Democrats are killing it


Gold Member
Dec 1, 2004
And by it I mean their popularity with non far leftists.

Governors with KKK pictures on their yearbook pages
Governors signing bills to legalize the killing of babies
Lt. Governors facing sexual assault allegations
Attorney Generals admitting dressing in black face
Senators not caring about sexual assault victims when the accused are democrats
Senators finally coming clean that they've been lying about their ancestry for decades
All sorts of dems jumping to conclusions about the role of children when they were accosted by left wing native americans and african americans on our nation's capital.
All sorts of dems jumping to conclusions about the role of "rednecks" beating up a gay black actor in Chicago - its becoming quite clear that the actor fabricated the entire story. Gee - never heard that before.

Now I see why dems want 24/7 coverage of Trump. If we pull back the curtain on the dems it ain't a pretty picture.
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and Biden leading by a landslide in early polling in Iowa....and he hasn't decided if will run. There is so much dirt on Biden....its all getting held back. Tick tock
And by it I mean their popularity with non far leftists.

Governors with KKK pictures on their yearbook pages
Governors signing bills to legalize the killing of babies
Lt. Governors facing sexual assault allegations
Attorney Generals admitting dressing in black face
Senators not caring about sexual assault victims when the accused are democrats
Senators finally coming clean that they've been lying about their ancestry for decades
All sorts of dems jumping to conclusions about the role of children when they were accosted by left wing native americans and african americans on our nation's capital.
All sorts of dems jumping to conclusions about the role of "rednecks" beating up a gay black actor in Chicago - its becoming quite clear that the actor fabricated the entire story. Gee - never heard that before.

Now I see why dems want 24/7 coverage of Trump. If we pull back the curtain on the dems it ain't a pretty picture.

Reach much? This is every day in Republican world. The difference is that unlike the Rs, the Dems are trying to push these folks out. You would vote for them again
You have a bad read on this situation if you think this blackface scandal is is not killing Northam’s support from the democratic base.

In fact, the loudest voices calling for his resignation are from the “far” left of his own party. Most of the major national democrats have called for him to step down. The reason he’s packing so much is precisely because his base was the first to abandon him.
Reach much? This is every day in Republican world. The difference is that unlike the Rs, the Dems are trying to push these folks out. You would vote for them again
The Dems knew about this in Oct of 2017 reported on ABC. Hypocrites all.
I hadn't seen nor heard such. Where did you find/see/hear that?
(Not a flame but inquiry)

I really don’t want to fan the partisan flames because people who want to say that one party is worse than the other is just showing their blindness. I have said many times in posts here that neither party has the interest of we the people as their focal point. They are both corrupt to the core. Big money owns both of them.

I really don’t want to fan the partisan flames because people who want to say that one party is worse than the other is just showing their blindness. I have said many times in posts here that neither party has the interest of we the people as their focal point. They are both corrupt to the core. Big money owns both of them.

Would you mind providing some links of Democratic politicians equating money with speech? You can find a ton of those on the right that say the word "speech" in place of the word "money" or "donations." Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz for example, always say that Democrats are going after people's free speech when someone introduces legislation regarding money in politics. Citizens United was decided right along ideological lines. Democrats are certainly not perfect with regards to doing a lot for the donor class, but there's a pretty clear difference in the parties on this issue.
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Would you mind providing some links of Democratic politicians equating money with speech? You can find a ton of those on the right that say the word "speech" in place of the word "money" or "donations." Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz for example, always say that Democrats are going after people's free speech when someone introduces legislation regarding money in politics. Citizens United was decided right along ideological lines. Democrats are certainly not perfect with regards to doing a lot for the donor class, but there's a pretty clear difference in the parties on this issue.

Indy, I knew I could count on a partisan response from you. No, I a, not a clairvoyant, LOL. Please reread the last 6 words of my post.

I really don’t want to fan the partisan flames because people who want to say that one party is worse than the other is just showing their blindness. I have said many times in posts here that neither party has the interest of we the people as their focal point. They are both corrupt to the core. Big money owns both of them.
Sorry, I thought that you were referring to the Northam yearbook picture. I hadn't seen anything of that before this dustup.
I did see that there had been some earlier indications of the Fairfax allegation.
Indy, I knew I could count on a partisan response from you. No, I a, not a clairvoyant, LOL. Please reread the last 6 words of my post.
If your argument is both parties are the same you should be able to provide some evidence of Democratic politicians equating money and donations with speech? Trying to make them equivalent allows you to excuse the right's position on the issue. Although it seems like you'd agree with the Democratic position, your partisanship won't let you.
If your argument is both parties are the same you should be able to provide some evidence of Democratic politicians equating money and donations with speech? Trying to make them equivalent allows you to excuse the right's position on the issue. Although it seems like you'd agree with the Democratic position, your partisanship won't let you.

