Comedic gold right here. You can't make this up.


Oct 4, 2004
The NAACP says that FL is not welcoming to people of color.

And yet.....I'll give you one guess, just one, where the NAACP Chairman of the Board lives....

The NAACP says that FL is not welcoming to people of color.

And yet.....I'll give you one guess, just one, where the NAACP Chairman of the Board lives....

Actually it’s about time the NAACP has taken a strong stance. They finally had enough of DeSantis banning books by black authors, yes, others also. Banning or changing curriculum of African American AP classes. He is not making the state of FL welcoming to people of color at all.
The NAACP says that FL is not welcoming to people of color.

And yet.....I'll give you one guess, just one, where the NAACP Chairman of the Board lives....

He lives in Florida, doesn’t he?
He lives in Florida, doesn’t he?
Yep. And probably loves living there. That is why he wants to try and make the state better by enacting this protest of this travel advisory. This is basically a boycott to hurt the state financially to make a statement that DeSantis’ war on diversity won’t be accepted.
Yep. And probably loves living there. That is why he wants to try and make the state better by enacting this protest of this travel advisory. This is basically a boycott to hurt the state financially to make a statement that DeSantis’ war on diversity won’t be accepted.
Yep. And he probably loves living there because it’s a great state to live in that welcomes all folks of all races. This ain’t no “boycott” and it will do nothing. When do you think he’ll tell blacks to boycott Chicago and Philly since blacks are constantly getting killed in those places? It’s so funny how you scared you enslaved Democrats are of DeSantis. Soooo funny.

The dumb leader of the NAACP is another “rules for thee but not for me” Democrat and you fully support (because he’s a fellow member of the cult)
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Non effective grandstanding.
The state is not going to get hurt financially from this. Few, will even pay attention to this. It is humorous to think they will.
It may hurt or it may not. If you listen to black talk radio lately this FL boycott is picking up steam. Folks are saying that have canceled their FL vacations as a result of this. Like all movements, it takes sacrifice. You guys wonder why blacks don't support the republican party. What DeSantis is doing with his war on diversity doesn't prove that then I don't know what. Conventions may pull out. State colleges may lose enrollment. Vacation spots like Disney and other FL destinations may lose numbers.
Non effective grandstanding.
The state is not going to get hurt financially from this. Few, will even pay attention to this. It is humorous to think they will.
Not only is it pandering to the stupid, but the state of FL won't lose one single dime because of it. In fact, I could see the opposite effect happening.
FL is happy to have less liberals visiting and certainly would like to try and discourage liberals from relocating there.
It may hurt or it may not. If you listen to black talk radio lately this FL boycott is picking up steam. Folks are saying that have canceled their FL vacations as a result of this. Like all movements, it takes sacrifice. You guys wonder why blacks don't support the republican party. What DeSantis is doing with his war on diversity doesn't prove that then I don't know what. Conventions may pull out. State colleges may lose enrollment. Vacation spots like Disney and other FL destinations may lose numbers.
I predict not a single one of those things happen. And, no one listens to black talk radio except for the few blacks who like to hear how much of a victim they are.
I predict not a single one of those things happen. And, no one listens to black talk radio except for the few blacks who like to hear how much of a victim they are.
Dude, are you kidding me. Joe Madison on the “Urban View” channel 126 on SiriusXM gets millions of listeners every morning. You are quite narrow minded, imagine that. Just because you don’t listen to the channel doesn’t mean that no one else does. Maybe this boycott won’t work but I can tell you it’s getting a lot attention. Throughout history some boycotts work, some don’t. I advise you and others to listen to the station whether you agree or not. You may learn something. I learn something when I listen to the “Patriot Channel”.
Dude, are you kidding me. Joe Madison on the “Urban View” channel 126 on SiriusXM gets millions of listeners every morning. You are quite narrow minded, imagine that. Just because you don’t listen to the channel doesn’t mean that no one else does. Maybe this boycott won’t work but I can tell you it’s getting a lot attention. Throughout history some boycotts work, some don’t. I advise you and others to listen to the station whether you agree or not. You may learn something. I learn something when I listen to the “Patriot Channel”.
Can you provide a source of "millions of listeners" to the Joe Madison show. I can't find anything to support that.

