Back to the Future movie was an encoded message to warn USA about 911

Feb 7, 2009
How embarrassing is this that all those cowardly fools out there laughed and sniveled like pathetic goons about the so called "conspiracy theory" regarding the New World Order. You laughed and sniveled allowing their attacks to succeed. Disgraced the country.


ON VIDEO.... get your snivel on fool faces. This is called getn punk slapped to ya'lls faces. Kneel down styled.
I hope not, for everyone's sake, including his.
Notice their programming. Anytime you encounter these national socialists they talk about weapons. They don't want to debate the opposition, they want to disarm the political opposition.

But they don't want to talk about how David Rockefeller, who was one of the main reasons those towers got put up, posed on the cover of this magizine with his watch cover inverted; time deliberately stopped at 9:11. I mean the odds are probably like 1 in 59 trillion, especially considering the day he took that photo was the day construction broke ground, and of course 911 was the day it came down. Also, the guy pushing for a new world order and admits this publicly in his own writings. Probably just a coincidence that David Rockefeller donated the land for the UN building in Manhattan. Not to mention the date the magazine was released(the date Christ was crucified) symbolic speaking. He's probably no big deal though.

This is probably just a coincidence: The amazing thing about leftists is that they say there is no new world order or any plan for a world government, and that you are crazy for saying there is despite the most powerful people in the world bar none on video calling for precisely that on video. Then when you talk about it they say its a good thing to surrender the country and ask you if you have any weapons. Its simply amazing. Hey if this were crazy you wouldn't be asking people if they have weapons, the reason you are asking that is because it is damn scary to know this is true.
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I'm more concerned that you have access to your medication.
You mean these meds? Oh its magic all these movies randomly put encoded 911 messages.

What about the producers of the "lone Gunman" TV series who admits on-video the CIA came in and put this plot in to have jets crash into the twin towers a few months before 911? More meds? Oh its just the producers on video saying it. You mean those meds?

Couldn't be that.

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Seroquel? Lithium? Maybe some Chlorpromazine?

You mean these meds? The meds where Dean Haglund admits that the CIA came up to him and paid him off to make an episode months before 911 of having jets fly into the World Trade Centers? You mean these meds?


Dean Haglund confirmed that government officials would regularly attend Hollywood parties and submit ideas to be planted in film and TV scripts. We have also previously covered the reports that the Pentagon will lavish certain projects with money and equipment should they portray them in a good light. On the other hand they will not help any project that is in any way antiwar.

It is common knowledge in Hollywood that if you want access to military bases and military technology and hardware, as a movie producer you have to bend over backwards to the Pentagon and allow them majority control in scriptwriting.

Pentagon support translates into millions of dollars shaved off the film budget. In many cases, the absence of that support means the film doesn't get made. This means that movie producers are at the mercy of backroom DoD directors who can effectively re-write historical events and broadcast them to millions as accurate depictions of the real thing.

Portraying war or the military in a bad light in any scene merits an immediate blacklisting from the Pentagon. If the film isn't an out and out recruiting campaign then they're not interested.

"These movies cost twenty, sixty million dollars to make, that money doesn't come from some guy down the street out of his check book, these come from huge venture capitalists that have huge corporate interests." Haglund commented.
A straight jacket and a padded room might work.

You mean this straight jacket? The one where Back to the Future has all kinds of encoded 911 warnings? This straight jacket?

These meds?

OH I know maybe it is these meds?

Oh probably not those meds but maybe these meds?

Or was it these meds?

Wow what a whacko lol... The only thing I've seen was the original Armageddon movie it shows the twin towers getting hit by asteroids and smoking just like 9/11. Now did the terrorists get their idea from the movie is my question.

After the 9/11 attacks that part was removed from all future copies of the movie. I was watching an old version just by chance a year ago or so and when I saw it, I couldn't believe the similarities. Probably just an odd coincidence.
If only they "predicted". This is called predictive programming. These things were deliberately put in these films planted there ahead of time in most cases to taunt the public. It is called laughing in America's face about it. These producers admit that people in the CIA paid them to put this stuff in there publicly. The only whackos in here are the idiots that didn't catch that tidbit before they spewed out their froth.

