Originally posted by BigE23:
Originally posted by ecouch:
No it wasn't. Again, this a creation of the right wing think tanks. Since you seem to value meteorology, lets go right to the source. The American Meteorological Society and their paper, The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Scientific Consensus.
This is just another attempt at revisionist history, much like the early proponents of Global Warming pushing the "Hockey Stick" graph showing centuries of consistent temperatures culminating in the exponential curve of warming in the last half century, caused by
man made Global Warming. They found that the Warming period from 1000 AD to 1400 AD was an inconvenient truth, that had to be eliminated to add credence to their flawed theory, so they just made it go away. So much for the scientific method.
For something that is considered "Settled Science" by the believers, it sure seems to morph a lot. According to the computer models promoted by the GW believers, there should be little, if any Polar ice left and our coastal cities should be under water. Yet, Polar ice has been increasing and water levels have remained fairly consistent. Hmmmm, I guess we shouldn't believe our lying eyes.
Over the years, as it became more apparent to anyone capable of independent thought, the GW computer models continued to be far from accurate and people approached GW with a "whatever" attitude, The dialog changed as even the GW advocates must have seen the ridiculousness of their contentions and SHAZAM -- Climate Change was born. What a nice nebulous, catch-all term. GW required global temperatures to rise, whereas CC would cover all contingencies. Amazingly, we all know climate will change, since it always has and always will. Now we are being coerced into spending BILLIONS of tax dollars to keep Climate Change from happening. It would be hilarious, if the misguided believers weren't so serious.
In the early 90's, Al Gore sounded the alarm, that if we didn't do anything about GW within the next ten years, we were doomed. The effects of GW would be irreversible. I guess we all melted and no one had the decency to tell us. BTW, Al Gore has made hundreds of millions of dollars selling "carbon credits" to people who felt guilty about having too large a carbon footprint. I hear he's one of his own best customers, so he can continue living his lavish lifestyle, while berating the rest of us. I suppose he gets an employee discount....
Now, Obama is proclaiming that CC is the single largest threat to mankind (apparently, he's unaware of ISIS, Putin, China, Ebola and the Iranian nuclear program) and he's willing to tax the abusers into submission. Yet, the true believers can't seem to understand that this is a scam, that is making some people very rich and is providing the government the opportunity to intrude ever more deeply into our lives.
FYI, at one time the vast majority of scientists concurred that the Earth was flat. At the time, it was considered settled science. At one time the majority of scientists agreed that the sun and stars revolved around the Earth. At the time, it was considered settled science. The reality is that science is NEVER settled. True scientists ALWAYS regard "considered truths" with a certain level of skepticism. It makes the argument that "GW/CC is settled science, so we should just accept it and not question it", seem even more hollow. If the science was so irrefutable, and it's not, then why are they so determined to denigrate anyone who questions them? It reminds me of the Wizard of Oz saying, "Don't look behind the curtain. Ignore the man behind the curtain." I believe they'r afraid, that if too many people look behind the curtain, it will become obvious to the casual observer, that this is fraudulent science.
The GW/CC proponents are quick to point out that weather and climate are not the same thing, which is true to some extent. Weather is a subset of climate. When you consider how accurately we can predict the weather a month in advance, which is not very accurate at all, it makes it even more ridiculous, when people are telling us that they can predict what will occur on our planet related to climate. Take a minute to think about ALL the variables involved in either climate or weather. Then realize that a large number of these variables behave in a fairly random manner. Now try to write a computer program that allows for
ALL that random variability. It's easy to understand why their computer models have been erroneous. It would probably be easier to pick the correct lottery numbers every week for a year. But, if they admit the task is too monumental to achieve, all the Federal Grants, that fund this research will dry up. (That's our tax dollars btw) I know we would all like to think of scientists as pure, unblemished searchers of truth, but in reality, scientists have to eat and feed their families, too. Right now, GW/CC research is the Golden Goose of Federal Grants. Hmmm, I wonder if that's why so many scientists are proponents of GW/CC? Yet some have the integrity to run counter to the herd.
This issue won't be settled on a message board, but I hope it does get settled fairly soon, before we piss away billions of tax dollars trying to change things, that can't be changed.
All I ask is that people THINK about what you're being TOLD to believe, and see if it passes the smell test. Does it make sense, or do your lying eyes keep coming up with exceptions to what you're being spoon fed? Think of all the times that politicians and the media have misrepresented (lied) things to you. Ignore the smug, arrogant GW/CC believers that try to belittle anyone who doesn't drink their brand of KoolAid. They are merely drones that recite the Left's talking points. They believe you're too stupid to make these decisions for yourself, so they, being the enlightened individuals that they are, should make all your life decisions for you, including what you think.