Biden FINALLY does something about immigration

Damn it. How many times do people have to be told to stop muddyng the water with facts?
From 2010. MN senate seat race. USNews is a left leaning publication. Dems don’t want voter rolls cleaned because precinct captains know who don’t vote and then they complete those ballots if needed. If you are in touch with so much as you say you are you know it’s true. This process was the genesis of a major voter fraud case in Chicagoin the 70s. Abrams fought Kemps voter roll cleansing which was LEGALLY required. Not a single person after the election reported not being able to vote. Well dead people can’t talk. States like IL haven’t cleaned their rolls in years. It’s a simple step. Dems used to agree just like voter ID until they realized how to work it.

Well maybe the folks here can read this leftist publication & finally realize.....YES.....VOTER FRAUD EXISTS.

The criminal left only cares about power, if illegally procured, that's ok. Power is all that matters.
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From 2010. MN senate seat race. USNews is a left leaning publication. Dems don’t want voter rolls cleaned because precinct captains know who don’t vote and then they complete those ballots if needed. If you are in touch with so much as you say you are you know it’s true. This process was the genesis of a major voter fraud case in Chicagoin the 70s. Abrams fought Kemps voter roll cleansing which was LEGALLY required. Not a single person after the election reported not being able to vote. Well dead people can’t talk. States like IL haven’t cleaned their rolls in years. It’s a simple step. Dems used to agree just like voter ID until they realized how to work it.
People post on here that Dems want voter requirements. Yeah right!
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People post on here that Dems want voter requirements. Yeah right!
Whenever you get into an argument about voter ID simply ask that person, in what country can you vote w/o proof of identification? These people have been fed so many talking points and scare that it’s embarrassing.

What’s funny is that voter ID was a tenet of the early civil rights movement because it was a way to guarantee your voting rights were not stolen. And a way to stick it to Jim Crow and southern Democrats that you can’t take my personhood from me. Of course 2A was as well.
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Whenever you get into an argument about voter ID simply ask that person, in what country can you vote w/o proof of identification? These people have been fed so many talking points and scare that it’s embarrassing.

What’s funny is that voter ID was a tenet of the early civil rights movement because it was a way to guarantee your voting rights were not stolen. And a way to stick it to Jim Crow and southern Democrats that you can’t take my personhood from me. Of course 2A was as well.
Doesn’t do any good when have to count the number of jelly beens in a jar.
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Because it’s never been an issue. The percent voter fraud is something like 0.001%. And of those that are caught are prosecuted. Republicans made it an issue in 2009 after Obama was elected. We all know the reason why.
Nobody knows what percent it is, because it has never really been studied. If you roll two die all tosses sum up to some number between 2 and 12. There are 36 different ways two die can land. There is only one was a 12 can happen and so it's chance is 1/36. If I gave you two die to toss 2, 4, 6 8, or even 10 times it is highly likely you will not throw a 12. Should we conclude a 12 doesn't exist because in the limited tosses it never occurred? I've seen voter fraud numbers listed before, but have not every really seen an attempt to study it to actually know how large it is...and the key is in certain areas....obviously where voter ID is not mandated. To grab some sample and pretend all areas are the same...those with some ID mandated and those without is disingenuous at best. There is voter fraud, we know that. We don't know the magnitude and it isn't just presidential elections, but voters for more local offices offer a larger opportunity the effect of the magnitude. Suggesting 1/100,000 as reality is waaaayyyyy to low for logic
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Nobody knows what percent it is, because it has never really been studied. If you roll two die all tosses sum up to some number between 2 and 12. There are 36 different ways two die can land. There is only one was a 12 can happen and so it's chance is 1/36. If I gave you two die to toss 2, 4, 6 8, or even 10 times it is highly likely you will not throw a 12. Should we conclude a 12 doesn't exist because in the limited tosses it never occurred? I've seen voter fraud numbers listed before, but have not every really seen an attempt to study it to actually know how large it is...and the key is in certain areas....obviously where voter ID is not mandated. To grab some sample and pretend all areas are the same...those with some ID mandated and those without is disingenuous at best. There is voter fraud, we know that. We don't know the magnitude and it isn't just presidential elections, but voters for more local offices offer a larger opportunity the effect of the magnitude. Suggesting 1/100,000 as reality is waaaayyyyy to low for logic
The problem is that most voter fraud studies are done well after elections. This I told my Trump fans Courts are very hesitant to overturn elections or require redos because you can not simulate the results, I.e. voter population has changed since election.

People like cap’n cut-n-paste always say that Trump lost every election suit. Well that’s just not true. In several situations the courts agreed with the plaintiff but said there simply isn’t a method for redress. Or that they were right but didn’t have standing, I mean states were found to violate their constitution and statute in certain people changing rules w/o authority (like PA mail out ballots procedures) but the court’s remedies are to kick back to the legislative body. Because you can’t pick out each ballot. And in NV the Clark county commissioner purposely gave directions to separate the ballot from the envelop so you couldn’t challenge signatures. It’s basically catching a shop lifter and making them pay once caught.

But the thing a lefty can’t answer is: Name a country that does NOT require identification at time of voting.
I swear, y’all got all of the black grifters on speed dial.