Speaking of the Simpsons: Let me guess this is a coincidence? This episode came out before 911 took place. This is a crystal clear embarrassment dance to the country's face styled.

That 11 sure doesn't look like the twin towers does it?

Coincidentally there I am sure

The still frame shown on the left shows a scene that is reminiscent of 911 even before the event actually took place. Even the “11” was made to look like the twin towers. In the next frame, the reflection in the mirror shows a building on fire that closely resembles the World Trade Centre fire after it was bombed. The coincidence is simply too uncanny to brush it away as something not done with deliberate intent and knowledge.

This is called getting slap jawed
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Probably just a coincidence too that Batman included "Sandy Hook" right before the Sandy Hook shooting? No previous map of Gotham had a Sandy Hook ever before, just right before the Sandy Hook shooting. Probably nothing worthy to note especially considering the fathers are laughing about their kids supposedly dying during Sandy Hook. Nothing suspicious about a gleefully happy father day of shooting.

Obviously nothing suspicious here. Every funeral I have been to where someone's kid dies the father traditionally laughs so hard tears come out. Perfectly normal. It is a tradition now in America for the father to smile ear to ear the day their kid dies. Thinking that is strange probably means you need meds.


I know this is normal too. Magically Batman movie changes decades worth of maps to include Sandy Hook just for this movie. Magically of course a supposed shooting happened at that location in the future.
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Seroquel? Lithium? Maybe some Chlorpromazine?

More meds? Two Al Qaeda in airplanes holding bombs holding up devil horns illuminati sign smashing into the towers. 1994. No that is obviously just a coincidence. No foreknowledge there. It couldn't be the CIA planted this information. It was all just a giant coincidence.


No it isn't a problem it is just the government is so evil they plant taunt clues in all the movies about an attack they are planning colluding with foreign governments to slaughter their own citizens and laugh about it. Don't worry though its easier to pretend it away. Probably meds are needed.

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That article was written in 2009, so you may want to take it out of your conspiratorial catalog.

The article was written in 1994. The publishing company published it, the retroactive version unaltered to taunt the public at the later date. It is just more of the same. They taunt slapped the country.

The person most responsible for those buildings collapsing posed anti-christ style 1967 magazine covered 911 watch slapping this country. Upside and watch down styled time lock 911 laughing at the country.


Look at the arrogance of Rockefeller just radiating pure evil taunting everyone about what is coming.

But what about this bottle of meds below? This card game invented by Steve Jackson who was raided by the Secret Service in 1990 for making this card game that shows both the Pentagon and Trade Centers being attacked. The Secret Service tried to prevent him from publishing this game. This is on record. Interestingly the raid occurred in Austin Texas; occurring under the orders of Illuminati Skull and Bones member George Bush Sr, our false president. Court records show the company S.J. Games suing back against the government for the false raid. This was published 7 years before 911. How do you explain this bottle of medication?

Early 1990s
lol are you really trying to reason with him?

It was written in 1994. They published a previously written article from 1994.

I notice you quickly ignore that card game didn't you? The card game was named after the illuminati and the publisher was raided by the secret service in 1990 just because. You want to explain that to everyone? Those illuminati cards depict the attack in great detail.
It was written in 1994. They published a previously written article from 1994.

I notice you quickly ignore that card game didn't you? The card game was named after the illuminati and the publisher was raided by the secret service in 1990 just because. You want to explain that to everyone? Those illuminati cards depict the attack in great detail.

I quickly ignore everything you post. Well, that's not completely true...I sometimes pause in wonder.
pssh. that's nothing. Look at the references in Enemy of the State if you really want to freak yourself out.
An awful fate to be lost in a brain stricken with paranoia. I pity the man.
I think Dan Quayle said it best: What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is.
This isn't something you can say oh maybe or maybe not. There are plenty of things someone can say maybe that is predictive programming or maybe not. There are certain things that go far beyond coincidence and far beyond chance. This is government telling America that Delta Force bombed the World Trade Centers and they slaughter thrashed those Americans on 911 and went out on TV and arrogance smirked about it. The government in essence said what are the punk faced citizens gonna do about it. The government said hey guys look at this it is in the movies laugh styled whatchya gonna do about it. That is what they are telling you ON VIDEO. They put it in the movies and they laugh about it to the country's face as they smirk about it.

