Residents of DeSantistan


Jan 27, 2007
North Carolina
Agree with most of this. Sets some ground rules for Never trumpers re DeSantis.

Dear Residents of DeSantistan,

It’s nice to hear from you. I notice you have had some harsh words for Mr. Trump of late. You might even think he’s a Bad Orange Man? Concur! So lucky for you to have been awoken from your torpor on this matter at the most convenient time imaginable.

Before we get to the meat of my correspondence, I do have to mention that we missed having you on board these past few annums: During the 2016 general election, Impeachment One, the 2020 Republican primary, the 2020 general election, the alarming interregnum, the 2021 Georgia run-off, Impeachment Two, opposing the Trump election deniers in the 2022 midterms, and the recent FBI raid on the former president’s home.

Better late than never.

It’s especially nice to hear that your candidate plans to challenge and defeat Mr. Trump once and for-all. Though you might forgive a bit of tepidness in our anticipation for this event given that he hasn’t actually done anything yet and we’ve been disappointed by your ilk so many times before (see above).

You also might forgive those of us who have spent seven years fighting Trump if we are not super thrilled to jump on board with someone described by Rich Lowryas being not just from the “Trump Wing” of the party but the “Trump fuselage, wing and landing gear.” (This was intended, I believe, as a compliment).

Bearing all that in mind, I want to put forth what I, as a charter Never Trumper, will do and not do in order to provide the aid and comfort you are demanding for your chosen candidate’s campaign against the former president.

Agree with most of this. Sets some ground rules for Never trumpers re DeSantis.

Dear Residents of DeSantistan,

It’s nice to hear from you. I notice you have had some harsh words for Mr. Trump of late. You might even think he’s a Bad Orange Man? Concur! So lucky for you to have been awoken from your torpor on this matter at the most convenient time imaginable.

Before we get to the meat of my correspondence, I do have to mention that we missed having you on board these past few annums: During the 2016 general election, Impeachment One, the 2020 Republican primary, the 2020 general election, the alarming interregnum, the 2021 Georgia run-off, Impeachment Two, opposing the Trump election deniers in the 2022 midterms, and the recent FBI raid on the former president’s home.

Better late than never.

It’s especially nice to hear that your candidate plans to challenge and defeat Mr. Trump once and for-all. Though you might forgive a bit of tepidness in our anticipation for this event given that he hasn’t actually done anything yet and we’ve been disappointed by your ilk so many times before (see above).

You also might forgive those of us who have spent seven years fighting Trump if we are not super thrilled to jump on board with someone described by Rich Lowryas being not just from the “Trump Wing” of the party but the “Trump fuselage, wing and landing gear.” (This was intended, I believe, as a compliment).

Bearing all that in mind, I want to put forth what I, as a charter Never Trumper, will do and not do in order to provide the aid and comfort you are demanding for your chosen candidate’s campaign against the former president.

So after that entire screed, this pompous jackwad says he’s for Larry Hogan (not a snowball’s chance in hell) or Liz Cheney (less than a snowball’s chance in hell). Basically, this guy is a Democrat at this point and who really cares what he thinks?
Agree with most of this. Sets some ground rules for Never trumpers re DeSantis.

Dear Residents of DeSantistan,

It’s nice to hear from you. I notice you have had some harsh words for Mr. Trump of late. You might even think he’s a Bad Orange Man? Concur! So lucky for you to have been awoken from your torpor on this matter at the most convenient time imaginable.

Before we get to the meat of my correspondence, I do have to mention that we missed having you on board these past few annums: During the 2016 general election, Impeachment One, the 2020 Republican primary, the 2020 general election, the alarming interregnum, the 2021 Georgia run-off, Impeachment Two, opposing the Trump election deniers in the 2022 midterms, and the recent FBI raid on the former president’s home.

Better late than never.

