Back to basics? If you're not gonna interact and engage with the questions I ask, all you're doing is preaching at me and I have better things to do.
Faith in our senses is a ridiculous take. WHEN DOING A PROOF, A THEN B, THEREFORE C. A and B are conditional statements almost always based on faith. I take God as real just like you take your senses as real, but think about it, you can actually be in an awaking dream.
Are you resetting because you don't want to or can't answer the questions? I WILL TRY.
"Even if Jesus rose from the dead, how does that prove he's the son of god, there is a god, god is in control, there's a heaven and hell........and all the other fantasies you believe?" IF ANYONE CLAIMS TO BE THE SON OF GOD AND IF KILLED WILL RISE AGAIN IN THREE DAYS, and then does it that is proof to me that He is the Son of God.
It's like you don't have a clue as to how someone would not believe in your god. "God is love and love is god"? Are you serious? You can stop right there. You immediately presume god to be real. I DON'T. Do you understand? MY DEFINITION OF GOD WAS IN PART THAT GOD EQUALS LOVE. If you presume that Love is real, then you have to presume God is real. I do not see Love with my senses, but I take that as a given, and since you can't prove Love, if you believe in Love, then you fit my definition of someone who believes in God, no matter how stubborn you want to be.
The only cognitive part of your post was when you said the only reality I have is life. YES! Exactly. That's what I want. I don't live my life in preparation for some afterlife that I have no idea even exists. I understand your position completely. I used to be a bodyguard for celebrities and had a wonderful life partying, doing drugs, and drinking like a fish on the Upper East side of NYC. I moved to the Village in Dallas where I played baseball, volleyball, football, and basketball year round and had sex with gorgeous women six days a week like clockwork. My life was incredible and everything I always wanted. I then had children and realized this is not the example I want for them. I slowly changed, and started to enjoy talking theology at church, and coming to my gnostic cpnclusions that made sense to me. I enjoy my role as trying to be a light to others.
The one common thread among almost all religions is the promise of a better, wonderful, stupendous afterlife as long as you follow the rules during your real life. Why is that? Have you EVER ONCE thought about that? You tell your child if they clean their room you'll take them out for ice cream. If they don't, no TV for a week. Do what I want you to do and you'll get a reward. What do you think the child is going to do? All religions use this basic reward/punishment trick because IT WORKS. Not all Christian denomination preach this, and I don't. I do my best to live a life of integrity. I try not to judge others, but I consistently judge myself, and I use the Bible as sufficient guide as life's manual. Then again, I realize God is my highest idea and I cannot do it on my own, so I constantly pray. When myself was my god, I had a fascinating life, but I pray and am thankful I have a content Life. I am happy. and the biggest achievement is I have two kids with amazing integrity, both have integrity more than I, If I die, and my A and B were wrong and my life was finite, I still won.
The only difference between you and your afterlife and the child's reward/punishment is the child KNOWS FOR A FACT one of those two outcomes is very likely to happen assuming the parent keeps his word. You don't know for a fact there is a heaven or hell but you are willing to live your entire life in a way that gets you to heaven and not to hell. The only thing that you have is your FAITH that there is a heaven. It is not a fact. ALL I KNOW IS THAT WALKING WITH GOD IS MY REALITY! Being in the world is my practicality, but in the twinkling of the eye this world will turn to dust. I have physical problems after losing twelve extremely close people to me, and then going through a nasty divorce that left me in over $300.000 in debt. but I look back and consider it all joy, as I remained as faithful as I could. My regret is that I did not handle it better, but I realize I am in the world.
I don't care if you choose to spend your life in pursuit of something you don't know to be true. But to act like such a ridiculous exercise is normal and makes sense is insane or is the result of a lifetime of brainwashing. MY POINT IS THAT TRYING TO LIVE WITHOUT GOD IS THE BRAINWASHING THAT WE ARE EXPERIMENTING, AS THE RESULT OF OUR ENEMIES AND WITH THE HELP OF THE MEDIA.