Also, I've tried to listen to urban radio and it was basically a liberal victimhood love fest and I turned it off after 5 minutes.
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It may hurt or it may not. If you listen to black talk radio lately this FL boycott is picking up steam. Folks are saying that have canceled their FL vacations as a result of this. Like all movements, it takes sacrifice. You guys wonder why blacks don't support the republican party. What DeSantis is doing with his war on diversity doesn't prove that then I don't know what. Conventions may pull out. State colleges may lose enrollment. Vacation spots like Disney and other FL destinations may lose numbers.


Florida's Gov is a leader and fights against woke BS. I 100% agree with all have a actions. Seems like a majority of the Florida's people do too. It is irrelevant to majority of Floridians what the far left extemeist think. That is a good thing for the state, for America.....and a positive change. The fact it drives you nuts, confirms how great of a change it is.
Dude, are you kidding me. Joe Madison on the “Urban View” channel 126 on SiriusXM gets millions of listeners every morning. You are quite narrow minded, imagine that. Just because you don’t listen to the channel doesn’t mean that no one else does. Maybe this boycott won’t work but I can tell you it’s getting a lot attention. Throughout history some boycotts work, some don’t. I advise you and others to listen to the station whether you agree or not. You may learn something. I learn something when I listen to the “Patriot Channel”.
Lol “millions of listeners”. You mean hundreds, right? You’re wrong again about saying millions listen every morning but like you care, you wake up every morning with the goal of being wrong and dishonest on everything. And the numbers and statistics you dream up are hilarious.
Dude, are you kidding me. Joe Madison on the “Urban View” channel 126 on SiriusXM gets millions of listeners every morning. You are quite narrow minded, imagine that. Just because you don’t listen to the channel doesn’t mean that no one else does. Maybe this boycott won’t work but I can tell you it’s getting a lot attention. Throughout history some boycotts work, some don’t. I advise you and others to listen to the station whether you agree or not. You may learn something. I learn something when I listen to the “Patriot Channel”.
Millions of listeners? Do you have any data to back this up? Of course you don’t. Add this to the mile long list of things you’re wrong about.
Actually it’s about time the NAACP has taken a strong stance. They finally had enough of DeSantis banning books by black authors, yes, others also. Banning or changing curriculum of African American AP classes. He is not making the state of FL welcoming to people of color at all.
I’ll ask you again. Which book is it illegal to possess or are you unable to purchase in the State of Florida?
It may hurt or it may not. If you listen to black talk radio lately this FL boycott is picking up steam. Folks are saying that have canceled their FL vacations as a result of this. Like all movements, it takes sacrifice. You guys wonder why blacks don't support the republican party. What DeSantis is doing with his war on diversity doesn't prove that then I don't know what. Conventions may pull out. State colleges may lose enrollment. Vacation spots like Disney and other FL destinations may lose numbers.
So the Illinois legislature produced a budget of over 50 billion . One program was cut - the tax credit scholarship program. Which is heavily financed by private donations. But the IEA hates it because it’s successful.

The average income is below 40k. The program disproportionately aided black and brown kids. Now they will lose their scholarships and have to return to their shit public schools. Despite amazing graduation rates and future success.

Oddly the people who led the charge to sunset were white progressives. And funny most of the Dems either attended private schools or their kids do/did. Good education for me, not thee. IIRC not a single R voted to end the program.

