Apple TV vs Amazon Fire TV vs Roku


Gold Member
Oct 30, 2012
Anyone have any thoughts on which is best? My girlfriend wants one for Christmas. I know they all have their strengths and weaknesses (eg no Amazon Prime app for Apple TV). We both have iPhones/iPads so from a compatibility standpoint sounds like Apple TV would be best. Any recommendations from folks who have any of the 3 would be greatly appreciated.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
My wife and I have two Roku boxes. We love them.

Amazon Prime has a whole lot of free shows that you might not get anywhere else. I love the idea of Apple TV, but if it didn't have Amazon Prime, I wouldn't go for it.
I have two Rokus. I got them after I dumped cable several years back. They're pretty handy. I use Plex extensively - keep in mind it requires a "server". I will say I think the Netflix Roku app is the sh!tiest Netflix app I've ever used (interface is terrible), but it works. Hulu, MLB, and NBA apps work great on it, as well (I'm sure the others have all these apps as well).

I've not used the others and would probably never use the Apple TV due to my personal bias against them :).

This post was edited on 12/12 2:26 PM by indyogb

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