Dan Dakich is an Idiot

Jockitch says just enough complimentary things about Purdue to keep Purdue guys listening to him. However his homer side comes out and you can feel the arrogance. He wants Clappy's job. But like I've said before if he's so damn smart why isn't he coaching now? If we get CS I'm still not convinced.
Dakich is making very good money doing what he's doing, so why coach? If IU wanted him, I'm sure he would go, but they don't want him. He's probably a better coach than Crean, but not a better recruiter.
If he quotes himself in the third person , then there is reason for concern

That's funny!:)

You know what they say about the attorney who represents himself in court. "___ for a client". I shouldn't jest, I believe I did the same thing before, accidently, of course. Let's just pretend it really was accidental? :) I'm sure he meant well. I think when I did that, I lost in the reply round. Hope his follow ups are better than mine. His reply was a lot funnier than mine. My self reply rambled on for 10 minutes, with my perfected hunt & peck typing.

Speaking of funny, famous third person dialogs. Remember in "Silence of the Lambs", when the killer is in his home, looking down in the pit [getting angrier & angrier] at the girl, hostage who continuesly refuses to put on the killer's self made, skin coat, "It puts on the coat, as it's told!" Too much!:)

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started following recruiting, mainly peegs, my senior year of h.s 2004. i've had a few different log in names, bc i could never remember names or pw's. this post by twin degrees is an all-timer i tell ya.

You've been on peegs since 2004 and this post, in your mind, is an all-timer? THAT is an all-timer.
That's funny!:)

You know what they say about the attorney who represents himself in court. "___ for a client". I shouldn't jest, I believe I did the same thing before, accidently, of course. Let's just pretend it really was accidental? :) I'm sure he meant well. I think when I did that, I lost in the reply round. Hope his follow ups are better than mine. His reply was a lot funnier than mine. My self reply rambled on for 10 minutes, with my perfected hunt & peck typing.

Speaking of funny, famous third person dialogs. Remember in "Silence of the Lambs", when the killer is in his home, looking down in the pit [getting angrier & angrier] at the girl, hostage who continuesly refuses to put on the killer's self made, skin coat, "It puts on the coat, as it's told!" Too much!:)

See a Woody Allen movie called "Bananas". There is a scene in there where he acts as his own attorney and cross examines himself. Just classic early Woody Allen.