helluva lot better choice for the country than Giggles.
I remember you being for DeSantis but not the others. Irrelevant. Between your constant TDS and mean tweets comments it's clear you're all on board and you will defend trump on everything. And yes, no one can forget your BS caveat that you don't like his personality but like his if one doesn't affect the other.

You called him a megalomaniac. I agree with you. You think that fact doesn't affect what policies he comes up with? The actions he takes?
I'm not scared, angry or bitter, more like....perplexed.
1) As in, I don't understand why we allow people to break our laws without consequences.
2) I don't understand why people put someone like George Floyd on a mural.
3) I don't understand why someone like Hilary Clinton gets a pass from the MSM for destroying a laptop that had evidence.
4) I don't understand why the MSM and members of the govt went all in on the Russian collusion, were proven wrong and there's no punishment.
Four questions? Four answers:
  1. That's why hopefully Trump, who has been convicted through legal process, with appellate opportunities and with the best lawyers money can buy, will be in jail soon. Just like legal process produced hundreds of convictions with consequences from both J6 and the summer riots in Minneapolis and Seattle.
  2. Because George Floyd is the symbol of a bigger problem that people gave attention to... and because of that attention it has improved. It's not because he was a good guy - he wasn't.
  3. For media sources that are inclined to be friendly to her? Well shoot; that's how it works for all sides like it or not. But not if you consider Fox the main stream media - and they are the biggest, 'main-est' media source. BTW, not a lot of stories debunking 'pet-eating' on Fox or Breitbart lately.
  4. Because media is allowed to be wrong without criminal prosecution - once again no statutory basis for charging. The primary punishment for misinformed or biased media is in the court of public opinion.
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Four questions? Four answers:
  1. That's why hopefully Trump, who has been convicted through legal process, with appellate opportunities and with the best lawyers money can buy, will be in jail soon. Just like legal process produced hundreds of convictions with consequences from both J6 and the summer riots in Minneapolis and Seattle.
  2. Because George Floyd is the symbol of a bigger problem that people gave attention to... and because of that attention it has improved. It's not because he was a good guy - he wasn't.
  3. For media sources that are inclined to be friendly to her? Well shoot; that's how it works for all sides like it or not. But not if you consider Fox the main stream media - and they are the biggest, 'main-est' media source. BTW, not a lot of stories debunking 'pet-eating' on Fox or Breitbart lately.
  4. Because media is allowed to be wrong without criminal prosecution - once again no statutory basis for charging. The primary punishment for misinformed or biased media is in the court of public opinion.
The media doesn't always know the truth. They are lazy, they no longer investigate anything and listen to politicians like Adam Schiff.
The man who should be tried for treason. He knew the truth all along about the Russian hoax. Yet he lied to the American people.
Oh and I haven't been contacted by the FBI or SS.
Was that you or Bob that was going to turn me in? lol
The media doesn't always know the truth. They are lazy, they no longer investigate anything and listen to politicians like Adam Schiff.
The man who should be tried for treason. He knew the truth all along about the Russian hoax. Yet he lied to the American people.
Oh and I haven't been contacted by the FBI or SS.
Was that you or Bob that was going to turn me in? lol
Not me but we've been through this before.

Being clear that I don't agree with your version of the facts, lying is not a treasonous act unless you are giving aid and comfort to the enemy or some such thing. If it were, trump would have more indictments than he already has.

You're a complete whackjob. Move to a socialist or fascist country where you can get your wish.
Is she black? I thought she was Asian? When did that change?
She's the flavor of the day. Today, she was wid a room full of black journalist who tossed her a roomful of marshmallow questions and her speech and accent were very much that of da room she was wid. Tomorrow, she' ll be wid a bunch of white folks and she'll sound white. Can't wait until she's wid Indians to see if she talks about cooking Curry goat.

She's as phony as her running mate's military battles.