I guess you didn’t read the last 6 words in my post. I am not a Rebulican. That why we don’t connect. I am not going to get in discussion that Reps are good and Dems are bad or Vice Versa. That is exactly what is wron with Washington.
I guess you didn’t read the last 6 words in my post. I am not a Rebulican. That why we don’t connect. I am not going to get in discussion that Reps are good and Dems are bad or Vice Versa. That is exactly what is wron with Washington.

So you are unable to acknowledge when there are clear differences? Just saying both parties are the same on an issue doesn't make it so.
I guess you didn’t read the last 6 words in my post. I am not a Rebulican. That why we don’t connect. I am not going to get in discussion that Reps are good and Dems are bad or Vice Versa. That is exactly what is wron with Washington.

Alright Bruce, let's see the Republicans response to this. Both parties are the same on the issue according to you, so let's see their response.
Alright Bruce, let's see the Republicans response to this. Both parties are the same on the issue according to you, so let's see their response.

I guess you didn’t read the last 6 words in my post. I am not a Rebulican. That why we don’t connect. I am not going to get in discussion that Reps are good and Dems are bad or Vice Versa. That is exactly what is wrong with Washington. I never said both parties are equal on all of the issues. I said neither party gives a hoot about the AMERICAN people.
I guess you didn’t read the last 6 words in my post. I am not a Rebulican. That why we don’t connect. I am not going to get in discussion that Reps are good and Dems are bad or Vice Versa. That is exactly what is wrong with Washington. I never said both parties are equal on all of the issues. I said neither party gives a hoot about the AMERICAN people.
Why are you having such a hard time admitting that there are people that are trying to fix the issue? Sorry if they all happen to be Democrats and you have to swallow that fact. I'd love if a right leaning politician would stand up for the right thing and try to fix campaign finance and lobbying, unfortunately that's been exclusively left leaning politicians at this point.
Why are you having such a hard time admitting that there are people that are trying to fix the issue? Sorry if they all happen to be Democrats and you have to swallow that fact. I'd love if a right leaning politician would stand up for the right thing and try to fix campaign finance and lobbying, unfortunately that's been exclusively left leaning politicians at this point.

I am an advocate of campaign finance reform, period. In fact I am in favor of the Gov financing campaigns with 0 fund raising by candidates. I don’t care which effing party gets it passed. I am skeptical that either party will actually come forward with real legislation that does anything. Bring it on!
Why are you having such a hard time admitting that there are people that are trying to fix the issue? Sorry if they all happen to be Democrats and you have to swallow that fact. I'd love if a right leaning politician would stand up for the right thing and try to fix campaign finance and lobbying, unfortunately that's been exclusively left leaning politicians at this point.
oh ya, they are fixing primary races!
Or when they fixed the economy after Republicans destroyed it again.

What are you talking about? The economy went in the tank when Democrats controlled congress. It didn’t recover at any substantial growth rate until Republics finally took back control of both houses and the executive branch.
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What are you talking about? The economy went in the tank when Democrats controlled congress. It didn’t recover at any substantial growth rate until Republics finally took back control of both houses and the executive branch.
Wow, this is some amazing fake history. I always wonder how right wing politicians and media folks think they can get away with the things they say that are blatantly false, then i see an argument like this, and it all makes sense.
Trying to blame the Democrats for the Great Recession, then trying to give credit to the Republicans for bringing the economy back. What world do you live in?
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Wow, this is some amazing fake history. I always wonder how right wing politicians and media folks think they can get away with the things they say that are blatantly false, then i see an argument like this, and it all makes sense.
Trying to blame the Democrats for the Great Recession, then trying to give credit to the Republicans for bringing the economy back. What world do you live in?


For you to blame the Great Recession on the Republicans is wrong. Complete fabrication of reality. One could actually look at decades of home buying trends and artificially low mortgages and put blame on both sides for not fixing the core problem years earlier. But, if you are looking to blame just one party, look no further than the party of Bill Clinton.

And I have no idea what world you live in if you think Obama’s leadership gad a positive impact navigating us through slowest recovery in the history of our country. He had no clue and the US economy was stuck in the mud for his final 5-6 years of his. At least he almost squeezed out an average 2% growth during his 8 years! Not bad for a Statist.

For you to blame the Great Recession on the Republicans is wrong. Complete fabrication of reality. One could actually look at decades of home buying trends and artificially low mortgages and put blame on both sides for not fixing the core problem years earlier. But, if you are looking to blame just one party, look no further than the party of Bill Clinton.

And I have no idea what world you live in if you think Obama’s leadership gad a positive impact navigating us through slowest recovery in the history of our country. He had no clue and the US economy was stuck in the mud for his final 5-6 years of his. At least he almost squeezed out an average 2% growth during his 8 years! Not bad for a Statist.

