Pretty much agree. I was just stating the options students have, and how easy forbearance/renegotiate to do to basically say there is no excuse for it.
That's what America wanted though. Its a communist system now. We wanted Karl Marx's second plank in his manifesto to be our tax structure well America got it. Before under 10 percent free markets America had 12 percent growth rates and kids made 3 times in the aggregate in purchasing power wealth with a high school degree with no debt than top grads today with mountains of debt. Now they want free education or government control over education. Money is control. Then they'll be no jobs and you can't even buy anything with debt because the government only produces death. The number one manufactured product of governments is war and death. Hillary and Bernie wanted ur money because they can't produce anything as British agents working for Royal Institute Intl Affairs. They know more. They get your money and get to pay off communist mafi socialst nations to end their major competitor the United States since 1776 and take us down. So everyone needs to be happy about it. Free education. I mean all the colleges are preparing you for the governments plan. Microaggression education. You'll be valuable.
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