A thread for Threads Social Media

Casey Bartley

Staff Writer
Oct 25, 2022
While we here at Boiler Upload would love to throw some money on which billionaire would win in a cage fight, when it comes to which social media platform we're throwing our weight behind... well both of them.

So we've gone and made a Threads account for those of you interested in doing the same.

The handle for the site: @boilerupload

To follow us personally, the handles are below:
Casey Bartley - casey_bartley_boilerupload

and because the other two don't understand branding
Kyle is at: Kholderf
Jace is at: dubjellison

Also, while we normally prefer for conversations to be gentle and respectful, feel free to make as much fun of good ole Elon or the Zuck below.

Feel free to share your handles below and follow! Hope we see you around.
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