AD search began 6 months ago


Redshirt Freshman
Nov 16, 2011
Burke announced his retirement on Feb 11 and football season begins in less than a month.

Now, I certainly am not an advocate of a knee-jerk decision but that's a long time to operate with a lame duck AD and I think we all understand that a major decision is needed at the end of the football season, one way or another, and if we need a new football coach our AD should be vetting new candidates right now.

And Morgan Burke is NOT the AD that we need to hire a new football coach.
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Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporting Georgia Tech's AD Mike Bobinski is your new AD. Speaking for a lot of Georgia Tech alums, we thank you for taking this boob off of our hands and freeing us from his running our overall athletic program into the grave.
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Great hire. Grew up playing baseball with Mike's son, great family and a great man. If you look at Xavier's basketball program he is a huge reason for that success. Facilities, support, marketing, success can all be linked to Mike. I have no doubts that he will do the same thing for Purdue Football, trust this hire, it's a good one!
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Great hire. Grew up playing baseball with Mike's son, great family and a great man. If you look at Xavier's basketball program he is a huge reason for that success. Facilities, support, marketing, success can all be linked to Mike. I have no doubts that he will do the same thing for Purdue Football, trust this hire, it's a good one!
Reading a bit of the opposite from GT fans and coach Johnson regarding support/facilities.
Hope we learn more about the tie in to a focus on football for PU
Actually, he looks like a good hire if Purdue isn't a stepping stone to Notre Dame. He's bounced around quite a bit and we need a guy who intends to make Purdue the last job of his career.
Full Disclosure... I'm an IU guy, but I've lived in the deep south since graduating high school in '82. I work with several Georgia Tech guys and none of them are too upset to see Bobinski go. They generally feel he's a "basketball first" guy and were pleased with his Pastner hire, but think he's dropped the ball on fund-raising and facility upgrades... especially with regards to football.

He moved from Xavier, which has no football, to Tech, where Johnson is comfortably in place, to Purdue, where Painter just got extended and he will likely have to make a football hire. He might hit a home run, but if I were a Boilermaker fan, I'd probably want someone with more football experience swinging that bat.
Actually, he looks like a good hire if Purdue isn't a stepping stone to Notre Dame. He's bounced around quite a bit and we need a guy who intends to make Purdue the last job of his career.
It would be great if ND came after him. That means he would have extinguished the tire fire that we call Purdue "Football".
GTECH and Purdue share a lot of the same qualities outside of surrounding location. I think with the renovations that are already in plan, basketball staff the should be stable, all he is going to have to focus on from day 1 is supporting the football program. Purdue marketing and outreach is already shit, so I hardly doubt he can do much worse. With lights being added in the Ross Ade Renovation I hope he pushes for 3:30 timeslot (even if its B1G Network). I think 3:30 B1G > noon random ESPN network. It will allow purdue to establish an identity. Build a tailgating experience, instead of trying to copy rah rah stuff from the 80s.

I'd personally like to see Art Briles on the shortlist of future Purdue Football coaching candidates. Neither are spring chickens, both have good and bad history. Its a perfect place for redemption. Get a sexy new offense and people will start watching. Get a sexy new stadium and people will start to show up to see the sexy offense.
Full Disclosure... I'm an IU guy, but I've lived in the deep south since graduating high school in '82. I work with several Georgia Tech guys and none of them are too upset to see Bobinski go. They generally feel he's a "basketball first" guy and were pleased with his Pastner hire, but think he's dropped the ball on fund-raising and facility upgrades... especially with regards to football.

He moved from Xavier, which has no football, to Tech, where Johnson is comfortably in place, to Purdue, where Painter just got extended and he will likely have to make a football hire. He might hit a home run, but if I were a Boilermaker fan, I'd probably want someone with more football experience swinging that bat.
Have yall fired crean yet?
Tim Pernetti played tight end at Rutgers and was the AD there when they joined the Big Ten. He was replaced by openly lesbian Julie Herrman and the liberals on the Rutgers campus were thrilled to have a woman AD. She was fired two years later.
Actually, he looks like a good hire if Purdue isn't a stepping stone to Notre Dame. He's bounced around quite a bit and we need a guy who intends to make Purdue the last job of his career.
We are just getting rid of the guy you describe "last job of his career" and unfortunately while still on the job MB retired. We need a go getter and hopefully this guy is the man.
We are just getting rid of the guy you describe "last job of his career" and unfortunately while still on the job MB retired. We need a go getter and hopefully this guy is the man.
The next six months will quite eventful for our new AD.
Have yall fired crean yet?

No... it appears he is still employed by IU.

My comments aren't meant to be derogatory toward Purdue. A number of my classmates, including one of my best friends, went on to become Boilers. Going to college so far away and not returning has, perhaps, allowed me to mellow a bit toward the rivalry.

