Brohm's Plan Is Just What We Needed


Jun 15, 2013
Went out and signed some JUCO's in areas of need, brought a few commitments from Western and hit the HS's to see what he could get before the dead period hit...couldn't ask for more. Now he can work on the rest of his staff and see who else he can flip in the remaining time!

I love what I am seeing!
Went out and signed some JUCO's in areas of need, brought a few commitments from Western and hit the HS's to see what he could get before the dead period hit...couldn't ask for more. Now he can work on the rest of his staff and see who else he can flip in the remaining time!

I love what I am seeing!
Me threeve!
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Went out and signed some JUCO's in areas of need, brought a few commitments from Western and hit the HS's to see what he could get before the dead period hit...couldn't ask for more. Now he can work on the rest of his staff and see who else he can flip in the remaining time!

I love what I am seeing!

Our first coach since Tiller who knows what he is doing. The DHs were in over their heads.
I'm particularly encouraged by the JUCO and/or mid-year players coming in. That will help fill some gaps as well as one could possibly have hoped to fill them at this point. If he can put together an adequate offensive line on the field next year we'll have a reasonable chance in about half our games. I thought the odds of that happening were very slim a week ago. It's far from a guarantee at this point still but I feel much better about it than I did.
I'm more excited right now about football than I've been for probably 8-10 years. I find myself on the football board more right now than the basketball board and we have a huge game on Saturday.

Maybe if MN boycotts their bowl, we can take their place. I think we're next in line. I'm only partly joking...
Unless the Pres and AD at MN backdown to the team demand, not only will the Holiday Bowl be forced to take a replacement team on short notice (N ILL) but there could be a mass exodus at MN. Unfortunate for Tracy Claeys because he is siding with his players and not the University who seem to have over-reacted to internal faculty pressure to dismiss 10 players over "questionable" rape charges. Sure would like to cherry pic some of their young frosh like Antoine Wingfield Jr who is almost certain to transfer
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I don't believe the faculty over- reacted. you have team and NCAA rules. the players violated those rules, and the Minnesota administration is trying to enforce those rules. just because no criminal charges were filed, does not mean NCAA athlete rules of conduct were not broken. the players all signed an NCAA code of conduct agreement with their scholarship. and Minnesota is just trying to enforce that agreement. What's the purpose of school rules if you place playing in the holiday Bowl above compliance to those rules?
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The Minnesota situation isn't about breaking NCAA rules, but federal title IX guidelines put into place in 2011 related to sexual assaults on college campuses. Each university generally has a code of conduct that is administered by the Dean of Students. Are the inmates running the asylum at Minnesota or will the university administration blink?
Perhaps I overstated that U of M adminstration may of bowed to pressure from faculty or campus special interest groups in adding addl sanctions to the 10 players identified. But they were penalized earlier in the season based on highly questionable accusations of the so called "victim". They served suspensions for misconduct. Now , they are being penalized again? Weren't the earlier suspensions sufficient for a false rape accusation? .The PD reviewed the video and chose not to file any charges on any of them. These 10 guys have had their reputations and possibly future careers ruined ...
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The Minnesota situation isn't about breaking NCAA rules, but federal title IX guidelines put into place in 2011 related to sexual assaults on college campuses. Each university generally has a code of conduct that is administered by the Dean of Students. Are the inmates running the asylum at Minnesota or will the university administration blink?

This statement is not specific to any one case (i.e. Minnesota)- but rather to all of them.

Title9 has forced schools, who are ill-equipped to be investigator, jury, AND judge outside the court of law on these issues. And they know their federal funds and grants ($$$$$$) may reside on decisions they make. Is it worth risking those $? Or is it safer for a school to assume guilty until proven innocent?

An unintended consequence of a good regulation being Title9.
For the first time in a VERY LONG TIME, I feel like our football program is in good hands. Between Brohm and Bobinski I think we are headed in the right direction. Between competent coaches, to better facilities (RA still needs a lot of work IMO) to an AD who understands what it's going to take support wise. It's going to be a process, but we as fans need to give our full support, as they finally seem to be investing in the right things. Boiler Up.
For the first time in a VERY LONG TIME, I feel like our football program is in good hands. Between Brohm and Bobinski I think we are headed in the right direction. Between competent coaches, to better facilities (RA still needs a lot of work IMO) to an AD who understands what it's going to take support wise. It's going to be a process, but we as fans need to give our full support, as they finally seem to be investing in the right things. Boiler Up.

If you count the AD as one hand and the HC as the other, this is first time since Mackey / Mollenkoph. Young and Tiller were great HCs, but King and Burke, both, were myopic, task-oriented, bureaucrats who had zero strategic vision beyond brick and mortar.
Went out and signed some JUCO's in areas of need, brought a few commitments from Western and hit the HS's to see what he could get before the dead period hit...couldn't ask for more. Now he can work on the rest of his staff and see who else he can flip in the remaining time!

I love what I am seeing!
I'm with you all the way on this! Jeff Brohm is a completely different breed of Coach than I've ever seen at Purdue. This coach will out work and out smart the other coaches. Brohm is a burst of energy that Purdue desperately needed. Go Purdue! Go Coach Brohm!
I hope this is indeed a renaissance but I will tell you once again: this will take some time. One more win each year for eight years would be very good progress.
I hope this is indeed a renaissance but I will tell you once again: this will take some time. One more win each year for eight years would be very good progress.
Might take time to move the team record to over the .500 but I believe we will see a different level of execution and intensity by the team right from the start and the wins will follow.
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For the first time in a VERY LONG TIME, I feel like our football program is in good hands. Between Brohm and Bobinski I think we are headed in the right direction. Between competent coaches, to better facilities (RA still needs a lot of work IMO) to an AD who understands what it's going to take support wise. It's going to be a process, but we as fans need to give our full support, as they finally seem to be investing in the right things. Boiler Up.

I'd cool it off a bit - both are basically in honeymoon phases.

I'm still a bit put off about the staff hires. I know you don't necessarily get everyone you want in your first year - but we basically gave the WKU staff a giant raise to be the 4th highest paid staff in the Big Ten. I hope we see some changes on staff next year - WKU was a decent team, but not exactly "coaching staff of the year" quality.
I'd cool it off a bit - both are basically in honeymoon phases.

I'm still a bit put off about the staff hires. I know you don't necessarily get everyone you want in your first year - but we basically gave the WKU staff a giant raise to be the 4th highest paid staff in the Big Ten. I hope we see some changes on staff next year - WKU was a decent team, but not exactly "coaching staff of the year" quality.

You must have missed the part where I said this is going to be a process and take time.