Coach Painter


Redshirt Freshman
Sep 8, 2007
I think some times he over coaches. Subs at times when it don`t make sense right after a 20 year old kid makes a couple baskets and has been on the floor maybe 3 or 4 minutes. Hell when I was 20 I could do a 10 mile forced march with combat boots on ,back pack and a M1. But then again I had to.I don`t agree with the way he subs
I think some times he over coaches. Subs at times when it don`t make sense right after a 20 year old kid makes a couple baskets and has been on the floor maybe 3 or 4 minutes. Hell when I was 20 I could do a 10 mile forced march with combat boots on ,back pack and a M1. But then again I had to.I don`t agree with the way he subs
Agree. But why he makes big bucks.
disappointing loss but really not too surprising. i don't want to pile on (esp after a loss) but do agree with some of the sentiment of your post: at what point is some of the concern / blame for underachieving, poor energy on coach?

1. Seems to be a lack of a 'surprise wrinkle' (for lack of a better term). for example, we only seem to ever press when down big / late (i.e. desperation time). the zone (yes, it was disaster last year and do credit him for trying) but with Ray D not seeming the Def power of last year, why not some match-up zone or just some other creative scheme that could (could!) throw a monkey wrench into what appears to be our oh-so-easy scouting report.

2. They say teams will take on the personality of their coach. well, we know CMP is not fiery like Gene or others. The guys just seem so tight (guards, wings) ...afraid to miss shots or make mistakes... for fear of facing immediate benching or the wrath of Coach.

as someone mentioned in the game thread, we started canning some shots and stuff after the game was blown up. as if the pressure was off, so why not?

I'm not one of the "fire CMP" fans at all. But we seem to have fallen into a very distinct pattern of 1. playing tight or 2. playing not to lose (when up). Idk.. still a very solid team this year but perhaps the hype / excitement when we were 11-0 was a bit premature.

Still a chunk of season left, including what *should be* the most exciting time of the year! BTT / NCAAs. Start hitting on all cylinders and who knows..

sickens me to say it but also have to credit Indiana and even Clappy for a solid game plan. tough loss!!
Painter is an ok coach but not great. At this point in his career he is unable to get a team deep in the tournament. He can only coach one way....defense first and a conservative motion offense. He makes no attempts to adjust personnel based on the situation at hand. Same guys, same style every game. Shooters are on a short leash. Hammons picks up one foul and to the bench. Everything is predictable. No wrinkles. No adjustments. Basketball has changed. Shorter clock, traveling is ok, and u have to hit 3's. You can't win by pounding it inside every time. Everyone seems to know that except Painter.
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Painter is an ok coach but not great. At this point in his career he is unable to get a team deep in the tournament. He can only coach one way....defense first and a conservative motion offense. He makes no attempts to adjust personnel based on the situation at hand. Same guys, same style every game. Shooters are on a short leash. Hammond picks up one foul and to the bench. Everything is predictable. No wrinkles. No adjustments. Badketball has changed. Shorter clock, traveling is ok, and u have to hit 3's. You can't win by pounding it inside every time. Everyone seems to know that except Painter.
Look at Duke last year. They had their superstar in Okafor like we do with AJ but how did they win? By clutch outside shooting by Winslow. Wisky did the same thing with Dekker. Vince could be that if we changed or dumb motion offense. If everyone on the perimeter is constantly moving how are we ever going to get a spot up 3?
CMP is to worried about D and doesn't even try to adjust the offense. If your a decent player on D, your going to get 20+ min. per game. Look at Davis tonight. I love the kid and he has done a lot for Purdue, but as a senior, if you don't show up for this game, you need to sit. CS is going to be a stud though. Defiantly the player of the game for Purdue. Justt wish he would have hit his free throws.
CMP is to worried about D and doesn't even try to adjust the offense. If your a decent player on D, your going to get 20+ min. per game. Look at Davis tonight. I love the kid and he has done a lot for Purdue, but as a senior, if you don't show up for this game, you need to sit. CS is going to be a stud though. Defiantly the player of the game for Purdue. Justt wish he would have hit his free throws.
Makes no sense why Davis plays all game while Stephens sits
Look at Duke last year. They had their superstar in Okafor like we do with AJ but how did they win? By clutch outside shooting by Winslow. Wisky did the same thing with Dekker. Vince could be that if we changed or dumb motion offense. If everyone on the perimeter is constantly moving how are we ever going to get a spot up 3?
I would go out on a limb and say Okafor is a little better than AJ.
Look at Duke last year. They had their superstar in Okafor like we do with AJ but how did they win? By clutch outside shooting by Winslow. Wisky did the same thing with Dekker. Vince could be that if we changed or dumb motion offense. If everyone on the perimeter is constantly moving how are we ever going to get a spot up 3?