Purdue seems to be in a pretty good place hoops-wise with Painter, but the football program has been a bit of a dumpster fire the past few years (I'm a 52 year old IU fan... I recognize a dumpster fire of a football program when I see one). With the next big hire at Purdue almost certainly being a head football coach, I thought the school would bring in someone with more football hiring experience under his belt.
Great hire. Grew up playing baseball with Mike's son, great family and a great man. If you look at Xavier's basketball program he is a huge reason for that success. Facilities, support, marketing, success can all be linked to Mike. I have no doubts that he will do the same thing for Purdue Football, trust this hire, it's a good one!
A long time ago, someone said those same words you just said about Morgan Burke. Lets wait and see what he does with Hazell before we declare the guy anything. Listening to him on Dakich, I think Purdue could have done a lot better.
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I'm not sure that " hiring experience..." is a key factor. We need an AD who understands that penny-wise-and-pound-foolish when hiring a football coach is a recipe for failure. Skimping a million dollars or two in a football coach's salary can cost a university tens of millions. Morgan Burke was a good dude and a dedicated Boiler but he did not understand the economics of paying a great football coach a salary of $6 million.

Mike B., please throw caution to the wind and bring in a very well paid football coach who will make us a perennial Top 25 in football with stuff like Rose Bowls and playoff berths.

Good write-up....
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His role is simple 1) fight to get ALL the BTN money allocated to the Athletic Department 2) start your search to replace the FB Head Coach now while you evaluate Hazell 3) be ready to seal the deal on a new HC if you have determined that Hazell is not the answer and do it quickly at season's end! 4) JPC and the Marketing Areas need an overhaul and direction 5) Shoot for the top for your 6 major Sports
His role is simple 1) fight to get ALL the BTN money allocated to the Athletic Department 2) start your search to replace the FB Head Coach now while you evaluate Hazell 3) be ready to seal the deal on a new HC if you have determined that Hazell is not the answer and do it quickly at season's end! 4) JPC and the Marketing Areas need an overhaul and direction 5) Shoot for the top for your 6 major Sports
Do the deal on the FB coach before the season is over. Then, don't allow them to stay with their current team.
Cautious conservative hire. Likely more of the same. University of Central Florida did much better job. University president directly involved as he understood the importance of a quality athletic department to the overall brand. Chose a young up and comer who immediately made a what looks to be a steal of a football coach hire. Coach has the whole town jazzed about being Oregon east. We will see if he pulls it off but is already doing better in recruiting than Hazell in year 3 without being in a P% conference.
No... it appears he is still employed by IU.

My comments aren't meant to be derogatory toward Purdue. A number of my classmates, including one of my best friends, went on to become Boilers. Going to college so far away and not returning has, perhaps, allowed me to mellow a bit toward the rivalry.

Purdue seems to be in a pretty good place hoops-wise with Painter, but the football program has been a bit of a dumpster fire the past few years (I'm a 52 year old IU fan... I recognize a dumpster fire of a football program when I see one). With the next big hire at Purdue almost certainly being a head football coach, I thought the school would bring in someone with more football hiring experience under his belt.
Thank you for your insight as I always like to hear from IU fans who are reasonable.I just want to say that I am not going to pre judge this guy since at age 64,I know better than to prejudge anyone.Time will tell if this was the right man to hire or not.
Cautious conservative hire. Likely more of the same. University of Central Florida did much better job. University president directly involved as he understood the importance of a quality athletic department to the overall brand. Chose a young up and comer who immediately made a what looks to be a steal of a football coach hire. Coach has the whole town jazzed about being Oregon east. We will see if he pulls it off but is already doing better in recruiting than Hazell in year 3 without being in a P% conference.

I don't think the guy who made Xavier a basketball school is a "conservative hire." We are a P5 school not some directional school we should never need to go for a young up and comer. Oh by the way you know who was a young and up and comer Hazel. That turned out brilliantly. If he can make a program relevant in basketball he should be able to do the same in football. The AD doesn't need to understand the sport just be able to tell when someone is bullshitting or going to be out of their element. A good AD would have figured out that DH just was smoke and mirrors and not the second coming of tiller.
A long time ago, someone said those same words you just said about Morgan Burke. Lets wait and see what he does with Hazell before we declare the guy anything. Listening to him on Dakich, I think Purdue could have done a lot better.
What about the Dakich interview makes you think that he's not the right choice? (I'm not sure how you can draw conclusions one way or the other, based on that interview.)
What about the Dakich interview makes you think that he's not the right choice? (I'm not sure how you can draw conclusions one way or the other, based on that interview.)
Honestly, I thought he sounded pretty unsure of himself. I wonder if he knew he was on the hot seat and welcomed this offer. Seems like the folks at GT are more than happy to "let us have him". We'll see if Hazell wins less than six games what he does with him.
Honestly, I thought he sounded pretty unsure of himself. I wonder if he knew he was on the hot seat and welcomed this offer. Seems like the folks at GT are more than happy to "let us have him". We'll see if Hazell wins less than six games what he does with him.
Fair enough. I didn't have that sense, but we'll find out more over time.