It’s especially nice to hear that your candidate plans to challenge and defeat Mr. Trump once and for-all. Though you might forgive a bit of tepidness in our anticipation for this event given that he hasn’t actually done anything yet and we’ve been disappointed by your ilk so many times before (see above).

You also might forgive those of us who have spent seven years fighting Trump if we are not super thrilled to jump on board with someone described by Rich Lowryas being not just from the “Trump Wing” of the party but the “Trump fuselage, wing and landing gear.” (This was intended, I believe, as a compliment).

Bearing all that in mind, I want to put forth what I, as a charter Never Trumper, will do and not do in order to provide the aid and comfort you are demanding for your chosen candidate’s campaign against the former president.

Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump
Bob is very worried that DeSantis is going to win the Repub nomination.
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DeSantis is smart, sane, and studies before he speaks or acts. I'm a fan.

More importantly, DeSantis is the best hope of slaying that nasty, treasonous, idiot who has so damaged the Country and the Republican party, Donnie J "Kanye" Trump.
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So after that entire screed, this pompous jackwad says he’s for Larry Hogan (not a snowball’s chance in hell) or Liz Cheney (less than a snowball’s chance in hell). Basically, this guy is a Democrat at this point and who really cares what he thinks?
So you believe in voting only for people who have a chance to win. Their positions on issues or their intelligence or their character mean nothing.
Miller is basically a democrat? Why? Because he’s anti trump? When are you going to truly divorce yourself from trump…….and consequently admit that republicans that don’t support him WERE FREAKIN RIGHT about him? You are going to support DeSantis over Trump correct? Then why are you hanging on to the cult of personality BS of trump? Why do you still automatically fall back into trump mode?

Miller is a gay Republican. You need more of those. He’s a former RNC spokesman and right wing hit man back when republicans were sane. A democrat? This guy has forgot more about Republican politics than you’ll ever know. You don’t have to agree with him, but you might think about dropping your trump baggage and accepting some of these people back into your idea of the Republican Party. God knows you’re going to need them.
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Bob is very worried that DeSantis is going to win the Repub nomination.
Well the greatest president in your lifetime is beginning to suck wind so you’re going to start on with the next guy, talking sh!t when you don’t even know if he’s going to run.

What’s your catch phrases going to be this time……..because ironically, your worship of trump seems to have died on the cross of “mean tweets” and “orange man bad”. Oh wait……this is where we hear the soon to be classic “love the policy, hate the man” excuse. Give me a freakin nickel for every time I hear a “former” Trumper say that.

I’m simply laying out my position at this point in time so all you guys can start making predictions that will be wrong and giving you the target you can’t seem to resist. The piece made some excellent points which, per usual, you don’t want to talk about. Just talk smack, stay angry and attack the guy who you have come to realize was right about trump all along.
He shouldn’t because he said he’s an independent who has voted Republican in the past.
So you decided to crawl out of midterm hole you dug for yourself? That was classic.

You have something to say about me, I’m right here. You’re real good at taking potshots from the cheap seats.

As the piece implied, if you idiots would get rid of the anchor that is trump you might get more people like me to vote Republican. But no, just stay pissed off, attack the people…….and the voting methods…….that might help you actually win elections. That’s working well for you.
Is this "never Trumpers" admitting their dislike of Trump is entirely emotional? DeSantis is basically Trump policy but without the Trump ego or mouth; something I would have preferred from the beginning, but no one else was willing to even try to do anything about illegal immigration (short of amnesty) or curtailing the US "policeman of the world" foreign policy. Yeah, Trump's an egomaniacal a-hole (most politicians are, even if they're much less obvious about it), we've all known that from the beginning.

I suspect DeSantis will get the nomination if he runs. Then, the left can commence making him a "Nazi" like they did to George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney before him.
So you decided to crawl out of midterm hole you dug for yourself? That was classic.

You have something to say about me, I’m right here. You’re real good at taking potshots from the cheap seats.

