Beginning of the end for college football....

Imagine how much of this is occurring at peewee levels where kids are learning form and brains are still developing and more than likely, no qualified trainer.
My brother in law is a sports medicine doctor specializing in concussions. His kids won't play tackle until they're 12. My son won't either no matter how badly he begs me. When we lived in TX, 6 year olds were doing two a days in August in full pads. No thanks.
Im guessing popularity has peaked for sure
(Between more parents who forbid playing at all, those starting later but already loving another sport, decreasing pro career lengths, etc etc)

I think some of the NFL's declining TV numbers is from over saturation but secondly from fans turned away from this too

college football has long been a favorite of mine
But 100+ years from now people may look back and say wtf
That's when it was a running league. Incomplete passes stop the clock WAY more in football today, both at the college AND NFL level. You want to speed up the game have a running clock except for time outs.
Nfl ratings are down because it is unwatchable. Time out or review after every little thing.
Too many commercials, and no Brady and Manning for the first 4 games of the season couldn't have helped.

And every other hit gets flagged for something.
College football can go away for all I care. Outside of Purdue I have no interest in it anyway. Just so long as we don't try to replace it with something stupid like soccer.
Im guessing popularity has peaked for sure
(Between more parents who forbid playing at all, those starting later but already loving another sport, decreasing pro career lengths, etc etc)
Arian foster
Another abrupt early retirement
Too many commercials, and no Brady and Manning for the first 4 games of the season couldn't have helped.

And every other hit gets flagged for something.
It is very frustrating that after a score they go to commercials then come back and have the kickoff which almost always goes though the end zone and then show more commercials.
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