Boy the pollsters should were spot on weren't they? LOL


Gold Member
Dec 1, 2004
Not sure how these companies make their money but whoever pays them for their services should be asking for a refund.
First off, it's not like anything that happened last night was a huge shocker. Most of the polling/experts predicted most of what happened last night over the last week (and in many cases longer).

Secondly, midterms are not easy things to get right mainly because of low turnout. The hardest part of polling is figuring out who is actually going to show up, particularly in midterms without "President" on the ballot.
CNN sure seemed surprised to lose NC, Colorado, Maryland and Illinois governors, how close Virginia was,my he landslide in Georgia. They even mentioned polling problems inVirginia...
Posted from Rivals Mobile
But, wait, the Illinois Gov hasn't conceded yet

I think he's trying to drum up some more dead people votes in Cook County (I think the ONLY county Quinn won). Rumor is the Quinn campaign workers were chanting the monty python song, "Bring out your dead!"
Re: But, wait, the Illinois Gov hasn't conceded yet

Conservatives, by their nature of being conservative, are less likely to express their preferences out loud or to a pollster, especially knowing that there is a chance that you will be called a "hater" or "evil".
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by gr8indoorsman:
CNN sure seemed surprised to lose NC, Colorado, Maryland and Illinois governors, how close Virginia was,my he landslide in Georgia. They even mentioned polling problems inVirginia...
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I haven't watched CNN in over a year. That Malaysian Airlines flight was the final straw, and caused me to stop watching the little I did pay attention to on there.

The IL gov race was close from the outset. There was no predicting that one, and pretty much everyone said that it could go either way.

And that Quinn won only one county outside of Cook should be a statement to future governors. Focusing on appeasing only one component of Illinois (Cook or the rest) will not work if he wants to be reelected. I think Rauner is a dirtbag, but is he any worse than Quinn? Probably not. See what happens, and go from there, I guess. It was the first election where I genuinely had no preference, because both candidates were so horrible (Yes, worse than Bush v. Kerry). If Rauner screws up badly enough, Cook County will lean even harder to the blue side, and will swing the election back (and Sangamon and Champaign will likely jump blue). I'm more concerned with trying to get Mike Madigan (Illinois House Speaker) out of office next time around. Dude is a clown.
I'm sorry, but this isn't right. I saw a graphic last night on MSNBC that showed the Real Clear Politics average for each of (5) Senate races next to the actual results. One Senate race prediction was off by 19%! It showed another that was 10% off, and a couple of others that were between 6-9% off.

How could the pollsters' "scientific samples" be that poorly miscalibrated? I've read articles saying that voter turnout was not "low", as you claim. In a number of states it was higher, for a midterm election, than it has been since the "Republican Revolution" that swept Next Gingrich and his crew into office when Clinton was President.
Talk about taking things way too seriously.

First off, there are ZERO polling companies that are ALWAYS right. Whether they are independent, conservative, liberal, etc…..none of them are always right. Just because they weren't right doesn't mean there was bias, it was skewed, etc. It just happens sometimes with populations.

Secondly, there's a margin of error on polls for a reason. A poll showing 45-45 with a +/- 5% margin of error can actually "scientifically" mean it could be 50%-40%.

Third, I didn't say the turnout was lower than expected last night. Midterm elections just have low turnout in general. Obviously the higher the turnout, the more reliable your polls are because you don't have to figure out who is and who isn't going to vote as much.