Who won the civil war?

I bet if they were asked.......

If they supported "green" energy they'd say "Oh, absolutely!". They'd probably also answer in the affirmative to a number of questions dealing with whether or not they were "environmentally correct".

Same goes for same-sex marriage, and whether or not they're a "racist" or an "Islamophobe", or whether they support Equality, etc. You can be certain they've been properly informed on those issues. Important historical facts? Not so much. That's what happens when the left takes over the news, entertainment, and education industries.
It's Texas so I would say probably home schooled. They should have asked them about creationism, oil as a renewable energy, the 2nd amendment...

It wasn't fair to ambush these poor kids with liberal BS, and not give them time to formulate their answers. Who won the civil war? Reagan. Who did we gain our independence from? Carter...
Who knows, if any of them visited Charleston, SC and taken a tour or two, you might be convinced the South won the Civil War (aka The War of Northern Aggression). On one trip I asked my brother who lives there (well Mt. Pleasant and now Summerville) if they knew they lost and he just laughed, because that's what he asks people who have always lived there.
are these videos for real? I didn't grow up in the US and even my 10 year old self growing up in Africa would have known the answers to these questions
Oh my. A Lost Causer?

This place is a goldmine of laughs.
I restored a home on Church St. for the descendant of one of the Declaration signers and the house I did had never left his family. He was good guy, in his 60's at the time and the family name is well known in Charleston.

Anyway, we were talking one day and he relayed how he would sit on the front porch for hours as a kid talking to his great grandmother about family history and i realized something in that conversation I hadn't realized before and that is how close that "greatest" generation actually were to those who fought and lived through the civil war.

Later, before I met my wife, I was in a relationship with a local photographer who shot and sold pictures of the architecture in the area. At the time I was manager for a restoration company that didn't honor Memorial Day but did shut down for confederate Memorial Day and that day I went with her to take photos of a small little church in the middle if nowhere. Beautiful church but what fascinated me was the graveyard. There were fresh flowers and confederate flags on a surprising number of graves. As I read the stones and the dates I was struck by how many of them were confederate veterans who passes away in the 20's and 30's and it was possible that some of the people who placed the flowers had actually known them.

Then there was the burial of the Hunley crew. I thought it was over the top at the time but then they interviewed a reenactor who pointed out they weren't acting this time but were now actually a part of the civil war.

I think it is sometimes lost that these old southern families were a conquered people and especially in SC payed a high price and lost fortunes for their role in starting the civil war.
Posted from Rivals Mobile