Okay, It happened


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2006
We beat Cinn and then it's Kentucky. But we're higher than thought. We were the last 9 seed.
Originally posted by GemstateBoiler:
We beat Cinn and then it's Kentucky. But we're higher than thought. We were the last 9 seed.
Cincy's interim coach is from Selma, Indiana, just down the road from Delta where CMP played. Should be a battle, and Boiler fans every where should get ready to upset UK.

Great seed for PU.
Great seed? I'd much rather be the 10 seed. Or any other 9 seed really.

The potential to play UK in the second round is horrible. I had visions of Purdue making the E8 this year. Now, I'll be happy if we get within 20 of Kentucky.
The 2nd half of the Wisconsin game should have been a wakeup call for even the most rabid Boiler fan to the limitations of this Purdue team. Beat Cincy and if they lose to Kentucky a very good season. Considering the youth of Purdue playing in the NCAA will be good experience.
Have to beat Cincy first, but could you imagine beating Kentucky. More people would remember that than the tournament winner. Going to have to play the game of their lives though. The miracle on hardwood. It would be one of the great sports upsets of the century.
The wisconsin was an eye opener only for those who thought Purdue was one of the top 5 or 6 teams in the nation.

I think Purdue can play with Gonzaga or Arizona. But not Kentucky.

Advancing in the tournament matters. That's why I'm disappointed with this seed.
Yes, worst possible deal for boilers. Even if they beat Cincy, they get the prize of playing KY.....which if they do beat Cincy they will play w/ Kentucky for about a half.....just too limited offensively to advance far.

Is it me - or do the Boilers end up in these 8/9 games a lot??? A 10 seed would have been so, so much better.
Absolutely. Beat Cincinnati.

Playing with "house money". If we beat Cincy, we are *really* playing with house money :D.

Also, do we still have the longest streak of winning at least one game in the tournament (when in it)? That would be something (if small) to play for.
Need to start thinking like a champion

Yes, Cincy first, but let's talk about the fear some are expressing about game 2...

If Duke or Kansas was having a down year & was seeded 9 with a chance at #1 UK in the second game, would they fear or embrace the opportunity?

Even if we lose, this is a good chance for a team losing only one or two players for next year to fully realize how good they need to be. And it is a great chance for AJ, JO, and others with pro aspirations to show the world what they can do against a team of future pros. There is no better stage to be found for them.

And I believe they can win. They will need luck on their side, because UK is a ridiculously talented team, but it can be done. They are not better than us at every position in every way. More improbable upsets have been accomplished in sports.

Boiler the hell UP!