As the piece implied, if you idiots would get rid of the anchor that is trump you might get more people like me to vote Republican. But no, just stay pissed off, attack the people…….and the voting methods…….that might help you actually win elections. That’s working well for you.
Truth be known I have been on the new On3 board and haven't paid much attention to this board anymore . The irony of your TDS posts is striking BRINO (Bob Republican In Name Only)
So you decided to crawl out of midterm hole you dug for yourself? That was classic.

You have something to say about me, I’m right here. You’re real good at taking potshots from the cheap seats.

As the piece implied, if you idiots would get rid of the anchor that is trump you might get more people like me to vote Republican. But no, just stay pissed off, attack the people…….and the voting methods…….that might help you actually win elections. That’s working well for you.
You need to stop listening to the lies about Trump. THAT'S the biggest issue. Like others have said, we've all known that Trump is a blow hard, but his policies were outstanding. List the ones that he did that weren't good for the US. Sounds like you've been asked to do so before and can't.
You need to stop listening to the lies about Trump. THAT'S the biggest issue. Like others have said, we've all known that Trump is a blow hard, but his policies were outstanding. List the ones that he did that weren't good for the US. Sounds like you've been asked to do so before and can't.
Sounds like? You believe him? This crap has been hashed over for years. Why would I possibly want to go down that rabbit hole again with you or him? I didn’t like unprecedented tax cuts for corporations that inflated the deficit. You did. I didn’t like an illegally funded wall that’s falling down. You did. I didn’t like alienating Europe and and threatening to leave NATO over cash, an agreement trump didn’t understand and misrepresented every time he opened his mouth. You did. I didn’t like trump fell in love with a brutal dictator. You did, why I don’t know. This is the same sh!t all over again. Me refusing to waste my time is not me saying trumps policies were good. You understand that right?

Anyway, why would I give a FF about what you think? You’re an election denier. Lol. I mean, you JUST SAID the biggest problem is the lies told ABOUT TRUMP. You’re no different than the hayseeds at the Trump rallies that say he’s still president lol.
Is this "never Trumpers" admitting their dislike of Trump is entirely emotional? DeSantis is basically Trump policy but without the Trump ego or mouth; something I would have preferred from the beginning, but no one else was willing to even try to do anything about illegal immigration (short of amnesty) or curtailing the US "policeman of the world" foreign policy. Yeah, Trump's an egomaniacal a-hole (most politicians are, even if they're much less obvious about it), we've all known that from the beginning.

I suspect DeSantis will get the nomination if he runs. Then, the left can commence making him a "Nazi" like they did to George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney before him.
The way this lie so easily rolls right out, I tell you what……
So you believe in voting only for people who have a chance to win. Their positions on issues or their intelligence or their character mean nothing.
Miller is basically a democrat? Why? Because he’s anti trump? When are you going to truly divorce yourself from trump…….and consequently admit that republicans that don’t support him WERE FREAKIN RIGHT about him? You are going to support DeSantis over Trump correct? Then why are you hanging on to the cult of personality BS of trump? Why do you still automatically fall back into trump mode?

Miller is a gay Republican. You need more of those. He’s a former RNC spokesman and right wing hit man back when republicans were sane. A democrat? This guy has forgot more about Republican politics than you’ll ever know. You don’t have to agree with him, but you might think about dropping your trump baggage and accepting some of these people back into your idea of the Republican Party. God knows you’re going to need them.
Of course I support DeSantis over Trump. DeSantis doesn’t need losers like Miller dictating the terms by which washed-up politicos like Miller will vote for him. Most non-politicos who are Rs or independents who are persuadable don’t want Biden for another 4 years because he and the Ds have awful, destructive policies. Biden is destroying the economy and another 2 years of this will drive the American people to look for a change. “It’s the economy, stupid.” Most people are tired of Trump and his antics. Donald is poking at DeSantis because he knows DeSantis has momentum and Donald is running on fumes. Most of his high-profile 2022 slate has taken Ls. If Walker loses in GA to Pastor Warnock, which is a 50/50 proposition, Donald will rightly get the blame. Of course I’m going to support DeSantis. Trump is toxic and has basically lost 3 elections in-a-row. His slate of candidates basically got shellacked in 2022.