But teacher’s unions pushed Dems to end the program. Sorry low income black and brown kid families. You don’t donate that much money. All in all they are just another brick in the wall.
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I’ll ask you again. Which book is it illegal to possess or are you unable to purchase in the State of Florida?
Nobody said that you can’t buy these books in FL. I’ve said that they removed these books from schools. Books by black Pulitzer Prize winner, Toni Morrison. They removed books like “Definitive History of Racial Ideas in America” and “The 1619 Project” to name a few. The FL is a vague tat a lot these districts are willy nilly removing books just to cover their butts.
Nobody said that you can’t buy these books in FL. I’ve said that they removed these books from schools. Books by black Pulitzer Prize winner, Toni Morrison. They removed books like “Definitive History of Racial Ideas in America” and “The 1619 Project” to name a few. The FL is a vague tat a lot these districts are willy nilly removing books just to cover their butts.
Maybe because the 1619 project was proven to be factually inaccurate by historians? Why would we present fiction as non-fiction to our kids in schools? They need to learn real history, not history through the lens of divisive and dumb Democrats like yourself. You’re obsessed with making things up and there’s no room for that in our schools.
Maybe because the 1619 project was proven to be factually inaccurate by historians? Why would we present fiction as non-fiction to our kids in schools? They need to learn real history, not history through the lens of divisive and dumb Democrats like yourself. You’re obsessed with making things up and there’s no room for that in our schools.
I never read the book, so personably I can’t tell you that”The 1619 Project” is factual or not. Having said that, there are tons of books out there for K-12 students that are not historically accurate. And nobody are removing these books. Texas has been doing this for years, giving students modified history books that for example, makes slavery in not so bad light.
Nobody said that you can’t buy these books in FL. I’ve said that they removed these books from schools. Books by black Pulitzer Prize winner, Toni Morrison. They removed books like “Definitive History of Racial Ideas in America” and “The 1619 Project” to name a few. The FL is a vague tat a lot these districts are willy nilly removing books just to cover their butts.
You do understand the 1619 project isn't a history book right?

The architect of the “1619 Project” isn’t trying to hoodwink anybody—she admits that she’s rewriting history to make Americans stop admiring their country.

Historians have disputed almost every aspect of her narrative.

Her “new information” is neither new nor information but is wildly exaggerated claims used strategically for a political purpose, amplified by a complicit media.
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I never read the book, so personably I can’t tell you that”The 1619 Project” is factual or not. Having said that, there are tons of books out there for K-12 students that are not historically accurate. And nobody are removing these books. Texas has been doing this for years, giving students modified history books that for example, makes slavery in not so bad light.
The 1619 project explicitly tries to paint our country in a negative light using flat out falsehoods and a rewriting of history. You don't think that's dangerous to have impressionable minds to read?
You do understand the 1619 project isn't a history book right?

The architect of the “1619 Project” isn’t trying to hoodwink anybody—she admits that she’s rewriting history to make Americans stop admiring their country.

Historians have disputed almost every aspect of her narrative.

Her “new information” is neither new nor information but is wildly exaggerated claims used strategically for a political purpose, amplified by a complicit media.

BNI will now claim that the book isn't banned for being factually and historically inaccurate, but simply because the author is black....wait for it.
The 1619 project explicitly tries to paint our country in a negative light using flat out falsehoods and a rewriting of history. You don't think that's dangerous to have impressionable minds to read?
Like I said, I never read the "1619 Project" book. I do remember the controversies surrounding the book and the author. I'll take your word about any so called inaccuracies of history in the book. Having said that, the book is not a history book used in history classes, nor is it required supplemental reading in history classes. It's a book in the library for someone to read if they choose to. There have been states like Texas that in recent years, chose actual history class textbooks that rewrite history to make light of the atrocities the US has done since the beginning. Words like slavery were changed to a more palatable word. So, where is your outrage in that? It's more dangerous to have actual history class textbooks rewrite history than a book on the shelf in a library. You don't need a book like the "1619 Project" to paint the US in a negative light. Just read real history books and you will see what this country has done to folks. I never understood how a so called American like Thomas Jefferson can write in the Declaration of Independence that "All Men Are Created Equal" then at the same time own 600 slaves.
The 1619 project explicitly tries to paint our country in a negative light using flat out falsehoods and a rewriting of history. You don't think that's dangerous to have impressionable minds to read?
If you base your bar on what is factually inaccurate alone in order to ban books from a library, then 1/2 of the books in the library would be taken off of the shelves.
The NAACP says that FL is not welcoming to people of color.

