Re: I stand corrected
For someone with such an inflated view of themselves, it's amazing how overwhelmingly wrong you are about the basic science. The assumption that everyone on this board has a Purdue degree is depressing.
So extracting fossilized carbon in the form of fossil fuels and burning them is not changing atmospheric composition? How did the rapid increase over the past 200 years occur?Originally posted by BigE23:
I'm also enlightened enough to know that it's not a fixed number and varies over time, both up and down, due to factors largely beyond our control. But that doesn't fit your narrative, does it?Originally posted by Noodle:
Actually, even 0.0384% is not accurate. That figure is taken right out of the ASHRAE tables from 2009--which are based on even earlier data. The ASHRAE data is simply what folks in the HVAC industry use to define standard, "dry air" for purposes of their own calculations and the like. It is by no means something which accurately defines the amount of CO2 in the atomosphere--particularly 5+ years later.Originally posted by BigE23:
In the late evening, I inadvertently hit an additional zero, so sue me.Originally posted by Noodle:
The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is around 0.04% (not 0.00384% as you claimed). But hey, don't let that stop you, enlightened one.
Now that we have ascertained that CO2 is waaaay up to .0384% of the atmosphere, it becomes much more apparent that that massive amount of CO2 is going to melt the planet. Really?? Go plant a tree.
If you would like a more accurate figure, they take daily readings at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii (for last month, the average was 395.28 ppm, or 0.039528%. But hey, you're the enlightened one around here.
For someone with such an inflated view of themselves, it's amazing how overwhelmingly wrong you are about the basic science. The assumption that everyone on this board has a Purdue degree is depressing.