Hmm, the Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act. Remind me again which party all 3 of those crooks belonged to?

There’s much more to the economy than the DOW of course, but this can be applied to every single economic metric you want to look at.
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Hmm, the Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act. Remind me again which party all 3 of those crooks belonged to?

There’s much more to the economy than the DOW of course, but this can be applied to every economic metric.

I’ve got an MBA from Northwestern with a dual major in Economics. I know it doesn’t take those degrees to differentiate between stock markets and economic growth, but clearly you can’t seem to comprehend the difference. The latter averaged less than 2%, under Obama.

I’m 35 and couldn’t care less about your stock market graph over a 10 year period. I think it’s ridiculous for Trump to pump his chest when the markets are up. See, unlike the Statist, I have the intellect, power of reason, and cognitive ability to draw my own rational conclusions without the crutch of Hollywood, CNN, and MSNBC.

Personally, I’d love for there to be a 30%-40% sell off on the S&P so I can have another opportunity to buy equities at ridiculously cheap valuations.

On second thought. AOC and the other Statist of this new Democrat party supports the idea of stealing 75% of my wealth so we can build windmills and pay people to sit on their collective asses. Maybe I’m better off hiding cash under my mattress.
I’ve got an MBA from Northwestern with a dual major in Economics. I know it doesn’t take those degrees to differentiate between stock markets and economic growth, but clearly you can’t seem to comprehend the difference. The latter averaged less than 2%, under Obama.

I’m 35 and couldn’t care less about your stock market graph over a 10 year period. I think it’s ridiculous for Trump to pump his chest when the markets are up. See, unlike the Statist, I have the intellect, power of reason, and cognitive ability to draw my own rational conclusions without the crutch of Hollywood, CNN, and MSNBC.

Personally, I’d love for there to be a 30%-40% sell off on the S&P so I can have another opportunity to buy equities at ridiculously cheap valuations.

On second thought. AOC and the other Statist of this new Democrat party supports the idea of stealing 75% of my wealth so we can build windmills and pay people to sit on their collective asses. Maybe I’m better off hiding cash under my mattress.
As I said right there in the post, the same principle applies to whatever economic metric you want to use. Whatever happened under Obama was terrible, but the small changes under Trump is an economic rocket ship, use some of your intellect and reason to understand that. Look at the overall trend of any metric instead of small snapshots.
Provide a link for anyone proposing taking 75% of someone’s wealth.
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Hmm, the Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act. Remind me again which party all 3 of those crooks belonged to?

There’s much more to the economy than the DOW of course, but this can be applied to every economic metric.

I’ve got an MBA from Northwestern with a dual major in Economics. I know it doesn’t take those degrees to differentiate between stock markets and economic growth, but clearly you can’t seem to comprehend the difference. The latter averaged less than 2%, under Obama.

I’m 35 and couldn’t care less about your stock market graph over a 10 year period. I think it’s ridiculous for Trump to pump his chest when the markets are up. See, unlike the Statist, I have the intellect, power of reason, and cognitive ability to draw my own rational conclusions without the crutch of Hollywood, CNN, and MSNBC.

Personally, I’d love for there to be a 30%-40% sell off on the S&P so I can have another opportunity to buy equities at ridiculously cheap valuations.

On second thought. AOC and the other Statist of this new Democrat party supports the idea of stealing 75% of my wealth so we can build windmills and pay people to sit on their collective asses. Maybe I’m better off hiding cash under my mattress.

That you claim AOC is trying to steal 75% of your wealth shows that maybe you should have paid more attention in school.
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That you claim AOC is trying to steal 75% of your wealth shows that maybe you should have paid more attention in school.

You can try to deny it all you want, but she does wants to tax income over $10 million at 70%. That sounds incredibly fair. The fact that we’re even discussing this clueless lunatic is nauseating.
You can try to deny it all you want, but she does wants to tax income over $10 million at 70%. That sounds incredibly fair. The fact that we’re even discussing this clueless lunatic is nauseating.
I'd figure with that fancy degree you'd understand how marginal tax rates work.
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That you claim AOC is trying to steal 75% of your wealth shows that maybe you should have paid more attention in school.

You can try to deny it all you want, but she does wants to tax income over $10 million at 70%. That sounds incredibly fair. The fact that we’re even discussing this clueless lunatic is nauseating.

So are you saying that you understand she’s talking about marginal tax rates? Because you’ve contradicted yourself with your last two statements.

Yes, she has said she would like a marginal tax rate of 70% over $10m, which is at most a minuscule portion of the population. You do realize that marginal rates were as high as 90% in the past, no?
So are you saying that you understand she’s talking about marginal tax rates? Because you’ve contradicted yourself with your last two statements.

Yes, she has said she would like a marginal tax rate of 70% over $10m, which is at most a minuscule portion of the population. You do realize that marginal rates were as high as 90% in the past, no?

