"The Clintons" aren't going to be President. Hillary is.
Hillary doesn't have white supremacists celebrating her campaign
She doesn't have a long, repeated history of bigotry and prejudice towards women, hispanics, AAs, Muslims, and pretty much every group.
She never rooted for the economy to fail.
She never worked with Mafia folks.
She never said "I'll just go talk to the NK leader personally" along with a HOST of other just batshit crazy things like "maybe we can just pay back part of our government debt."
She's actually got experience in government.
She's never used bankruptcy.
She's never said worker make too much money.
She has a series of plans and policies that are more than "I'll do great."
She's not a birther.
She never proposed that women should be punished for having an abortion.
She's not proposed a ban on an entire religion coming to this country.
She's not denigrated a war hero for being captured.
She's not an anti-vaxxer. (look it up).
She's not stated that not only is GW a myth, but that it's actually getting colder, while citing GW as a reason for building a wall for one of her coastal golf courses.
She doesn't call African-Americans "the Blacks."
She's not proposed that if she weren't her daughter, she might be dating Chelsea.
She didn't claim "Make America Great Again" was all hers, even though Reagan came up with it 35 years ago.
She didn't suggest one of her opponents dad's assassinated anyone.
She's never said that every policy position she puts forward is "just a suggestion."
She's never been asked if she would start a war with China, and if asked she wouldn't respond "who knows?"
She's never suggested our relationship with Great Britain wasn't that important because one of their leaders wasn't a supporter of hers.
She's never proposed shaking down NATO for more money and we shouldn't defend them unless they pay more and then in the very next ****ing sentence complain that Obama doesn't do enough to reassure our allies.
She's never said "What do I know about it? All I know is what's on the internet." about any subject.
She's never lied about not knowing about David Duke.
She's never favorably quoted Mussolini.
She's never said on Howard Stern that she supported the Iraq War and then claimed later that she opposed it from the start.
She's never said "Women. You have to treat them like shit."
I could go on and on. and on. and on.