reasonableguy = Mr Krabz?

Nov 24, 2012
anybody remember lame troller mr krabz from years and years ago? Maybe the comparisons already been made, but this is
whom reasonableguy reminds me of. Same schtick : juvenile attempts at humor which lead to being ignored, which leads to
stepping over the line for attention, which leads to banning, which leads to rebirth under multiple names so one can answer
oneself when still being ignored, to really jumping the shark and going to PEEGS for attention and even being ignored there. When
will he head to the General Discussion forum where simply typing the words liberal or conservative brings a shit storm of fire
and brimstone thus bringing the missing attention so craved. Is it really Krabz? Of course if it were, he'd be at least in his late
teens by now.
He is Tom Crean's gimp. Who else would endlessly profess that such a lame dude is a stud. Tom has probably threatened to withhold his "attention" from reasonableguy if he stops the barrage of posts.