Vince Edwards is not going to be Sam Dekker. Good grief.
Going back to pre-Big 10, I said our strength is also our weakness. An oxymoron? Not really.. Our strength is our depth...we play 10 deep. Not sure any other Div 1 team goes 10 deep. But because the way Painter substitutes we don't keep the flow that was working. I think he substitutes based on TV timeouts whether we're on a roll or not. You have to stick with what's working then substitute as needed.
CMP is to worried about D and doesn't even try to adjust the offense. If your a decent player on D, your going to get 20+ min. per game. Look at Davis tonight. I love the kid and he has done a lot for Purdue, but as a senior, if you don't show up for this game, you need to sit. CS is going to be a stud though. Defiantly the player of the game for Purdue. Justt wish he would have hit his free throws.
Can't disagree with this... RD was an absolute non-factor, and I'd like to think the light came on tonight for Biggie, in terms of what it will take for him to become a dominant force in this league.

It sucks we didn't seem to match IU's intensity until the last 6 minutes or so, but I am not as pissed about the result as I thought I would be.... IU was bound to win against us sooner or later -- this game was simply another layer in what is the softest, easiest cream puff schedule a B1G team could have ever hoped for.
disappointing loss but really not too surprising. i don't want to pile on (esp after a loss) but do agree with some of the sentiment of your post: at what point is some of the concern / blame for underachieving, poor energy on coach?

1. Seems to be a lack of a 'surprise wrinkle' (for lack of a better term). for example, we only seem to ever press when down big / late (i.e. desperation time). the zone (yes, it was disaster last year and do credit him for trying) but with Ray D not seeming the Def power of last year, why not some match-up zone or just some other creative scheme that could (could!) throw a monkey wrench into what appears to be our oh-so-easy scouting report.

2. They say teams will take on the personality of their coach. well, we know CMP is not fiery like Gene or others. The guys just seem so tight (guards, wings) ...afraid to miss shots or make mistakes... for fear of facing immediate benching or the wrath of Coach.

as someone mentioned in the game thread, we started canning some shots and stuff after the game was blown up. as if the pressure was off, so why not?

I'm not one of the "fire CMP" fans at all. But we seem to have fallen into a very distinct pattern of 1. playing tight or 2. playing not to lose (when up). Idk.. still a very solid team this year but perhaps the hype / excitement when we were 11-0 was a bit premature.

Still a chunk of season left, including what *should be* the most exciting time of the year! BTT / NCAAs. Start hitting on all cylinders and who knows..

sickens me to say it but also have to credit Indiana and even Clappy for a solid game plan. tough loss!!
Great post. I'm glad I'm not special to feeling Purdue needs to zone some. Opposing coaches don't even scout Purdue anymore. I think this is a very solid team but I feel like the guys are just playing on eggshells.
I think some times he over coaches. Subs at times when it don`t make sense right after a 20 year old kid makes a couple baskets and has been on the floor maybe 3 or 4 minutes. Hell when I was 20 I could do a 10 mile forced march with combat boots on ,back pack and a M1. But then again I had to.I don`t agree with the way he subs

This post is interesting. These are the exact same things you could read about Crean on Peegs.
Purdue probably is the easiest team in the BIG to scout. You know exactly what we are going to do and who is going to do it and when. We are too one dimensional on offense and we may not have the foot speed to play man to man 40 minutes every game. I like man to man but a little zone here and there would protect our bigs and expose us less on the perimeter and give the opposition something else to worry about. Painter gave it a half ass try last year and didn't like it, so we won't likely see it again. I honestly think we have the players to be an Elite Eight team, but I doubt we get there.
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A lot of the early comments on this thread about Painter ring pretty true in my mind. If we bow out early in this years NCAA, his legend will be cemented in mediocrity. Mayor of vanillaville. Im still holding out hope, we avoid 8/9 seed again, and team comes together at the right time. Committee owes us nothing at this point, so 8/9 is a real possibility.