Larry Hogan and Liz Chaney have no chance to win in 2024. Tulsi Gabbard would perform better than either of them and she’s technically not even a R.
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So you believe in voting only for people who have a chance to win. Their positions on issues or their intelligence or their character mean nothing.
Miller is basically a democrat? Why? Because he’s anti trump? When are you going to truly divorce yourself from trump…….and consequently admit that republicans that don’t support him WERE FREAKIN RIGHT about him? You are going to support DeSantis over Trump correct? Then why are you hanging on to the cult of personality BS of trump? Why do you still automatically fall back into trump mode?

Miller is a gay Republican. You need more of those. He’s a former RNC spokesman and right wing hit man back when republicans were sane. A democrat? This guy has forgot more about Republican politics than you’ll ever know. You don’t have to agree with him, but you might think about dropping your trump baggage and accepting some of these people back into your idea of the Republican Party. God knows you’re going to need them.
Why do Republicans need more gay politicians?
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And why do we need ANYONE from losing teams like Jeb’s.

Oh wait- I forgot Bob is a fan of loser Repubs like Steve Schmidt.
Yeah, keep listening to and doing what trump says. Are you tired of winning yet?

You idiots are so busy being angry and looking for people to attack you’re losing sight of reality. The never trumpers were right. I guess that means you’ll never listen to them again. Good strategy.
Why do Republicans need more gay politicians?
Do you have some issue that doesn’t allow you to read and retain? Miller isn’t a politician. He’s a gay Republican strategist, who happened to be right about trump.

You need more gay VOTERS, not politicians.

The democrats have won the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 presidential elections. I think you need all the votes you can get.

But by all means, don’t adapt to the changing demographics. Instead, you should continue to take the party back to the ‘50s. That’s working well for you.
Yeah, keep listening to and doing what trump says. Are you tired of winning yet?

You idiots are so busy being angry and looking for people to attack you’re losing sight of reality. The never trumpers were right. I guess that means you’ll never listen to them again. Good strategy.
For all his faults, Trump has won 1 more national election than this bozo or your boy Steve Schmidt.
Yeah, keep listening to and doing what trump says. Are you tired of winning yet?

You idiots are so busy being angry and looking for people to attack you’re losing sight of reality. The never trumpers were right. I guess that means you’ll never listen to them again. Good strategy.
For all his faults, Trump has won 1 more national election than this bozo or your boy Steve Schmidt.
So why would DeSantis have no chance against a lying dementia patient who’s dumber than a bag of hammers ?
Hey, hey, HEY now!

When DeSantis runs against Trump, yes, Trump will be lying, demented, and dumber than a bag of hammers, but Trump will not agree to treatment so he will NOT be a patient!

So you should take that part of your unwarranted Trump insult back.
Hey, hey, HEY now!

When DeSantis runs against Trump, yes, Trump will be lying, demented, and dumber than a bag of hammers, but Trump will not agree to treatment so he will NOT be a patient!

So you should take that part of your unwarranted Trump insult back.
You voted for this idiot ?
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You voted for this idiot ?
Solely because of who he ran against. And I don't regret it.

For the nation I love, there is nothing I would love to see more than a DeSantis/Haley/Tim Scott vs. Klobuchar/Chris Murphy type matchup next time.

Better yet - think of all of the great PR and NIL opportunities for IU if Mark Cuban gets into the White House! :)
Solely because of who he ran against. And I don't regret it.

For the nation I love, there is nothing I would love to see more than a DeSantis/Haley/Tim Scott vs. Klobuchar/Chris Murphy type matchup next time.

Better yet - think of all of the great PR and NIL opportunities for IU if Mark Cuban gets into the White House! :)
So you voted for a lying dementia patient who’s dumber than a bag of hammers.
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