Sports oriented Brie Larson on Kimmel tonight, very impressive

The criminal President was impeached last night. A great day for the country.

Exactly how has this witch hunt made this country better? A bunch of butthurt Dems deciding to obstruct a duly elected President at every turn, because they lost an election, that they had cheated to win and couldn't get past it. HRC used Super Delegates and cheated on debates to take out Bernie, then HRC and the DNC paid for the Steele Dossier to take out Trump and still couldn't win. Then they blame Trump for cheating and the MSM goes along in lockstep with the narrative. Sadly, you're dumb enough to believe this is a good thing. This underhanded process is tearing the country apart.
Exactly how has this witch hunt made this country better? A bunch of butthurt Dems deciding to obstruct a duly elected President at every turn, because they lost an election, that they had cheated to win and couldn't get past it. HRC used Super Delegates and cheated on debates to take out Bernie, then HRC and the DNC paid for the Steele Dossier to take out Trump and still couldn't win. Then they blame Trump for cheating and the MSM goes along in lockstep with the narrative. Sadly, you're dumb enough to believe this is a good thing. This underhanded process is tearing the country apart.
Taking a stand that corruption and criminality will not be tolerated is a good thing. Those that voted no last night will forever carry that stain.
You ever heard women talk about Channing Tatum or Brad Pitt or any other dude that you want to name? I’m so sick of people acting like they are better than this. No one is better than this. Women, men, trans, gay, bi, lesbians. Everyone does this shit. It’s not a man thing. Get over it or learn to ignore it, it’s not going anywhere. Ever. And notice, I’m not one of the people making these comments, I’m also not going to pretend I’ve never said something like it. Everyone does.

No, sir! Folks don't get to say, "A vapid head attached to a pair of large tits."

She's an Academy Award-winning (and very young) actress. No way. Nobody wants their daughters spoken to like cut the a$$hole routine and be a human.
No, sir! Folks don't get to say, "A vapid head attached to a pair of large tits."

She's an Academy Award-winning (and very young) actress. No way. Nobody wants their daughters spoken to like cut the a$$hole routine and be a human.
I’d say you’re the only one being an asshole here sir. I’m all for your intention, but your smug and off base on this one.
This thread is really going places.
I’d say you’re the only one being an asshole here sir. I’m all for your intention, but your smug and off base on this one.
C'Mon "A vapid head attached to a pair of large tits." isn't standard locker room stuff. So much wrapped up in that. I'm not the PC police by any means but that's a shitty thing to say considering I assume the poster never met her or been offended by her.
C'Mon "A vapid head attached to a pair of large tits." isn't standard locker room stuff. So much wrapped up in that. I'm not the PC police by any means but that's a shitty thing to say considering I assume the poster never met her or been offended by her.
I’m also not who said it. I didn’t say I agreed with it.
yeah, I got you. said the poster. I don't think Relio is off base or smug for calling this one out.
That’s fine man, I get it. Different perspective I guess. I have a daughter, didn’t think anything of the comment. I’ve heard much worse, from men and women. That’s why I don’t get calling it misogynistic. That’s bull shit, women are worse than men when it comes to this kind of talk and behavior.
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Taking a stand that corruption and criminality will not be tolerated is a good thing. Those that voted no last night will forever carry that stain.

Having Adam Schiff lie for three years does not give you the moral high ground. He said he had absolute proof that Trump colluded with the Russians. I would have expected it to come out in the hearings, but it never did, since Schiff was lying every time he opened his mouth.

During the hearings, every one of the witnesses the Dems called was a hearsay witness, except one, Ambassador Sondland. He testified to the Dems in the morning that he thought Trump wanted quid pro quo. When the Reps questioned him in the afternoon, he admitted that Trump never told him that withholding funds was conditional on an investigation of the Bidens. He admitted that he PRESUMED that and that later Trump told him, "No quid pro quo". Sondland was the ONLY fact witness in the hearing and he supported what Trump had said, so where is the crime?

Trump used executive privilege, but the Dems were on a tight timeline to get the impeachment done to affect the next election, so they didn't want to waste time in the courts to get the witnesses/documents on which Trump had claimed executive privilege. Then they charged him with an article of impeachment for claiming executive privilege (Obstruction of Congress). The way the Dems handled this whole process is nothing to be proud of.

Didn't Pelosi say that she wouldn't go ahead with the impeachment process, unless there was overwhelming evidence (there wasn't) and bipartisan support (only bipartisan support was against impeachment)? Pelosi didn't meet any of the criteria that she had set, yet she went ahead with the impeachment? Why? The answer is simple. They knew they couldn't keep Trump from being reelected any other way, so they were going to "muddy him up" as much as possible with a lot of unfounded charges and innuendo. Partisan politics at it's dirtiest and you think this is a good thing?
I said it. Perhaps a little harsh.... but if she wants to be taken seriously as an actress, I have to wonder why she appeared on mainstream tv with her boobs pretty much on display last night.

Once again, I have succeeded in my daily quest to piss off a segment of this board. My work here is done for today
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I’d say you’re the only one being an asshole here sir. I’m all for your intention, but your smug and off base on this one.

Don't project that on me, dude. There's nothing "smug" about noting that contempt for young women isn't acceptable.