Yes. I know how marginal tax rates work. Tax rates were also as low as 0% for a long period of time. What’s your point?

We can agree to disagree on this. That’s okay. My opinion is that federal government should be a fraction of what it is today and I should be allowed to keep 100% of my earnings. No one should be entitled to what I earn. If the feds want to put a tax on consumption, so be it. I’ll pay that tax with no complaints.

Your opinion is that the government should control the majority of the economy, regulate the hell out of what’s left of the economy, and continue to infringe upon personal liberty in every way imaginable.

I won’t convince you the former is better and you certainly won’t convince me the latter is better. I’ve lived all over the world and know what system I choose.
I'd figure with that fancy degree you'd understand how marginal tax rates work.

What about my comments makes you think that? Does she or does she not want to tax income over $10 million at 70%.

And it’s fancy degrees. Plural.
So are you saying that you understand she’s talking about marginal tax rates? Because you’ve contradicted yourself with your last two statements.

Yes, she has said she would like a marginal tax rate of 70% over $10m, which is at most a minuscule portion of the population. You do realize that marginal rates were as high as 90% in the past, no?

Yes. I know how marginal tax rates work. Marginal rates were also as low as 0%. What’s your point?

We can agree to disagree on this. That’s okay. My opinion is that federal government should be a fraction of what it is today and I should be allowed to keep 100% of my earnings. No one should be entitled to what I earn. If the feds want to put a tax on consumption, so be it. I’ll pay that tax with no complaints.

Your opinion is that the government should control the majority of the economy, regulate the hell out of what’s left of the economy, and continue to infringe upon personal liberty.

I won’t convince you the former is better and you certainly won’t convince me the latter is better. I’ve lived all over the world and know what system I choose.

I mean I didn’t say any of that but okay?
So are you saying that you understand she’s talking about marginal tax rates? Because you’ve contradicted yourself with your last two statements.

Yes, she has said she would like a marginal tax rate of 70% over $10m, which is at most a minuscule portion of the population. You do realize that marginal rates were as high as 90% in the past, no?

Yes. I know how marginal tax rates work. Tax rates were also as low as 0% for a long period of time. What’s your point?

We can agree to disagree on this. That’s okay. My opinion is that federal government should be a fraction of what it is today and I should be allowed to keep 100% of my earnings. No one should be entitled to what I earn. If the feds want to put a tax on consumption, so be it. I’ll pay that tax with no complaints.

Your opinion is that the government should control the majority of the economy, regulate the hell out of what’s left of the economy, and continue to infringe upon personal liberty in every way imaginable.

I won’t convince you the former is better and you certainly won’t convince me the latter is better. I’ve lived all over the world and know what system I choose.

Also, if you don’t want government involved at all, then why are you singling out AOC? Shouldn’t you be railing on every government official equally? Certainly you think spending your tax money on a border wall is a colossal waste too?
Also, if you don’t want government involved at all, then why are you singling out AOC? Shouldn’t you be railing on every government official equally? Certainly you think spending your tax money on a border wall is a colossal waste too?

Federal government has the responsibility and authority under the constitution of protecting our borders and national security. So, I’m fine with the wall.

I called out AOC because she’s the looniest of the loonies in DC. 95% are terrible, in my opinion.
Also, if you don’t want government involved at all, then why are you singling out AOC? Shouldn’t you be railing on every government official equally? Certainly you think spending your tax money on a border wall is a colossal waste too?

Federal government has the responsibility and authority under the constitution of protecting our borders and national security. So, I’m fine with the wall.

I called out AOC because she’s the looniest of the loonies in DC. 95% are terrible, in my opinion.

So you are okay with initially being told that no, you aren’t going to have to pay for it but oh well now you are, especially when there’s no justifiable reason for a wall at all other than it being a vanity project? Because yeah, that’s where you and I differ. I want border security but not something someone can climb over with a tall ladder from Lowe’s.

Why is she the looniest of the loons, in your opinion? Her marginal rate tax proposition has quite a bit of support. You aren’t going to get away from being taxed, so you may as well want folks to pay their fair share.
So you are okay with initially being told that no, you aren’t going to have to pay for it but oh well now you are, especially when there’s no justifiable reason for a wall at all other than it being a vanity project? Because yeah, that’s where you and I differ. I want border security but not something someone can climb over with a tall ladder from Lowe’s.

Why is she the looniest of the loons, in your opinion? Her marginal rate tax proposition has quite a bit of support. You aren’t going to get away from being taxed, so you may as well want folks to pay their fair share.

I never believed Mexico was going to actually pay for the wall. It was rhetoric.

Read the New Green Deal as orignially posted on her website. That alone makes her the looniest of the loons. I could also find countless other video clips that show how unintelligent and out of touch she is.

Folks are already paying more than their fair share.