Diversity is neither good or bad. It is sign neutral and for everything you could show it is good, I could show multiple reasons why it is bad...that is IF SEEKING diversity instead of just having it. The E does not stand for equal opportunity , but originates from Marxist theocracy and so the D & E are bad. The I or Inclusion is fine. You don't go making laws based upon an occurrence of an item here and another one somewhere else because you point to a person and such that if true was either racist or questioned if that Black may have had special privileges in becoming a dentist. THAT is the problem I've pointed out many times to you that support the democrat party and Intersectionality on the whole.There up go again assume that DEI only hires non-qualified blacks and minorities. Just like the old Sanford & Son episode. Fred assume thy the black dentist got his degree from correspondence school and the white dentist was professionally trained. So he chose the white dentist. The white dentist was actually the least qualified bd coil not do the procedure. The professionally trained black dentist had to come in.
Before DEI how many white folks have jacked stuff up throughout the years. Yeah I know it’s hard to believe. No one says anything about that.
Once you generate a platform that gives special privileges to a certain demographic, it is only natural that another might question if that person was really qualified or how they would rate that person. It is inherent in all meaningful thinkers wondering as a result of DEI. Shut it down and now people that defer from a black or a woman or an Asian and the other minorities that make up more than the majorities, you have justification for questioning if the incident might have elements of racism in it. You want DEI and then don't want the hires questioned as a result...it is illogical. It isn't that far removed from the other woke parts where a male person may identify with a cat or as a female, but then EXPECT others to agree with the insanity. You can't point to another time in your life as screwed up as the last four years on so many fronts