Chochrane Report: Masks ineffective.... immediately scientific world & lib publications go nuts

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
Note ...don't miss understand, not arguing about masks ....just a comment on the lib medical community and lib publications.

Earlier this spring, the prestigious Chochrane Library produced a study concluding masks have little to no effect.....Tom Jefferson, a British epidemiologist who was the lead author of the report, told a journalist that “there is just no evidence that they [masks] make any difference”.

Lib publications & medical world everywhere went NUTS.....can't have that!! LOL.... Just found it funny how the study by this institution was immediately the usual suspects because they disparaged their sacred cow....... masks. Scared them to death. 😂

(READING studies show effectiveness of 0-12%, depending on studies I have read. Might be other studies that show higher results???, I just haven't read them yet.)
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Note ...don't miss understand, not arguing about masks ....just a comment on the lib medical community and lib publications.

Earlier this spring, the prestigious Chochrane Library produced a study concluding masks have little to no effect.....Tom Jefferson, a British epidemiologist who was the lead author of the report, told a journalist that “there is just no evidence that they [masks] make any difference”.

Lib publications & medical world everywhere went NUTS.....can't have that!! LOL.... Just found it funny how the study by this institution was immediately the usual suspects because they disparaged their sacred cow....... masks.

(READING studies show effectiveness of 0-12%, depending on studies I have read. Might be other studies that show higher results???, I just haven't read them yet.)
They can do alot in the workplace for dust and dirt but I never thought they did anything and even if they did initially unless you used rubber gloves to remove and sanitized? I remember snapping one slightly covered in sawdust and of course it went everywhere in my eyes etc.
They can do alot in the workplace for dust and dirt but I never thought they did anything and even if they did initially unless you used rubber gloves to remove and sanitized? I remember snapping one slightly covered in sawdust and of course it went everywhere in my eyes etc.

Yep, wear masks often when I use chain saw or weed eat. Help in that situation alot!..... greater particle size.
Note ...don't miss understand, not arguing about masks ....just a comment on the lib medical community and lib publications.

Earlier this spring, the prestigious Chochrane Library produced a study concluding masks have little to no effect.....Tom Jefferson, a British epidemiologist who was the lead author of the report, told a journalist that “there is just no evidence that they [masks] make any difference”.

Lib publications & medical world everywhere went NUTS.....can't have that!! LOL.... Just found it funny how the study by this institution was immediately the usual suspects because they disparaged their sacred cow....... masks. Scared them to death. 😂

(READING studies show effectiveness of 0-12%, depending on studies I have read. Might be other studies that show higher results???, I just haven't read them yet.)
So why do surgeons wear masks?
So why do surgeons wear masks?

Post NOT really about mask efficacy.....but how the media and med community freaked out about the study because it threatened their narrative and their need to control.

From my readings, one thing is a given, more study needs done.

My readings so far....
1. Little benefit for young, under 10%.
2. Cloth masks no help @ all.
3. N95 better than surgical.
4. How one wears mask and how they use it effects it's effectiveness. Kids aren't very good @ wearing them properly @ all.
5. One study showed 35% benefit for age 60 and over.

Not sure why some want to oversell or undersell mask effectiveness?? Just tell the truth.
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Post NOT really about mask efficacy.....but how the media and med community freaked out about the study because it threatened their narrative and their need to control.

From my readings, one thing is a given, more study needs done.

My readings so far....
1. Little benefit for young, under 10%.
2. Cloth masks no help @ all.
3. N95 better than surgical.
4. How one wears mask and how they use it effects it's effectiveness. Kids aren't very good @ wearing them properly @ all.
5. One study showed 35% benefit for age 60 and over.

Not sure why some want to oversell or undersell mask effectiveness?? Just tell the truth.
Masks are real effective for looters. That is the truth.
Note ...don't miss understand, not arguing about masks ....just a comment on the lib medical community and lib publications.

Earlier this spring, the prestigious Chochrane Library produced a study concluding masks have little to no effect.....Tom Jefferson, a British epidemiologist who was the lead author of the report, told a journalist that “there is just no evidence that they [masks] make any difference”.

Lib publications & medical world everywhere went NUTS.....can't have that!! LOL.... Just found it funny how the study by this institution was immediately the usual suspects because they disparaged their sacred cow....... masks. Scared them to death. 😂

(READING studies show effectiveness of 0-12%, depending on studies I have read. Might be other studies that show higher results???, I just haven't read them yet.)
If the left was really about the science it wouldn't matter what the study said. They'd just go with it. That's holding true in just about any area of science. If they don't agree with it, they go nuts.
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Masks to remind ourselves to hygiene better. Before covid I didn't notice many peeps in the restrooms wash their hands.
To prevent bacterial infections in an open wound. Bacterial particles are larger than viral particles.

The science has always been clear on this, long before covid. Any study during COVID that showed otherwise, did so because the experiment was designed to make them appear effective.
Thanks for the clarification. I was wondering why Doctors always wear masks in operating rooms but masks have been proven ineffective with Covid.
Thanks for the clarification. I was wondering why Doctors always wear masks in operating rooms but masks have been proven ineffective with Covid.
No problem, but you should be warned, I am just a lowly engineer and I learned during COVID that apparently, we don't qualify as scientist and are not qualified to read/interrupt and have an opinion on the scientific studies.
To prevent bacterial infections in an open wound. Bacterial particles are larger than viral particles.

The science has always been clear on this, long before covid. Any study during COVID that showed otherwise, did so because the experiment was designed to make them appear effective.

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