Oh let me guess. 911 perhaps?

Admit the country got chumped. The country got red cheek slapped. This is called getting black eye slapped right to the face bully boss styled.


The the government said by the way those hijackers CNN told yah about are alive. Whatchya gonna do about it they said. Taunt slapped. Oh the identities of the hijackers are in doubt? Is that all? Happens all the time, largest attack on America in history, nobody knows who done did it. Totally believable. Nothing suspicious here.

Think of a government so evil that they lied about the identities of the hijackers on 911 and the hijackers ended up alive and they have yet to retract and correct their statements to America. They have the boldness to hack a story more unbelievable than if they said cartoon characters did it and shout down Americans who pry into the story and ask questions about the governments conspiracy theory explanation. And they planted clues in movies to taunt you. To let you know you are dominated.

The hijackers ARE ALIVE- do you understand that? The American public has surrendered to lies. Lies that the whole world knows are lies. America has surrendered the country and are at the will of whatever the foreign controllers wish. Just like the TSA (Deutscheland Security) now requiring Americans to be naked body scanned just to please them. To let you know your rights don't mean piss, your freedoms are over. To let you embarrassment styled know your constitution is a joke laughed at piece of crap. As they radiation naked thrash you ritual style to pass. Bow down styled. You will travel nowhere unless they say so, unless you prove your worth and be naked before them radiated pleasure style. Each trip you take you will get your radiation zap. No reasonableness just they demand you do, constitution void. And next are taser bracelets. And then death camps.

Fire department on video saying there were bombs in the buildings. Nevermind that, hand in your guns and get naked before your TSA to please them. To prove your surrender please your officer.

The worst part of this is nobody gets fired. You surrendered your rights the government said they'd protect you if you did that. Yah got attacked again, they didn't get fired for being failures, but they asked to give more rights, you did, and yah done got attacked again. Its called chump stomped. Its called being their slaves and taking a lashing.
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It's gotten to the point that even I feel back mocking you and just wish you sought help.
It's gotten to the point that even I feel back mocking you and just wish you sought help.

Which help? The top code breaker in NSA history who says the government is maintaining an extermination list? That help or the general who started Army Intelligence that says the government fired a missile at the Pentagon?

Which help? Top NSA code breaker on video?

Binney grew up in rural Pennsylvania and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from the Pennsylvania State University in 1970. He said that he volunteered for the Army during the Vietnam era in order to select work that would interest him rather than be drafted and have no input. He was found to have strong aptitudes for mathematics, analysis, and code-breaking,[5] and served four years from 1965–1969 at the Army Security Agency before going to the NSA in 1970. Binney was a Russia specialist and worked in the operations side of intelligence, starting as an analyst and ending as Technical Director prior to becoming a geopolitical world Technical Director. In the 1990s, he co-founded a unit on automating signals intelligence with NSA research chief Dr. John Taggart.[6]Binney's NSA career culminated as Technical Leader for intelligence in 2001. Having expertise in intelligence analysis, traffic analysis, systems analysis, knowledge management, and mathematics (including set theory,number theory, and probability),[7]Binney has been described as one of the best analysts in the NSA's history.[8]After retiring from the NSA he founded “Entity Mapping, LLC”, a private intelligence agency together with fellow NSA whistleblower J. Kirk Wiebe to market their analysis program to government agencies. NSA continued to retaliate against them, ultimately preventing them from getting work, or causing contracts they had secured to be terminated abruptly.[9]

Or the founder of Army Intelligence.

Albert "Bert" Newton Stubblebine III(born 1930) is a retired United States Army major general whose active duty career spanned 32 years. Beginning as an armor officer, he later transferred tointelligence. He is credited with redesigning the U.S. Army intelligencearchitecture during his time ascommanding general of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command(INSCOM) from 1981 to 1984, after which he retired from active service.
I have to admit it, I kinda missed illuminati. He is so out there, that he can't even be remotely taken seriously but is sort of entertaining.

I do imagine though, that he looks something like this:

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I have to admit it, I kinda missed illuminati. He is so out there, that he can't even be remotely taken seriously but is sort of entertaining.