And yet.....I'll give you one guess, just one, where the NAACP Chairman of the Board lives....

Those numbers are actually pretty low for a long holiday weekend in Chicago. They should be striving for at least 100 shot over the 4th of July.

I haven't researched it, but I'm willing to bet that there were more black people shot in Chicago this past weekend than in the entire state of FL. But yeh, FL is unfriendly to POC.
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Like I said, I never read the "1619 Project" book. I do remember the controversies surrounding the book and the author. I'll take your word about any so called inaccuracies of history in the book. Having said that, the book is not a history book used in history classes, nor is it required supplemental reading in history classes. It's a book in the library for someone to read if they choose to. There have been states like Texas that in recent years, chose actual history class textbooks that rewrite history to make light of the atrocities the US has done since the beginning. Words like slavery were changed to a more palatable word. So, where is your outrage in that? It's more dangerous to have actual history class textbooks rewrite history than a book on the shelf in a library. You don't need a book like the "1619 Project" to paint the US in a negative light. Just read real history books and you will see what this country has done to folks. I never understood how a so called American like Thomas Jefferson can write in the Declaration of Independence that "All Men Are Created Equal" then at the same time own 600 slaves.
The author and a major newspaper (I think the NYT if I remember correctly) both pushed it as actual history until it was so blatantly debunked. Many in schools may not have the knowledge to discern that it isn't history. Especially since it was written in a manner that was trying to push it as so.
If you base your bar on what is factually inaccurate alone in order to ban books from a library, then 1/2 of the books in the library would be taken off of the shelves.
Only books that are factually inaccurate that are pushed as actual history. I think that's a pretty good standard on which books to leave out of schools.
Probably should the Bible out too.
Imagine how much happier you’d be if you didn’t mock the Bible and instead, found peace in a higher power. You’d be more balanced and much less angry than you always are. It would also offer you a good example for some structure which you desperately need.
Imagine how much happier you’d be if you didn’t mock the Bible and instead, found peace in a higher power. You’d be more balanced and much less angry than you always are. It would also offer you a good example for some structure which you desperately need.
I read scripture and sang the songs and went to church camp and vacation Bible school and sunrise service…….and listened to a fire and brimstone message nearly every Sunday until I was 18 years old. I was told to live my life based on a book……and if I didn’t, I was told I would burn in hell for eternity. I decided that wasn’t for me.

If it works for you, far out. But if you are going to believe in Jesus and his teachings, I suggest you start practicing what he preached or reacquaint yourself with what he stood for.

I wasn’t mocking the Bible. I was simply pointing out that there is material in it that is just as bad for children as the books that are being banned. If you don’t believe or didn’t know that, do some more reading.
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I read scripture and sang the songs and went to church camp and vacation Bible school and sunrise service…….and listened to a fire and brimstone message nearly every Sunday until I was 18 years old. I was told to live my life based on a book……and if I didn’t, I was told I would burn in hell for eternity. I decided that wasn’t for me.

If it works for you, far out. But if you are going to believe in Jesus and his teachings, I suggest you start practicing what he preached or reacquaint yourself with what he stood for.

I wasn’t mocking the Bible. I was simply pointing out that there is material in it that is just as bad for children as the books that are being banned. If you don’t believe or didn’t know that, do some more reading.
First you were a devote conservative Republican once and you now claim to have been a devote Christian.
Why the 180.
Curious minds want to know!
First you were a devote conservative Republican once and you now claim to have been a devote Christian.
Why the 180.
Curious minds want to know!
I was never a devout conservative nor a registered Republican. I’ve voted Republican many times. Not the same thing.

I didn’t say I was a devout Christian. If you read between the lines you’d notice the significance of the 18 years. I was involved in the church because I was living at home and those were the rules. When I went to college the rules changed and I could make my own choice.
The indoctrination didn’t take.

