OK, qazplm (and others), what did you think of The Last Man on Earth finale?


Jun 19, 2001
***spoiler alert*** (And if you have never seen the show, I would highly recommend you watch it. First episode starts slow, but I think you'll be hooked after the second.)

I thought it was a great ending to a really good first season. And I'm sure you figured out who the last person in the episode is (not going to give away too much in case you have not watched it yet). It will be interesting to see what they do with him (Jason Sudeikis) next season.

The two articles linked below are really interesting. The first half of the first one (second half is merely a rehash of the last episode) points out some things that I didn't know I knew about the show--kind of like how you really like a great wine but aren't necessarily able to verbalize the black cherry combined with the notes of mown hay and spinach). For example:

"It’s clearly a world designed by a cruel intelligence — not the Devil in this case, but a team of sitcom writers. The first of those characters, of course, was Kristen Schaal’s Carol, who at once seemed Phil’s polar opposite and his perfect match. Where she sought order to a fault, he reveled in chaos and destruction. But together, they were dazzling, a mixture of oil and water that creates a swirl of rainbow."

The second article linked below includes an interview with Will Forte about season 2. I assumed that only Phil and Carol were returning for season 2 (and possibly Jason Sudeikis' character), but apparently that is not the case. I also found the discussion of Phil's song really interesting. I expected him to sing a ripoff of some well-known song, but then I could not figure out what song he was singing. Second article explains why. I also like how he compares Bill and Carol to Archie-Edith or Sam-Diane (Cheers). Not that the show or characters are of similar stature, rather that the dynamic between Bill and Carol is similar.

I also like how Forte says that they have never dealt with the virus that killed everyone because "we didn’t think that it was important." It reminds me a little bit of how The Walking Dead deals with the zombie virus. Zombie virus, virus that kills all but a handful of people but there are no bodies, all very far-fetched. However, if you trust viewers to accept one or two far-fetched premises on which a story is based and move on, there is no need to muck everything up by trying to explain how something like that could be real. That's what turned me off of Lost--they kept introducing more and more bizarre, unbelievable things, and it finally got to be too much (not to mention confusing).

All in all, I think it's a great show, and I can't wait for season 2. It's the first sitcom in a long time that I have looked forward to watching every week, despite the fact that I never really cared for Will Forte when he was on SNL. Good stuff.
They were losing me with how just horrible they were making "Tandy" but they rescued it at the end with the decision to have him and Carol go off together. Although I thought they didn't really set up Phil2's aggressive approach to banishment very well. Everything about the character up to that point suggested that if the rest of the community agreed to a truce, he'd honor it, and he certainly had no reason to actually fear Tandy as a legit threat.

At any rate, it will be interesting to see what they do with the brother in the space station and whatnot. I'm not sure how long the Phil and Carol show will be entertaining but the show clearly seems quick to flip around it's concepts even within a single season so I doubt it's stays static for long.

The other show on TV right now I'm digging is Penny Dreadful.