I do imagine though, that he looks something like this:

When the top guy in NSA history comes out and says NAZI's literally have taken over the US government and are planning to slaughter a hundred million Americans in a death camp styled operation, the only normal reaction to that is to ensure these traitors pay hard. These are hardcore killers. The only good thing right now is that these people are moving against the population very quickly and the military has awakened. The lower ranks of the military are now fully aware of the plans the New World Order to overthrow the United States and exterminate US citizens.

Just in the last two posts I have posted the NSA's best code breaker in the world. Their top analyst in the agencies history says Nazi's control the US and they are transforming the US government into a Nazi extermination operation. That the government has gone rogue and is waging war against the US population for annihilation. I have posted the top guy, "the creator", of modern Army Intelligence. He says the government fired a rocket into the Pentagon and that it absolutely was not a plane. Now what about the head of Air Force Weapons Development. Dr. Bowman? That is what is so amazing about it. The public is so drunk on fat bald laughing slobs on Rachel Maddow that they don't even understand, this isn't the fat belly idiot college teacher saying this stuff. These are the most distinguished people in US military history. The top Admiral in Navy history calling for Obama's arrest. The head of Air Force weapons development ON VIDEO saying 911 was exploded by the government. I have video of the top nano-particle scientist in the world saying on video that he proved and peer reviewed that military top secret grade military grade nano-thermite was used to explode the world trade centers.

The reality is hardcore killers run this country and they will exterminate the public in this decade or sooner if they aren't stopped now.

The only amazing thing about this is that people will laugh at lowly citizens while simultaneously ignore the most distinguished members of the society EVER who say the exact same thing.

“The most unbelievable of all the wild conspiracy theories is the one our government has told us”
Julie Wilson
August 26, 2013
A highly admired American patriot, advocate of the 9/11 truth movement and dear friend of Alex Jones, Dr. Robert M. Bowman passed away last Thursday in his Florida home.

Dr. Bowman’s career spanned nearly five decades including his service as the former director of the Advanced Space Programs Development (also known as Star Wars) for the U.S. Air Force during the Ford and Carter administrations. He also served as Lt. Col. for the Air Force completing a remarkable 101 combat missions. Academically brilliant, he obtained Ph.D.s in aeronautics and nuclear engineering from the California Institute of Technology.
An honorary piece by Veterans Today describes Bowman’s shock of the US military’s “insistence on pursuing a purely offensive space weapon capacity – whose only purpose was to launch a sneak attack on Russia and prevail in a nuclear war that would kill tens or even hundreds of millions of people.”
The report says the program was designing space weapons, “including ‘artificial meteorites’ to be dropped on enemy targets, and an energy weapon that could cause whole cities to go up in flames – because it was planning to strike first.”
“During the 1980s and 1990s, he did everything he could to expose the big lie that ‘Star Wars’ was a defensive project, and to work for a sensible, fiscally-responsible, genuinely defensive military posture,” reported Veterans Today.
Back in April of 2011, Dr. Bowman appeared on the Alex Jones Show and discussed his views on the correlation between the economic collapse of America and the pursuit of endless wars. Dr. Bowman accurately described the reasoning behind America’s wars as a way to “secure and maintain an empire for multinational corporations and banks.”

Dr. Bowman said, “by bringing our troops home, we can enormously enhance our national security, and at the same time reduce the defense budget by 80%.”
Bowman’s experience as a fighter pilot made him extremely skeptical of the government’s 9/11 narrative. Based on his experience, Bowman “knew that every time a commercial plane goes significantly off-course, a military fighter plane shows up next to it within about ten minutes. The fighter pilot rocks its wings as a signal to ‘follow me’ and get back.”
He wondered how four allegedly hijacked planes flew through America’s skies for nearly two hours without being harassed by US air defenses.
As a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Dr. Bob Bowman gave an amazing speech at the 2006 American Scholars Symposium in Los Angeles, in which he exposed the fraud of 9/11, questioning the true motives for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. “Throughout the speech he discusses the ignorance surrounding the events of 9/11 and its aftermath including the details of the NORAD cover-up surrounding intercept procedures that were not properly executed on that day,” reported Infowars.


