Trump draws 100,000 in Dem stronghold NJ.

Saw a short video of the crowd. HUGE.

That's got to keep a few lib power brokers up @ night, and give a few more heartburn. LOL

Meanwhile Biden......????

Lol. But you’re for Haley? Did you forget for a second?

You just made posts talking about how trump exaggerates his crowd numbers. Then you make this post. But it’s different because some local official did an estimate.

What does your Bible say about idolatry?

Biden doesn’t have rallies.
Lol. But you’re for Haley? Did you forget for a second?

You just made posts talking about how trump exaggerates his crowd numbers. Then you make this post. But it’s different because some local official did an estimate.

What does your Bible say about idolatry?

Biden doesn’t have rallies.
Good God Bob....Biden can't have a rally. You know it as well as anyone on here. And he will not debate Trump, though he says he's ready. Hell, there's a lot of chatter among Democrats that a brokered convention will occur and Biden will be forced out. And then there's your girlfriend, Ms. Hillary waiting in the wings.

Admit it Bob, the Demonicrat party is completely screwed up with Bed Pan Biden at the top.
Good God Bob....Biden can't have a rally. You know it as well as anyone on here. And he will not debate Trump, though he says he's ready. Hell, there's a lot of chatter among Democrats that a brokered convention will occur and Biden will be forced out. And then there's your girlfriend, Ms. Hillary waiting in the wings.

Admit it Bob, the Demonicrat party is completely screwed up with Bed Pan Biden at the top.
Lol. Biden got elected without a rally three years ago. How many presidential candidates have done rallies every week or two in history? Who does this? A guy who craves attention.

They have become more like a Dead show than a political event. People get brag how many they’ve been to, they get to mingle with like minded people, buy trump merchandise and then lose interest after a half hour and leave. If shows their fealty to one man, makes them feel like they are part of a political process they’ve never known. He uses language and tactics that makes it ok for them to be angry. Like you.

They can cast their ballot covered in trump gear and yell “fck Biden “ on the way out the door. Still one vote. Were you one of those that declared trump just had to win because he had crowds at his rallies? Lol. And Hitler had Nuremberg.

How would you know about chatter among democrats? Hillary lol. In your dreams.

Both parties are divided and broken. At minimum, 15% of registered GOP voters will not vote for trump under any circumstances. The progressives are pissed at Biden for many reasons. Kinda weird since you idiots call him progressive.
Lol. Biden got elected without a rally three years ago. How many presidential candidates have done rallies every week or two in history? Who does this? A guy who craves attention.

They have become more like a Dead show than a political event. People get brag how many they’ve been to, they get to mingle with like minded people, buy trump merchandise and then lose interest after a half hour and leave. If shows their fealty to one man, makes them feel like they are part of a political process they’ve never known. He uses language and tactics that makes it ok for them to be angry. Like you.

They can cast their ballot covered in trump gear and yell “fck Biden “ on the way out the door. Still one vote. Were you one of those that declared trump just had to win because he had crowds at his rallies? Lol. And Hitler had Nuremberg.

How would you know about chatter among democrats? Hillary lol. In your dreams.

Both parties are divided and broken. At minimum, 15% of registered GOP voters will not vote for trump under any circumstances. The progressives are pissed at Biden for many reasons. Kinda weird since you idiots call him progressive.
He is a progressive...forced there by the AOC's, Bernie's, and the likes of others.
He is a progressive...forced there by the AOC's, Bernie's, and the likes of others.
Well he has to be right? That gives you more reason to hate him even more.

Educate yourself. Read outside your bubble. You think the progressives are pissed at him over Israel and oil production and border policy and police reform and civil rights legislation………because he’s one of them and giving them what they want? Lol. You’re a mindless MAGA who believes what you’re told.
Lol. But you’re for Haley? Did you forget for a second?

You just made posts talking about how trump exaggerates his crowd numbers. Then you make this post. But it’s different because some local official did an estimate.

What does your Bible say about idolatry?

Biden doesn’t have rallies.
Biden doesn't have rallies because no one would show up and it would be an embarrassment. As if he's not an embarrassment enough, it would just provide my fodder as he mis-reads the teleprompter and trips going up the steps.
Biden doesn't have rallies because no one would show up and it would be an embarrassment. As if he's not an embarrassment enough, it would just provide my fodder as he mis-reads the teleprompter and trips going up the steps.
It’s because candidates don’t normally have rallies every week. No one has ever done this before……..because no one has ever craved attention and the spotlight like trump. Yet you idiots treat them as some kind of measuring stick. Biden couldn’t have won because he didn’t have bigley rallies.

Drawing conclusions from first occurrences……..about anything in life………is illogical. Are you going to dismiss the chances of the 2028 presidential candidates because they don’t have rallies? You never look past your nose.
It’s because candidates don’t normally have rallies every week. No one has ever done this before……..because no one has ever craved attention and the spotlight like trump. Yet you idiots treat them as some kind of measuring stick. Biden couldn’t have won because he didn’t have bigley rallies.

Drawing conclusions from first occurrences……..about anything in life………is illogical. Are you going to dismiss the chances of the 2028 presidential candidates because they don’t have rallies? You never look past your nose.
So Trump craves attention? Who gives a $hit (other than lefty libs like yourself who get their panties in a wad anytime anyone mentions Trump's name).