You might notice a pattern. Thinking for oneself. Not mindlessly believing what a religion or political party or a wannabe dictator tells you to believe.
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I was never a devout conservative nor a registered Republican. I’ve voted Republican many times. Not the same thing.

I didn’t say I was a devout Christian. If you read between the lines you’d notice the significance of the 18 years. I was involved in the church because I was living at home and those were the rules. When I went to college the rules changed and I could make my own choice.
The indoctrination didn’t take.

You might notice a pattern. Thinking for oneself. Not mindlessly believing what a religion or political party or a wannabe dictator tells you to believe.
I did the same thing. It didn't take with me either. How are you going to reconcile that I didn't take to the indoctrination of religion but yet you seem to suggest I did take to it when it came to politics?
I did the same thing. It didn't take with me either. How are you going to reconcile that I didn't take to the indoctrination of religion but yet you seem to suggest I did take to it when it came to politics?
It’s good to hear there are others that had similar experiences.

You think because you were not indoctrinated into religion it means you can’t be persuaded into believing in anything else?

I reconcile it by pointing out the subject matter and its appeal to individual is the driving force behind someone’s desire to believe.

Turning your point around, just because someone has bought into religion doesn’t mean they can also be indoctrinated into believing in UFOs or that the earth is flat. While there are certainly people that are easily persuaded, most people are indoctrinated because of the issue and a hundred other factors……and you can’t just ignore that.

Religion requires faith in what you can’t see or hear. You have to believe in writings that are unproven. Not true with politics.
I was never a devout conservative nor a registered Republican. I’ve voted Republican many times. Not the same thing.

I didn’t say I was a devout Christian. If you read between the lines you’d notice the significance of the 18 years. I was involved in the church because I was living at home and those were the rules. When I went to college the rules changed and I could make my own choice.
The indoctrination didn’t take.

You might notice a pattern. Thinking for oneself. Not mindlessly believing what a religion or political party or a wannabe dictator tells you to believe.
So you mean read between the lines and don’t take what you write literally or as truth. Got it.
Nobody said that you can’t buy these books in FL. I’ve said that they removed these books from schools. Books by black Pulitzer Prize winner, Toni Morrison. They removed books like “Definitive History of Racial Ideas in America” and “The 1619 Project” to name a few. The FL is a vague tat a lot these districts are willy nilly removing books just to cover their butts.
Do you have the same concerns about classics that have been removed from circulation at schools by leftists? And as for “Pulitzers” it’s been basically politicized as the Nobel Peace Prize. Like Obama getting it for doing nothing except later becoming one of the most proficient drone bombers of civilian populations in the history of the world. And remember how many journalists won Pulitizers for their work on “Russian Collusion.” Which was based on a political opponents lies and fabrication. They give them back?

I do appreciate you responding. But how about that tax credit scholarship program? Illinois. A state entirely run by democrats will be the first ever to END a school choice voucher program? Thousands of black and brown kids will have their opportunity to get the same education opportunity as their white progressives overlords terminated. Gone. And they can do it because they will get 90% of the vote regardless. I think it’s because of fealty to the teachers union and their millions in support. A single mother in Austin can’t compete with that. But then again lots of these progressives are happy with their social justice stopping at their lawn signs.
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It’s good to hear there are others that had similar experiences.

You think because you were not indoctrinated into religion it means you can’t be persuaded into believing in anything else?

I reconcile it by pointing out the subject matter and its appeal to individual is the driving force behind someone’s desire to believe.

Turning your point around, just because someone has bought into religion doesn’t mean they can also be indoctrinated into believing in UFOs or that the earth is flat. While there are certainly people that are easily persuaded, most people are indoctrinated because of the issue and a hundred other factors……and you can’t just ignore that.

Religion requires faith in what you can’t see or hear. You have to believe in writings that are unproven. Not true with politics.
That was the point I was getting at, yet in your posts you seemed to be hinting that you couldn't be the one indoctrinated because you hadn't been by religion.