When the top guy in NSA history comes out and says NAZI's literally have taken over the US government and are planning to slaughter a hundred million Americans in a death camp styled operation, the only normal reaction to that is to ensure these traitors pay hard. These are hardcore killers. The only good thing right now is that these people are moving against the population very quickly and the military has awakened. The lower ranks of the military are now fully aware of the plans the New World Order to overthrow the United States and exterminate US citizens.

Just in the last two posts I have posted the NSA's best code breaker in the world. Their top analyst in the agencies history says Nazi's control the US and they are transforming the US government into a Nazi extermination operation. That the government has gone rogue and is waging war against the US population for annihilation. I have posted the top guy, "the creator", of modern Army Intelligence. He says the government fired a rocket into the Pentagon and that it absolutely was not a plane. Now what about the head of Air Force Weapons Development. Dr. Bowman? That is what is so amazing about it. The public is so drunk on fat bald laughing slobs on Rachel Maddow that they don't even understand, this isn't the fat belly idiot college teacher saying this stuff. These are the most distinguished people in US military history. The top Admiral in Navy history calling for Obama's arrest. The head of Air Force weapons development ON VIDEO saying 911 was exploded by the government. I have video of the top nano-particle scientist in the world saying on video that he proved and peer reviewed that military top secret grade military grade nano-thermite was used to explode the world trade centers.

The reality is hardcore killers run this country and they will exterminate the public in this decade or sooner if they aren't stopped now.

The only amazing thing about this is that people will laugh at lowly citizens while simultaneously ignore the most distinguished members of the society EVER who say the exact same thing.

“The most unbelievable of all the wild conspiracy theories is the one our government has told us”
Julie Wilson
August 26, 2013
A highly admired American patriot, advocate of the 9/11 truth movement and dear friend of Alex Jones, Dr. Robert M. Bowman passed away last Thursday in his Florida home.

Dr. Bowman’s career spanned nearly five decades including his service as the former director of the Advanced Space Programs Development (also known as Star Wars) for the U.S. Air Force during the Ford and Carter administrations. He also served as Lt. Col. for the Air Force completing a remarkable 101 combat missions. Academically brilliant, he obtained Ph.D.s in aeronautics and nuclear engineering from the California Institute of Technology.
An honorary piece by Veterans Today describes Bowman’s shock of the US military’s “insistence on pursuing a purely offensive space weapon capacity – whose only purpose was to launch a sneak attack on Russia and prevail in a nuclear war that would kill tens or even hundreds of millions of people.”
The report says the program was designing space weapons, “including ‘artificial meteorites’ to be dropped on enemy targets, and an energy weapon that could cause whole cities to go up in flames – because it was planning to strike first.”
“During the 1980s and 1990s, he did everything he could to expose the big lie that ‘Star Wars’ was a defensive project, and to work for a sensible, fiscally-responsible, genuinely defensive military posture,” reported Veterans Today.
Back in April of 2011, Dr. Bowman appeared on the Alex Jones Show and discussed his views on the correlation between the economic collapse of America and the pursuit of endless wars. Dr. Bowman accurately described the reasoning behind America’s wars as a way to “secure and maintain an empire for multinational corporations and banks.”

Dr. Bowman said, “by bringing our troops home, we can enormously enhance our national security, and at the same time reduce the defense budget by 80%.”
Bowman’s experience as a fighter pilot made him extremely skeptical of the government’s 9/11 narrative. Based on his experience, Bowman “knew that every time a commercial plane goes significantly off-course, a military fighter plane shows up next to it within about ten minutes. The fighter pilot rocks its wings as a signal to ‘follow me’ and get back.”
He wondered how four allegedly hijacked planes flew through America’s skies for nearly two hours without being harassed by US air defenses.
As a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Dr. Bob Bowman gave an amazing speech at the 2006 American Scholars Symposium in Los Angeles, in which he exposed the fraud of 9/11, questioning the true motives for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. “Throughout the speech he discusses the ignorance surrounding the events of 9/11 and its aftermath including the details of the NORAD cover-up surrounding intercept procedures that were not properly executed on that day,” reported Infowars.



Hail Hydra.
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