Think about what has transpired since Oct. 7th, on both the practical (political) and religious levels–
1. Gaza has been destroyed (Old Testament religious commandment) huge numbers of Gentiles have been murdered en masse (Old Testament religious commandment) the Jews are making plans to ‘redeem’ the land (Old Testament religious commandment) by preparing an invasion of the territory like the horde of Jypsy thieves that they are and expand Israel’s borders.
2. Lebanon is in the process of being destroyed (Old Testament religious commandment), huge numbers of Gentiles have been murdered en masse (Old Testament religious commandment) the Jews are making plans to ‘redeem’ the land (Old Testament religious commandment) by preparing an invasion of the territory like the horde of Jypsy thieves that they are and expand Israel’s borders..
3. Syria is in the process of being destroyed (Old Testament religious commandment), huge numbers of Gentiles have been murdered en masse (Old Testament religious commandment) the Jews are making plans to ‘redeem’ the land (Old Testament religious commandment) by preparing an invasion of the territory like the horde of Jypsy thieves that they are and expand Israel’s borders.
And soon, barring some action on the part of POTUS DJT, Jordan and Egypt will also find themselves in the process of being destroyed (Old Testament religious commandment), will have huge numbers of their Gentile citizens murdered en masse (Old Testament religious commandment) and the Jews will then begin ‘redeeming’ the land (Old Testament religious commandment) by invading both Jordan and Egypt in the same way that they have in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria like the horde of Jypsy thieves that they are in the interests of expanding Israel’s borders.
And all of this hinges on the hostages remaining in Gaza and why all Gentiles with a vested interest in their own future survival should expect something HORRIFIC to go ‘BOOM’ in the next week just prior to POTUS Trump’s Inauguration.
Netanyahu and his fellow Ju-hadists absolutely must–repeat, MUST–‘flip the script’ and ‘turn the tables’ on Trump’s warning that there will be ‘hell to pay’ if the hostages are not released, including Netanyahu ordering them to be killed by the IDF and its Mistaarvim units who are presently holding the captives.
The most famous Old Testament religious commandment........
‘When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are to possess and drives out the many nations larger and stronger than you, and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. Do not save alive anything that breathes…Do not intermarry with them…Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons…Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their idols in the fire, for you are a people holy to the Lord your God who has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession…’–Book of Deuteronomy