AJ Hammons on JMV yesterday


True Freshman
Mar 3, 2014
Did anyone hear this on the radio yesterday? I caught the last little bit live, but got around to listening to the whole thing today. Overall, pretty good interview. But there was one point that stood out to me. JMV asked him about him about his relationship with Painter and that turned to how he and Painter discussed AJ's prospects in the NBA last off-season. JMV asked him if he could do it over again whether he would change his decision and leave Purdue early. AJ paused for what seemed like a long time, then says "probably." Says in a good place with the season Purdue is having, but he probably would have chose differently if he could have.

That really caught me by surprise. Not necessarily that he thinks it, but that he'd actually say it. I guess I respect the honesty, but it doesn't strike me as the right thing to say given where the team is right now heading into the post-season. If anyone wants to listen to the interview, here you go. Just click on the Hammons interview linked under the player. He clowns on Rapheal towards the end saying he bets RD cries at Senior Night and ribbing him about it. Pretty funny.
Not surprised he said that myself. His draft stock might be a bit lower this year depending who else declares.

But, it was kind of a loaded question anyway so I'm not going to read too much in to AJs answer. Kind of moot now anyway...
Not surprised he said that myself. His draft stock might be a bit lower this year depending who else declares.

But, it was kind of a loaded question anyway so I'm not going to read too much in to AJs answer. Kind of moot now anyway...
Well, the off-season decision is a moot point, I agree with you there. But I'm not sure the same can be said for his statement less than 24 hours ago that if given the ability to redo last summer, he'd probably leave the team to pursue his NBA quest. I don't really think it was a loaded question at all... it was phrased as a simple yes/no question; AJ could just have easily have said "no" and then continued to talk about this being the best team he's been a part of at Purdue. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, I dunno.
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Well, the decision is a moot point, I agree with you there. But I'm not sure the same can be said for his statement less than 24 hours ago that if given the ability to redo last summer, he'd probably leave the team to pursue his NBA quest. I don't really think it was a loaded question at all... it was phrased as a simple yes/no question; AJ could just have easily have said "no" and then continued to talk about this being the best team he's been a part of at Purdue. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, I dunno.
Oh I get what you are saying. My "loaded question" line is based on hindsight is always 20/20... but eh, myself i just am not reading too much in to it.
to me in the background it sounds like someone yells NOOOOOOO when he asks aj that question and aj was saying "probably" just to spite whoever that was. Either way, I bet if you ask him in 10 years he won't regret it. Since you are just trying make a mountain out of a mole hill, carry on...
None of it matters at this point but AJ is having a tremendous season and will be first team all conference for the first time. I hope/think his productivity this season will reap some benefits in the draft but if it doesn't I think he'll go into an NBA camp with an infinitely better shot of earning a spot on the team and in a rotation than he would've had if he had left earlier. Plus, he'll hopefully have a degree, some good individual accomplishments that will keep him in the record books, and still a good chance to accomplish some good things as a team. A BTT isn't off the table. A Final Four isn't off the table.

Maybe he'd give up all those things for a multi-year guaranteed NBA contract but I don't think he was ever in a position where he was likely to end up with that by leaving early. I think he made the right decision and I hope it was the right decision but even if it would've worked out by leaving early he's not going to be hurting for opportunities after this one extra season at Purdue.
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to me in the background it sounds like someone yells NOOOOOOO when he asks aj that question and aj was saying "probably" just to spite whoever that was. Either way, I bet if you ask him in 10 years he won't regret it. Since you are just trying make a mountain out of a mole hill, carry on...
Easy, tiger. I'm not "trying" to do anything. AJ said what he said, I was just asking if others listened to the interview and what they thought about it. You know... to utilize this message board for its intended discussion purpose.
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AJ was not ready for the NBA last year. If he were, scouts, advisors, agents, etc would have told him such. He is a more complete player this year and more mature. The physical side of the game has never been his issue. It is his mental/emotional approach that can at times be his Achilles heel.