Again, you seem to have difficulty separating Trump the policymaker from Trump the guy who loves to hear his own name.
What you fail to do though, is understand that with Trump as POTUS, we as Americans (you included), and our allies, were in a much better spot.
But, shortsighted mental midgets still believe in "orange man bad" and therefore, would rather vote for a potato.
Well he has to be right? That gives you more reason to hate him even more.

Educate yourself. Read outside your bubble. You think the progressives are pissed at him over Israel and oil production and border policy and police reform and civil rights legislation………because he’s one of them and giving them what they want? Lol. You’re a mindless MAGA who believes what you’re told.
You can't....CAN'T be as slow witted as you appear to be in your posts.
You can't....CAN'T be as slow witted as you appear to be in your posts.
I could be…….but I’m not claiming Biden is some kind of flaming progressive when progressives are pissed at him over policy.

I guess in your mind anybody left of McCarthy is a progressive in your closed mind.
It’s because candidates don’t normally have rallies every week. No one has ever done this before……..because no one has ever craved attention and the spotlight like trump. Yet you idiots treat them as some kind of measuring stick. Biden couldn’t have won because he didn’t have bigley rallies.

Drawing conclusions from first occurrences……..about anything in life………is illogical. Are you going to dismiss the chances of the 2028 presidential candidates because they don’t have rallies? You never look past your nose.
At this point I seriously can’t tell if you are a parody account? Diseased by TDS? or just lack basic basic knowledge? I mean how old are you? Nobody has ever done this before? Rallies every week? JFC. I mean who are you? Did you have part of your brain removed?

Obama held rallies as often if not more than Trump. My god he went to Germany to hold a rally in front of some to a columns. And it was not unusual for him (like Trump and others) to hold 2 in a day.

Here is May 5th of 2012. 2 large rallies scheduled.

Another article. 2 large rallies barnstorming Missouri & Kansas. Notice the campaign brags (as they should) about the ability of Obama to draw large crowds.

How many you want? But in your jacked up mind Trump holds rallies (like every other competent campaigner) because of ego. Not because…wait for it…it’s what great campaigners do.

You know what ego is? Spending a billion dollars on your not yet started Presidential library. Or saying that this is the day the oceans stop rising.
Lol. But you’re for Haley? Did you forget for a second?

You just made posts talking about how trump exaggerates his crowd numbers. Then you make this post. But it’s different because some local official did an estimate.

What does your Bible say about idolatry?

Biden doesn’t have rallies.
My bible says this about Biden....

Matthew 7:15-16
“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?

And Bedpan doesn't have rallies because he can't remember what to say. Plus, he'd get lost coming on stage.
My bible says this about Biden....

Matthew 7:15-16
“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?

And Bedpan doesn't have rallies because he can't remember what to say. Plus, he'd get lost coming on stage.
Your Bible also says women who lose their virginity while living in their fathers home should be stoned to death by the men of the town. There was also a big boat with two of every animal and the earth is six thousand years old.

Live your life according to an old book. Actually, you don’t live your life the way Jesus would have you do it. Every post you make proves that.
Your Bible also says women who lose their virginity while living in their fathers home should be stoned to death by the men of the town. There was also a big boat with two of every animal and the earth is six thousand years old.

Live your life according to an old book. Actually, you don’t live your life the way Jesus would have you do it. Every post you make proves that.
I think you're referring to the Quran, which makes many references to stoning woman. Or was it beheading? I can't remember.
Your Bible also says women who lose their virginity while living in their fathers home should be stoned to death by the men of the town. There was also a big boat with two of every animal and the earth is six thousand years old.

Live your life according to an old book. Actually, you don’t live your life the way Jesus would have you do it. Every post you make proves that.
Just when I think you can't possibly be more ignorant, you come back with a post like this speaking about women an virginity stoning them to death. You really do need help...and once again, I'll help you get it.

I personally don't know how old this sphere is, as I wasn't around to see the beginning, nor were you. You're sinking Bob, and you're sinking ever so fast.

Take some time away...this isn't worth what it's doing to your mind.
Just when I think you can't possibly be more ignorant, you come back with a post like this speaking about women an virginity stoning them to death. You really do need help...and once again, I'll help you get it.

I personally don't know how old this sphere is, as I wasn't around to see the beginning, nor were you. You're sinking Bob, and you're sinking ever so fast.

Take some time away...this isn't worth what it's doing to your mind.
Your Bible says it.

I mean, you live your life according to this book right? You’re sure Biden is a false prophet according to it. Do you reserve the right to be selective about what passages in the Bible you adhere to and those you don’t?

Maybe you should read up on what the Bible says about judging others. You just did it…….and do it daily on this forum. you judge,use, it will be measured to you.

Because none of were around when the earth was created, you’re saying there’s no way we really know? We do. It’s called SCIENCE FFS.
My bible says this about Biden....

Matthew 7:15-16
“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?

And Bedpan doesn't have rallies because he can't remember what to say. Plus, he'd get lost coming on stage.
Here’s one right up your alley. Julie claims God speaks to her and she relays his messages.

I guess the “False prophet” label fits her well considering the verdict.

Why didn’t God the outcome of the trial?