I don't prefer democrats. I prefer this democratic president over the republican that ran. Just stop thinking anyone anti trump is a democrat. I mean, we're all over the damn place.
I am prefer capitalism too........and balanced budgets and eliminating the debt. I like lower taxes too...... when they don't increase the debt......which they always do. Government waste and spending are out of control, by both parties. I want government out of my life (which includes a woman's body) but recognize an efficient government ran by serious people can and should help average Americans and can be a good thing. Help people help themselves. All government programs should be evaluated every two years for effectiveness. I'm pro immigration but believe there should be rules that are enforced. I want a gradual move to clean energy that doesn't leave workers behind. I am for natural areas that are off limits to development and exploitation of resources. We need to preserve wildlife......the killing off of large mammals is atrocious, extinction shouldn't happen in the 21st century. I'm am for a strong military but they way we build it wastes trillions of dollars, that system is broken. We are the leader of the free world and should act like it. We should use it to promote and protect democracy around the world. China is the enemy but we have to act multilaterally to counter them. Allies are good. Term limits in Congress and the supreme court.
Animal abuse should require mandatory jail time.