Can you imagine families of people that have been brought up by their parents to hate one party or the other. That is the true hate. Families teaching hate. I have seen it in all races. But when I worked in the projects in Indy, that's where I first saw this phenomenon. I was a Dem back then, so I guess they were more open to me. So talk grifters all you want. The true problem is hate.
I swear, y’all got all of the black grifters on speed dial.
So their opinion is in line with 70% of the of the black population and they are grifters? What exactly did do they get from taking this position knowing it would draw the personal attacks from people like you? And isn’t Abrams and Sharpton and Joy Reid the grifters? They have made their millions perpetuating and parroting the language of the white elite? All 3 make their money from white owned progressive corporations and funders? But they are not the grifters?

It’s sad though that people like Robert Woodson, John Burnett, and the Alfords are labeled by people like you as grifters. That hold on power is getting loose ain’t it? So much that the tenets of MLK are seen as “grifting.” Now I like you grew up in the belly of the beast but I wish to rage against the machine we know exists to expose it for the oppression on those it says it represents.

You got that list of countries that don’t require ID to vote?
So their opinion is in line with 70% of the of the black population and they are grifters? What exactly did do they get from taking this position knowing it would draw the personal attacks from people like you? And isn’t Abrams and Sharpton and Joy Reid the grifters? They have made their millions perpetuating and parroting the language of the white elite? All 3 make their money from white owned progressive corporations and funders? But they are not the grifters?

It’s sad though that people like Robert Woodson, John Burnett, and the Alfords are labeled by people like you as grifters. That hold on power is getting loose ain’t it? So much that the tenets of MLK are seen as “grifting.” Now I like you grew up in the belly of the beast but I wish to rage against the machine we know exists to expose it for the oppression on those it says it represents.

You got that list of countries that don’t require ID to vote?
Y’all miss the point. I’ll say it again, voter ID in of itself is good. I like it. The problem is the timing when all this talk of voter ID heated up which after Obama wa elected. The repubs used it as a weapon at the time to disenfranchise black voters. The elderly as well. Not many of the elderly have their birth certificate anymore or the means to get another one. Curtailing mail in ballots, absentee, drop boxes, etc. seem to be more of an issue now for the Dems than voter ID.
Y’all miss the point. I’ll say it again, voter ID in of itself is good. I like it. The problem is the timing when all this talk of voter ID heated up which after Obama wa elected. The repubs used it as a weapon at the time to disenfranchise black voters. The elderly as well. Not many of the elderly have their birth certificate anymore or the means to get another one. Curtailing mail in ballots, absentee, drop boxes, etc. seem to be more of an issue now for the Dems than voter ID.

All along it sounds like you are one of those teaching hate to your family.
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Words ......
Counting jelly beans

Ok for here, I guess.....but you talk like this around kids, they pick it up.... especially with voice inflection alot of angry old folks use.

Just be careful & think when around kids
Words ......
Counting jelly beans

Ok for here, I guess.....but you talk like this around kids, they pick it up.... especially with voice inflection alot of angry old folks use.

Just be careful & think when around kids
Oh, give me a break. Seriously?
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Oh, give me a break. Seriously?

You asked. I can definitely see you as an angry old man raging hate about the evil racist repubs around your kids & grandkids. You can't help yourself not to. It's who you are.

Can you say you haven't?
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The problem is that most voter fraud studies are done well after elections. This I told my Trump fans Courts are very hesitant to overturn elections or require redos because you can not simulate the results, I.e. voter population has changed since election.

People like cap’n cut-n-paste always say that Trump lost every election suit. Well that’s just not true. In several situations the courts agreed with the plaintiff but said there simply isn’t a method for redress. Or that they were right but didn’t have standing, I mean states were found to violate their constitution and statute in certain people changing rules w/o authority (like PA mail out ballots procedures) but the court’s remedies are to kick back to the legislative body. Because you can’t pick out each ballot. And in NV the Clark county commissioner purposely gave directions to separate the ballot from the envelop so you couldn’t challenge signatures. It’s basically catching a shop lifter and making them pay once caught.

But the thing a lefty can’t answer is: Name a country that does NOT require identification at time of voting.
It doesn't take a genius to know that there was no interest for ole Joe to go public in 2020 which is quit odd for anyone running for ANY office. In the rare occurrences ole Joe was let out some, nobody cared to hear him. Yet some believe those conditions are not a predictor or have nothing to do with ole Joe getting credited with more votes than anyone in the history of the country...particularly after the water main broke after we went to bed. A distraction will be that some will suggest high voter turnout, but there was NOTHING before the voting day to suggest high turnout for someone that had no turnout for months before?

Interestingly, some of those that believe no fraud in place point out that counting the same fraudulent votes provided similar results to discount fraud. Others have said that you can't use video of people dumping papers (votes) in many different locations as evidence that the same person was doing that due to "error" of GPS and yet some were tracked down in the imaginary Jan 6 theatric with exactly that.

What we all need to do is to ignore the obvious and use Google to tell us what we need to know. I mean has there ever been evidence in the last few years that social media was in the tank? We have the FBI and courts to protect us with equal justice for all...don't we? WWGD (what would google do?) Currently we live in the Twilight Zone!