POLL: End birthright citizenship


Oct 29, 2001
Along with being stupid, it is a magnet for illegal immigration. We need to take away the incentives people have to come here illegally, not reward them.
I'd prefer all sorts of people as citizens over you.
This is a legitimate question. There is a lot of abuse of our system based on birthright citizenship.
There are also a lot of stories out there of people getting hounded by the IRS that did not even realize that they were citizens if the US simply because they were born here but left soon after.
Originally posted by tantalum:
This is a legitimate question. There is a lot of abuse of our system based on birthright citizenship.
There are also a lot of stories out there of people getting hounded by the IRS that did not even realize that they were citizens if the US simply because they were born here but left soon after.
Modifying it might be a legitimate question...but ending it is ridiculous. (Also, GMM never posts anything to be a "legitimate question" - he's only interested in right wing propaganda).

I think an immigration reform bill centered around the GOP allowing a path to citizenship and the Dems amending birthright citizenship (perhaps so that you only gain birthright citizenship if one of your parents is a citizen, and not simply by virtue of birth location) would be interesting.
Originally posted by pastorjoeboggs:

Originally posted by tantalum:
This is a legitimate question. There is a lot of abuse of our system based on birthright citizenship.
There are also a lot of stories out there of people getting hounded by the IRS that did not even realize that they were citizens if the US simply because they were born here but left soon after.
Modifying it might be a legitimate question...but ending it is ridiculous. (Also, GMM never posts anything to be a "legitimate question" - he's only interested in right wing propaganda).

I think an immigration reform bill centered around the GOP allowing a path to citizenship and the Dems amending birthright citizenship (perhaps so that you only gain birthright citizenship if one of your parents is a citizen, and not simply by virtue of birth location) would be interesting.
and "Pastor"joe is only interested in left wing propaganda.
Yes, because the actual contet of my post, which suggested a change to birthright citizenship, is clearly "liberal" - as is my support for the Keystone XL pipeline.

The problem with you rabid teabaggers is that you can't recognize anything moderate. If anyone isn't in full agreement with you, they must be a liberal.
So reasonable!


Tell us why ending it is "ridiculous". Is it ridiculous that numerous other countries don't allow birthright citizenship? Is it ridiculous to acknowledge that the Constitution makes a distinction between people born here as to whether or not they're citizens?

For someone who claims to be "resonable" and "moderate" you sound a lot like the typical leftist fascist who just wants to shut down the debate. No tolerance for disagreement at all. Just name-calling and Alinskyite tactics.
The problem with you rabid teabaggers......

So reasonable! So moderate!

Curious, what other sexual slurs do you use in your sermons?
I know, just like the Democrats

They'd prefer all sorts of people living here instead of a majority of the ones already living here. The left despises the American people. Especially, to use your terminology, a certain subset. So, they're setting out to replace them.
Originally posted by GMM:
The problem with you rabid teabaggers......

So reasonable! So moderate!

Curious, what other sexual slurs do you use in your sermons?
Touche. I lost my cool on the teabaggers thing. I should have just said "tea partiers."
Originally posted by LSLBoiler:
US citizenship is already granted if one parent is a US citizen, regardless of place of birth.
I know this. I always thought that it worked the other way, too - if you were born on US soil, you were a US citizen regardless of your parents' citizenship.

If I'm wrong about that, well, it wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong in the last five minutes...

If I'm right, though, that's the portion of birthright citizenship that I think could change.

You guys started the TEABAGGERS term. Just another example of how smart you all are and the kind of foresight, (or might that be foreskin?) you guys have.

Get off pastorejoe's back, or maybe you like it that way? I doubt he even knew its true pejorative meaning, but it seems you all do. How is that even possible from the party of family values?


More Faux Outrage or Is it Re-Righting History?
Originally posted by Casey and his Brother:
What kind of pastor uses a term like teabagger? Must be a church of a different type of bags.
I already admitted it was a poor choice of words. I let myself get caught up in the debate and wrote something stupid. You've never done that?

I would edit it, but it not only does that seem disingenuous, it wouldn't change the quoted version in GMM's reply. So I left it - it's a good reminder to me that I have to do better at choosing my words.
Yes, being born on US soil grants citizenship regardless of that of the parents. There have been a growing number of people renouncing their citizenship the past couple years. The far right mischaracterizes this as being some sort of anti-government action when the fact is the majority of those taking this action are people born in the US while their parents were here as expats and moved back to their home countries while stills children. The IRS has been stepping-up their attempts to collect income taxes from these people because they are US citizens even though they earn zero income in the US. This is due to the rediculous "citizenship-based" tax laws we have compared to the rest of the world where taxation is "residence-based." Many of these people have not been to the USA in decades yet our government and its f'ed-up tax code/IRS Believes it's OK to take steps to collect a pound of flesh.
Re: So reasonable!

typical leftist fascist...[j]ust name-calling

GMM you crack me up as usual.