

Jul 7, 2004
Biden is the only Presidential candidate I've seen that is promising to raise taxes and increase government regulations, while telling you that he will improve the economy (could magic be involved?).

Perhaps Joe knows something that most economists don't know, but how does the economy grow, when government takes more money out of the economy (taxes) and increases operating costs for businesses (regulations)?

Biden says that he's only raising taxes on people making more than $400K, but he also said that he's eliminating all the Trump tax cuts, which will affect EVERYONE. Increasing the Corporate tax rate as well as increasing regulations will drive the cost of products up for everyone. Biden isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, so perhaps he is just ignorant of all the impact that his actions will have, but it will impact all of us.

Of course, Biden was strongly opposed to Fracking in the primary, as was Harris. Now that we're in the General Election, Biden & Harris are both for Fracking again. It makes you wonder which side of this issue he'll be on, if he does get elected? If he can flip/flop that easily on that issue, what other promises will fall by the wayside?

More importantly, how can we trust a President that has been compromised by the Chinese, who have him & his son on the payroll?

For years the Left has been screaming "Russian Collusion" about Trump, with no evidence.
Now, the Left is remarkably silent about Chinese corruption with Biden, for which we have much evidence, which the Left is desperately trying to suppress. Oh the irony...
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Biden is the only Presidential candidate I've seen that is promising to raise taxes and increase government regulations, while telling you that he will improve the economy (could magic be involved?).

Perhaps Joe knows something that most economists don't know, but how does the economy grow, when government takes more money out of the economy (taxes) and increases operating costs for businesses (regulations)?

Biden says that he's only raising taxes on people making more than $400K, but he also said that he's eliminating all the Trump tax cuts, which will affect EVERYONE. Increasing the Corporate tax rate as well as increasing regulations will drive the cost of products up for everyone. Biden isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, so perhaps he is just ignorant of all the impact that his actions will have, but it will impact all of us.
You morons don't even realize Trump is raising taxes on EVERYONE, not just the rich.

But Obama, but Hillary, but Hunter, blah blah blah
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You morons don't even realize Trump is raising taxes on EVERYONE, not just the rich.

But Obama, but Hillary, but Hunter, blah blah blah

This is a dishonest take.
First both jey Rs&Ds voted on this not just Rs.
Second, Biden will keep the tax raises in the article.
Finally, Trump will work to change these increases & make the 3-4% tax savings permanent for middle class Americans.
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