"Come on, man. Be better."
"Misogyny isn't cool. She's an Oscar-winning actress for "Room."
Don't project that on me, dude. There's nothing "smug" about noting that contempt for young women isn't acceptable.

"Come on, man. Be better."
"Misogyny isn't cool. She's an Oscar-winning actress for "Room."
So you’re saying if she wasn’t an Oscar winning actress it would be ok? I just want to understand your rules for society.
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Why do so many threads here have to turn into some kind of petty argument that very often has nothing to do with Purdue sports?
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Seriously, some people on this board. These are the times that you wish codgers were never taught by their grandkids to use the internet. Your jokes aren't funny and nobody cares that you think some woman you saw on the TV is attractive.
GOP'ers on this board complain about politics being inserted into everything (because their party and president are a complete embarrassment) then turn around and politicize every post that is about a person, show or news story who they deem to be liberal with backhanded, racist or sexist comments. Love this place.
You’re an idiot.
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GOP'ers on this board complain about politics being inserted into everything (because their party and president are a complete embarrassment) then turn around and politicize every post that is about a person, show or news story who they deem to be liberal with backhanded, racist or sexist comments. Love this place.
I am not embarrassed by my president at all. I like making more, saving more, watching my friends and family gain employment and gain more of a slice of the pie then they've ever had in their lives.
I am not embarrassed by my president at all. I like making more, saving more, watching my friends and family gain employment and gain more of a slice of the pie then they've ever had in their lives.
You enjoy the way Trump conducts himself? No integrity eh?
You enjoy the way Trump conducts himself? No integrity eh?
How he conducts himself has nothing to do with my personal philosophy that less government is a good thing. Dude you don't have to tell me about integrity. Just like I would not presume to tell you about integrity. I don't know you. Neither of us personally knows the president. All you know is what you hear and/or see in the newspapers. You should also know that the folks that populate those newspapers hate the president. Don't lose sight of that. I just don't agree with your politics. That does not make you a bad person it makes you someone that does not agree with me which is ok. Please don't presume to know about MY integrity. Thanks in advance....
Having Adam Schiff lie for three years does not give you the moral high ground. He said he had absolute proof that Trump colluded with the Russians. I would have expected it to come out in the hearings, but it never did, since Schiff was lying every time he opened his mouth.

During the hearings, every one of the witnesses the Dems called was a hearsay witness, except one, Ambassador Sondland. He testified to the Dems in the morning that he thought Trump wanted quid pro quo. When the Reps questioned him in the afternoon, he admitted that Trump never told him that withholding funds was conditional on an investigation of the Bidens. He admitted that he PRESUMED that and that later Trump told him, "No quid pro quo". Sondland was the ONLY fact witness in the hearing and he supported what Trump had said, so where is the crime?

Trump used executive privilege, but the Dems were on a tight timeline to get the impeachment done to affect the next election, so they didn't want to waste time in the courts to get the witnesses/documents on which Trump had claimed executive privilege. Then they charged him with an article of impeachment for claiming executive privilege (Obstruction of Congress). The way the Dems handled this whole process is nothing to be proud of.

Didn't Pelosi say that she wouldn't go ahead with the impeachment process, unless there was overwhelming evidence (there wasn't) and bipartisan support (only bipartisan support was against impeachment)? Pelosi didn't meet any of the criteria that she had set, yet she went ahead with the impeachment? Why? The answer is simple. They knew they couldn't keep Trump from being reelected any other way, so they were going to "muddy him up" as much as possible with a lot of unfounded charges and innuendo. Partisan politics at it's dirtiest and you think this is a good thing?

This - all of it.
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How he conducts himself has nothing to do with my personal philosophy that less government is a good thing. Dude you don't have to tell me about integrity. Just like I would not presume to tell you about integrity. I don't know you. Neither of us personally knows the president. All you know is what you hear and/or see in the newspapers. You should also know that the folks that populate those newspapers hate the president. Don't lose sight of that. I just don't agree with your politics. That does not make you a bad person it makes you someone that does not agree with me which is ok. Please don't presume to know about MY integrity. Thanks in advance....
You can’t blame the newspapers. You can read his twitter feed, you can watch videos the the words coming directly out of the piece of shit’s mouth. There’s no spin there from the newspaper, it’s directly from the source. Supporting Trump means you have no integrity, it’s simple as that. Trump is a bad person, supporting him is a mark on you as well.
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You can’t blame the newspapers. You can read his twitter feed, you can watch videos the the words coming directly out of the piece of shit’s mouth. There’s no spin there from the newspaper, it’s directly from the source. Supporting Trump means you have no integrity, it’s simple as that. Trump is a bad person, supporting him is a mark on you as well.
So tell us 35 which dipshit we are watching do you support ? Tell us how much integrity they all have. Your BS is really old telling us all we have no integrity blah blah but I am 35 and better than everyone else GTH
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So tell us 35 which dipshit we are watching do you support ? Tell us how much integrity they all have. Your BS is really old telling us all we have no integrity blah blah but I am 35 and better than everyone else GTH
Did any of them attack and widow and her dead husband for no reason at all. Did any of them mock someone for their disability? No? Then every single one of them has more integrity than Trump. And yes, I’m much better than you, in every conceivable way.
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